CHAPTER 16 Honeymoon (LANA)

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It happened.

After all this time, all the longing and the sweet looks. We had let ourselves go. Let ourselves belong to one another. It was beautiful and tragic. Like a Shakespearean play.

I could feel the skin stretch over my ribs every time I arched my back. Every time she touched me. It was liberating. She made me feel like I was her whole world. That nothing else mattered.

"You diamond..."

Her voice pierced through the veil. It was faint. But I heard it.

It made me bubble and explode hearing that one word. It was so simple yet held so much meaning. I felt like crying and laughing. I was overwhelmed yet utterly blissful.

If given time I felt I could love her. I was already falling for her. Hell, give me another minute and I would be there.

But all good things had to end.

Marina unbound my wrists, not quite meeting my eye. I rubbed the red skin, kissing her shoulder as she slid under the sheets.

I saw now, in the dimly lit room, there were tears beginning to stream down her cheeks. She sniffed quickly, trying to cover it up. I had seen her cry before. But this was different. Not like before with the hyperventilating heaving chest, the shaking shoulders and the strained cry. This time she was controlled.

I had never realised how pretty she was when she cried.

Softly, I placed my open hand on her cheek and pulled her in for a kiss. Salty tears made their way into the mix.

She grabbed my hips and pulled me even closer, until I was sitting in her lap.

Roles reversed.

I kissed her everywhere. Everywhere it hurt. Her bruises although faint weren't the worst of the pain. The worst was her heart and soul. So I soothed them and all the nick's and scars I came across. A constellation of reminders, off what He did to her.

My cinnamon girl. Her taste in my teeth, her scent settling into my skin. Blonde hair tickling my neck. I couldn't get enough of her. My teeth tugged lightly at her bottom lip, savouring the moment. Her eyes rolled back as she smothered a moan into my neck.

Realisation hit me like a ton of bricks. With Larry we were in like with one another, but with Marina I was in love. The pure kind we all dream off. I felt like I was finally there. After isolating myself and shutting everyone out.

She nipped lightly at my ear pulling me back into reality. My nails traced her spine, trying to memorise every part of her. Her openness and wanting shocked and delighted me.

When I held her I felt like I was the first who did so without hurting her. 


The silence was chilling.

I could feel my heart beat in my throat.

Finally she spoke. It was unexpected.

"Have you been with anyone else, other than your husband I mean?"


"Neither have I."

"I wish I'd never met him. Never let it get as bad as it had."

"So do I."

"The only good thing that has come from this nightmare has been you."

I could feel myself flush red. I had forgotten myself. Let myself believe in this fantasy bandit life with Marina. Not thinking that the consequences of our actions would catch up to us.

"Where do we go from here?"

"I think I'm in love with you Marina. No. Not think. I am in love with you."

"Do you mean that?"


"So many people in my life have told me those words, why do I feel like you're the only one who truly means it."

"Because I do."

"I've loved you since I first saw you. You were so confident, so free. You were everything I wished I could be. I wish I had met you instead."

"When I first met you I fell for you. I didn't know it was real until I spoke to you, thought maybe I only liked the idea of you. But I was wrong."

"I wish..."

"If wishes were kisses I would smother you with my love."

As I laid back, snuggled into her chest I thought quietly to myself. This was something I had never thought would happen. I would never have even imagined it. Yet here I am living it. We were like sycamore trees, dappled with scars, heavy with leaves. But together we were rooted.


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