First argument (pt 2)

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Kaminari ~ Kaminari is very friendly. He doesn't realize it, but sometimes he gets to friendly with other girls. Sometimes he'll do it right in front of you. Sometimes you'll walk into a room and see him flirting. You never mentioned it to him because you didn't want to offend him or seem over protective. One day he flipped your switch, you've had enough. You came out of the girls locker room to see Kaminari flirting with Momo. Not to mention his eyes were scanning all over her, especially her chest. You furiously walked over to him. He jumped in surprise and nervousness. "O-Oh h-hey (Y/N)! W-What are y-you doi-" SMACK. You slapped him with all of your power, creating a red hand print on his cheek. "I'M TIRED OF YOU FLIRTING WITH OTHER GIRLS CONSTANTLY! I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND NOT THEM!" At this point your red face was covered with tears. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" You quickly run back into the girls locker room before he can say anything.

Shinsou ~ You've been quiet all week. You haven't been feeling the greatest. Always tired, hungry, or sad. You don't know why though. You have wonderful friends and a lovely boyfriend. You and Shinsou always walk together after school, and usually talk about each other's day. You're the one who talks most of the time, while Shinsou is quieter. But that's the exact opposite today. "I really don't feel like studying for my next test. I mean, what's the point of it anyways. What about you kitten? Do you have any upcoming tests?" He looks at you with a genuine smile, until he sees your facial expression. You looked emotionless, staring straight in front of you. "Did you, hear anything I said kitten?" No response. Hitoshi wasn't the type to get angry, but you were ticking him off a little bit. "Are you not talking to me because of my quirk?" He stops in his tracks, while you stopped a few steps ahead of him. You look back at him, shocked. "Hitoshi... That's not it at all I-" "Then what is it? Why have you been ignoring me these past few days?What did I do wrong? If I did something I need you to tell me." He starts to cry. You've never seen him cry before. "I just, haven't been feeling well the past week, emotionless." He looks up at you. "You could have told me! We could have talked it out! I could have helped you!" You look at him confused with his sudden rage. "I didn't want you to worry about me!" "That's my job! I'm your boyfriend!" "It's not like you're my dad or something! I can't do this right now! Just leave me alone!" You start to run away, hiding your tear covered face. "(Y/N)!" He didn't want to make you more upset, so he didn't chase after you.

Dabi ~ Dabi and Shigaraki were bickering, like usual. You've always hated it but today was just not the day for it. And it was getting out of hand. "Come on you two. Calm down..." Kurogiri was trying his best to calm the two down, like usual. "Patchwork here doesn't seem to understand our plan here! He can't process it through his tiny brain!" Dabi scoffs. "No. Because it's actual bullshit and won't work. It's stupid." Their arguing was making your migraine worse than it was. "Well your girlfriend here helped with her future vision! So I guess you're saying her quirk is stupid and doesn't work!" "I wasn't saying that..." Dabi mutters and looks away from you. "Cat got your tongue patchwork?" You slammed your drink down and stood up. "Can you two shut the hell up for once! Because I used my quirk I now have a migraine! And you both are making it so much fucking worse! SO SHUT THE HELL UP LISTEN TO HIM ONCE DABI! HE OBVIOUSLY KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING AND WE USED MY QUIRK! SO IF YOU CLAIM THAT DOESN'T WORK I GUESS I'M A FAILURE!" You take one last shot and walk away.

Aizawa ~ Your loving, lazy boyfriend has actually been the opposite of lazy. He is constantly busy and working on papers. You've been busy too, but not as quite as him. All you wanted to go on a date, or just cuddle. You walked into the room he was in, working on papers. "Hey sweety, are you almost done?" You wrap your arms around him and set your head on his shoulder. His eyes look at you for a moment, then back to his work. "Sort of, but I still have much more to do... So don't bother me." You get off of him with an annoyed look on your face. You cross your arms and pout. "What do you mean don't bother you? We haven't hung out at all for weeks! I want love from my cuddlebug!" You hear him growl and drop his pen on the desk. He stands up and looks at you. "What don't you understand about not bothering me? I'm busy with this job and hero work! Something you obviously can't seem to understand! So leave me the hell alone!" He quickly sits down and continues his work, leaving you dumbfounded. You quietly walk out the room, doing your best the mute your tears and whimpering.

Monoma ~ Monoma thinks very high of himself. He doesn't realize it, but sometimes the things he says are insulting towards others. Basically, he says that he is better than everyone. You were being bored, stretching out your arm to entertain you. Finally, your boyfriend comes back from the store. "Hello my dearest!" You look up at him and smile. "Hi baby!" You stretch your arm back to normal, and get up quickly to hug him. He hugs back and once you separate you can see his arm stretched out. You giggle. "Really? Now?" He chuckles. "I just wanted to show off my amazing skills." He starts to flex and show off little moves using your quirk. "I think I'm better at your quirk than you are (Y/N)!" Your smile quickly drops. "What?" "I'm getting better at this than you! And this is your quirk!" You clench your fits and grit your teeth. "THAT'S MY QUIRK! NO ONE IT BETTER THAN ME AT IT! IT'S MINE!" He stops using your quirk and looks at you confused. "W-What?" "YOU ALWAYS THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE! WELL THAT'S NOT THE CASE!" "(Y-Y/N) I-" "I'm going on a walk..."

Sorry for the long wait!
I had a little bit of writers block... 🤧 <3

will be making a make up chapter to this!!!

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