Part 39- Let's Get Ugly.

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Nathan's POV-

A whole day has passed since Lucy was taken, we still haven't heard anything. I tried to make Amy go to bed but she wouldn't listen, she stayed by my side all night. We have also had an officer staying here with us, just incase something comes up. If these girls have got her, I don't see why they took our baby, if they were fans of the band, they would want to make a good impression not make me hate their guts. I wanna go out there and help them find her but they won't let us leave the villa. 

Claire's POV-

The atmosphere in the villa is horrible, it's so quiet, I really hope they find Lucy today, it's been weird not hearing her cry, or laugh. I can't imagine what Amy and Nathan are going through, I would hate to be in their position. There was a knock at the door, I went to answer it and it was the other police officer who was here yesterday.


I am really losing my mind, I need to get out and find my little girl. Claire came back into the living room, followed by another police officer, I moved from Nathan's shoulder and sat up, maybe they have found her. He came and sat by me and Nathan, with a see-through bag, he handed Nathan the bag and asked,

'Is this Lucy's teddy bear?'. Nathan just nodded his head.

'Where did you find it?' I asked him.

'By the sea,' he answered. The sea, when he said that I felt my jaw drop,

'You don't think she's d..ea..d, do you?' Nathan questioned, whilst a tear fell from his eye.

'It's a possibilty..but we are still searching, so please don't start thinking things like that,' the officer revealed. I had to go out and get some air, my 10 month old baby, could be dead, I went outside the back of the villa, to get some fresh air, there was a nice refreshing breeze blowing . I then saw a shadow coming towards me, I thought it would be Nathan, but I turned to find Jay standing there.

'They will find her alive, don't worry. Don't give up hope just yet, Ams.', he then pulled in for a hug,

'Thank you Jay,' I said quietly. I then looked through the window, I saw Tom hugging Nathan, this made me more upset, Jay held me until I stopped crying.

I then felt my phone vibrate, I got it out of my pocket, I had some tweets, from fans saying,

'@TheWanted123- We all hope that Lucy is found alive and well,'

'@NathansSmile94- I hope you and Nathan are OK,'. I skimmed through the tweets, they made me cry, its nice to know people are thinking about us, I then decided to tweet,

'Thank you for all your kind tweets, will keep you updated'. 

Hours Later...

Tom's POV-

Me and Claire left the villa to go down the shop as we needed some milk and we needed the air, we got to the shop and got what we needed. We left the shop and started to head back to the villa, but as we were walking back the people in front of us had dropped their baby's hat, the hat looked familiar, I think Lucy had one like it.I decided to pick it up and return it,I caught up with them, and said,

'Excuse me, but you dropped this hat,'. The girl then turned around with the buggy and in the buggy was Lucy, she looked tired and as if she had been crying.

'That's my niece in that buggy, what the hell are you doing with her?' I shouted.

'Her parents have been going out of their minds, thinking that their baby is dead,' I snapped again. The girl looked like she was about to cry, I turned to look at Claire and she was already on the phone to the police. The girl tried to runaway but I stopped her

'You're not going anywhere, young lady.' I growled.

'Get off me,' she spat. The sound of sirens then filled the air, it was coming closer, the police were finally here. Amy and Nathan came running towards us, Amy was angry, you probably didn't want to mess with her.


I got to Lauren and my god I was angry, I just wanted to knock her out,

'I hope you go down for a long time for this, you stupid little bitch,' I shouted, she just smirked at me.

'Oh, you find this funny do you,' I growled.

'Yes, I do,' she laughed. I just lost it, I slapped her round the face so hard that a hand print was left on the face. Nathan then pulled me away and said,

'Babe, she's not worth it, the most important thing is we have our baby back,'. I then rushed to Lucy and held her in my arms, I have really missed her, she had a smile on her face, tears of joy came streaming down my face.

2 Days Later...

Nathan's POV-

Two days had passed since we got Luce back, me and Ams are heading back to England today. Amy didn't want to stay here any longer which is understandable. The lads and their girls are staying for a bit longer. Amy hasn't let Lucy out of her site, it's great to finally see my girls together again. It is also great to see that beautiful smile back on Ams' face. Amy packed the bags and we said our goodbyes and we made our way to the airport.

We got to the airport and we had to wait for about 2 hours before we could board the plane. Amy fell asleep on my shoulder with Lucy in her arms, so I decided to take a picture on my phone and I tweeted,

'Got my girls back together.', I got loads of replies and Retweets but I'll tweet later.

Jade's POV-

I am so glad that Lucy is back, it was horrible seeing Amy and Nathan like that. Amy and Nath were going home to London, I think Amy was just worried that something else would go wrong whilst they were out here. Now, we can get back to enjoying the holiday.


We boarded the plane and the plane took off, I just didn't want to stay there any more. That place has bad memories, I know if I stayed there, I wouldn't be able to relax. I am just happy to have my baby girl back in my life, things between me and Nathan have been a bit rocky but things will get better. I suppose all the stress of the last few days got to us both, and we didn't mean to say the things that we did. I am just lucky to have him in my life.

End Of Part 39.



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