Part 25- Let's Get Ugly.

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A Week Later...

Nathan's POV-

The alarm clock started beeping but I turned over to turn it off, I wasn't ready to get out of bed, I hadn't had much sleep again. Just as I was drifting off to sleep again, my phone started vibrating, I turned back over to check my phone, I had a text from Jayne saying,

'Check the papers,'. I wasn't sure what to make of things, as I read the text. I put my phone down on to the table, I quietly crept out of the bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower. After the shower, I went downstairs and made myself a cup of tea before heading to the shops. I then heard Lucy crying, I ran upstairs and attended to her before Amy woke up. I picked her up in my arms and got her dressed and carried her downstairs. I put Lucy into her buggy and left to go to the shops. I was hoping that taking Lucy with me would stop her from crying.

Tom's POV-

It was 10am, and today, I was taking Ams and Lucy to Hastings beach. We haven't really spent that much time together as me and the lads have been busy with the band. I got up out of bed and went running into Amy's room,

'Wake Uppp, We're going to the beach today,' I said excitedly as I jumped onto her bed.

'Tooom,' she grumped as she hit me with the pillow.

'Come on, get up you lazy shit,' I laughed.

''ll wake the baby.' she moaned.

'What baby?' I said looking over at Lucy's cot.

'What are you on about?' she said worriedly as she sat up.

'Lucy's not there,' I said whilst looking at Ams. Amy just looked at me and rushed to Lucy's cot,

'Where's Nath?' I asked her.

'I don't know, I heard him go for a shower but I fell asleep again,' she explained.

'Maybe Nathan has taken her,' I suggested.

'It better be him,' Amy smiled.

'Go and get changed and we will wait for Lucy and get going.' I said with a big grin on my face.

'Okay,' Amy smiled.

Nathan's POV-

I got to the shop and Lucy had finally drifted back to sleep, I picked up the newspaper and read the story on the front page, it said,

'I Made It Up, The Baby Is Not Nathan's.'. I then felt a big grin appear on my face, I went to the counter and paid for the paper, I couldn't wait to get home and show Ams the paper.


I got out of the shower and put on a flowery playsuit and some sandals and a cardigan and loosely curled my hair, it was a sunny day, a good day to go to the beach. Nathan has been gone for ages, I don't what he was doing or where he was. I walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs to make me and Tom a cup of tea, as we waited for Nathan to get home with Lucy. I made the teas and took them into the living room, we were sat watching telly for about 15 minutes when I looked at the time,

'Where the hell is he?' Tom moaned. Nathan had been gone for ages, we needed to get going. I then heard the front door shut, I got up from the sofa to go and see if it was Nathan. I got to the kitchen and saw Nathan walking in with a big grin on his face,

'And where have you been with our daughter?' I asked whilst putting my hands on my hips and raising an eye brow.

'I just popped to the shop, and I took Lucy with me as she was crying and I didn't want her waking up my sleeping beauty,' he said in a husked voice as he moved towards me. He was standing so close to me, so close that there was hardly any space between us. He then snaked his hands around my waist, and smiled,

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