You make up (pt 1)

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Midoriya ~ You two haven't spoke in a week. Only good morning and good night texts. You start to regret being so harsh on him, I mean, you could never even understand how much he is going through. You are only in class 1-B, you would have been in class 1-A if it wasn't for your stubbornness. 'I've ruined everything', you thought to yourself. You're honestly surprised at how much Izuku has avoided you. You decided enough was enough and to make ammends. You usually get out of class before him so you waited at the spot you two would meet before to walk together. To pass the time you start to observe everything and every little detail. Before you know it, you hear a bell and students chatting and walking. Your hands start to shake and you feel warmer than usual. Butterflies form when you finally see your broccoli haired partner, with Uraraka. You try to look unbothered 'Of course.' Izuku looks like he is ranting and visibly upset. Finally his eyes drift towards you and stops in his tracks. By now everyone is already gone to go home. Uraraka bites her lip and furrows her brows. "Well I'll see you later Deku! Bye (Y/N)!" Putting on a fake smile you wave and say bye. You walk towards Izuku hiding your face. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. I would have no idea what it's like to be a true hero." Izuku just grabs your hands and makes you look at him, practically already in tears. "No I'm sorry. You were just looking out for me. I let my pride get the best of me." You avoid eye contact, but as soon as you do that he grabs your face and pulls you in for a kiss. You kiss back, almost having tears burst from your (E/C) eyes. "And you're a great hero in my eyes." And now you both are just holding each other, crying of relief.

Bakugou ~ You hear Bakugou yelling and trying to catch up to you. "(Y/N)!" You ignore him, until he grabs your shoulder and makes you lookat him. "Katsuki what?!" He stops to catch his breath. "Why are you so upset?" Your eyes widen. "What do you mean why am I so upset?! I'm tired of seeing you treat people, especially Midoryia, like they are your bully victims!" "Come one it's not a big de-" You interrupt him, "Not a big deal? Not a big deal! Doing that to someone for years on end, every single day puts a toll on them! It can really mess them up!" He tsks and rolls his eyes, a slight breeze is all that is heard. "Why don't you go date Deku then? I really don't understand why you are taking this so personal." You freeze up and start to cry right then and there. "Why I take it so personal? KATSUKI I WAS BULLIED IMMESNLY, I REMEMBER HOW MUCH IT AFFECTED ME! I WOULD NEVER WISH THAT UPON SOMEONE ELSE, NEVER!" Now he freezes up and looks down at you. "(Y-Y/N) I-... I didn't know." You look up at him, "Yeah well now you do!" He just hugs you. You refuse until your softness gives in, you can help but love how he smells like cinnamon and how comforting his hugs are. "Look I won't be so hard on him, I'll try my best not to be so tough, I guess. I'm only doing this for you got it! Don't tell anyone I'm going soft or something..." You smile and sigh, "Ok that's fair."

Todoroki ~ You've looked at Todoroki differently since the incident. Is that really his father coming out in him? Would he treat you like that more and more? You didn't want to believe those thoughts, but you can't help but imagine it. You admit, you have become more distant, and Todoroki has tried many things to cheer you up and move on. But he knows it's just best to talk about it, he hates himself for doing that, for acting that way. He doesn't blame his dad, he blames himself. During lunch today he was eating his regular cold soba noodles, you were just eating a salad. "Hey (Y/N), want some soba?" But he notices you flinch and look at his hand. You quickly look up at him. "Heh, no thanks, but thank you." That moment bothered him for the rest of the day, he couldn't focus. As the end of the day was near, he immediently went to you, he knows he needs to talk about what happened. "(Y/N)." You look up at him. "What I did, wasn't ok, at all. And I am so so sorry for what I did. I noticed you've been flinching and being distant around me, and you have every right to be. I just want you to know I would never hurt you intentionally and I will never do what I did again. I know that is kind of hard to believe but I just needed to tell you that." You start to cry. "I know Shoto, it was just so scary. My hand wasn't hurt bad, just sore." His stomach drops, "Can I... hug you?" You answer him with a hug. He quickly hugs back in relief. "I'm so sorry, I love you sweetheart."

Iida ~ You feel really bad for lashing out on him. He doesn't deserve that, he was just trying to be helpful. You guys didn't have school today so you asked him if he wanted to spend some time with you. Usually he is studying or training but he said yes! You put on the outfit he likes most on you, did you hair and light makeup and went to go meet him. You didn't want to waste any time on apologizing so things wouldn't be so tense. You started to feel happy inside seeing him, he just warmed your heart. "IIDA!" Screaming at the top of your lungs, you run towards him and jump into his arms. "(Y-Y/N)!" He sets you on the ground and blushes while looking at you up and down. You sarcastically joke with him, "Hey! My eyes are up here!" His blush deepens, "O-Of course, I was-sn't, I m-mean-" You cut him off and giggle, "I'm just teasing you!" You frown and put your hands in his, remembering what you wanted to do. "Hey, I'm really sorry about the other day. All you want to do is make sure I'm safe and I completely lashed out on you. But sometimes, I just need to do things on my own and learn from my mistakes, ya know?" He nods, "I know. But you are right, I act too much like a parent and I can be strict. I just really don't want you to get hurt and to help you." You smile and squish his face. "I know you loveable robot." He blushes, "Wow you are really squeezing my face there hun! You've gotten stronger!"

Kirishima ~ You come back from your walk and Kirishima is no where in sight. "Eijiro?" You go to his room and see him with his hair down, sorting clothes. You took some time to think about the situation and argument on your walk and wanted to address it right away. "I shouldn't have gotten so angry. You just want to protect me and be a good boyfriend. I really appreciate that, so thank you." He looks back at you in shame, "I was thinking too and I really should ease up. You are a really strong and independent person, and are fully capable of handling your own battles. I know that! I didn't mean for you to think that I think you're weak. Because you are like, totally not! I mean you're a multiplier! You are way super strong and-" You start to giggle. "You're rambling again babe." He quickly stops and blushes. "Thank you. Ya know you're way super strong too!" You go to hug him and whisper in his ear, "My daddy shark." He tenses up and his blush gets even more visible. "You can be such a tease baby!"

I WANNA APOLOGIZE HOW LIKE EDGY AND BAD MY WRITING CAN BE. LIKE I WAS JUST REREADING THE ARGUMENT CHAPTERS AND ZOO WE MAMA, the second hand embarassment chile. Also I was like, two years younger when I made those lmaooo This is kind of how I express myself in a way, and trauma and mental illness do not clash well 🙈 So ignore my edgyness yall :D But thank you so so much for the support, it means a lot to me! <3

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