The End

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This story sucks lol. You guys can come up with your own endings or write your own continuation of this story. Really, I'm being dead serious. I've lost all attachment I originally had to this story. I'm sorry to everyone that enjoyed the story so far.

A lot of writers look back on their old work and cringe. And for me, this story is near the top of the list. I'm proud of a lot of my stories but this one in particular is very mediocre in comparison to other things I've written. 

Again, I'm sorry for everyone that liked this story. You guys are more than welcome to write your own ending, sequel, continuation, or whatever you like. Or maybe I'll write a joke ending:

"Mitsuko walks in, catches them in her bathtub, and launches a grenade at them. They all explode."

...sorry. I thought that would be funny. Anyway, I'm stalling at this point.

Thanks for reading! And goodbye. 

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