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my dog is a white fluffy german shepard and her name is cloud because she reminds me of a cloud. the park isn't too far but its a good mile away. "clouud!" i called she immediately came up to me, "baby, im going in a date..and you're invited." i said. she tilted her head and barked.

i slipped on my vans and grabbed cloud's leash and headed out with her.

"it's just a date, just a date." i kept repeating. "with a bad but hot guy." i added which made it even worse, i started petting cloud to calm me down it worked just a little bit.

when i got there i let cloud loose so she can run free and meet other dogs that were here today. i watched as she started smelling another dog. not even seconds later i felt hands on my waist and a voice. "hey babygirl."

"hi diego." i said and he smiled, he actually smiled he's hotter than he was like 2 hours ago, he took my hand and sat me down as he sat. "what did you have planned?" i asked. he looked up at the sky. "i don't know, i just wanted to hang out with you," he simpily said. "but i have snacks! he said excitedly, he took off his backpack and got out drinks and gushers. "gushers?" i said laughing. "he looked at me and smiled, "what they're good! i'll eat them if you dont like em." he told you chuckling. "no i like gushers but thats just cute." i said smiling big. "you're cute." he blurted. i rolled my eyes and faced away from him. i felt him scoot closer. he gently grabbed my chin with his index finger and his thumb, "you think i'm lying?" he tilted his head, "you can't like me, we just met and you all of a sudden like me? how?" i said.

"baby, from the first day i saw you i always liked you.." he said, by now his other hand was on my cheek. i blushed and looked down. he leaned in and kissed me, his soft lips against mine, before we pulled away we felt a wet tounge licking our chins. i started laughing and he smiled. "your dog?" he asked. i nodded and rubbed cloud behind her ears, i smiled at her and she barked. i got up and could started running after the ball i threw, i looked back at diego and hand motioned him to 'follow me' he stood up and walked besie me. "how long have you lived here?" he asked me, ive been here since..like close to the end of summer? " i responded, he looked up and the sky and squinted while nodding.

"i got a question," i said, diego just looked at me. "why do they call you the bad boy?" i looked at him as i slowed down, he slowed down too till we stoped walking. "well..nothing." he said and spinned in circles. "diego tell meee!" i said loud. "noooo! i don't want you to hate me or think if me differentttt." he whined. "please?" i said with puppy dog eyes. he sighed and looked down but immediately looked back up. he faced the other way and jumped a little, that made me nervous what if i get scared of him like he said? what did he do that bad if he said i might think of him different? diego turned back around and looked down. "i'm not gonna look at you in the eyes tho." he said still looking at his shoes.

"so..like a few months ago i had these bullies..and umm, they would like talk about my family a lot and saying um mean stuff and i couldn't help it so i told them to meet me at the park after school..um..i brought a knife..um and i um..like stabbed them..until i saw them drop..i was suppost to be in juvi for my whole life but they let me out, idk why." i saw a tear drop from his face then came more tears. diego murderd people? actually now im a little scared of him like, thats freaky. if i do something that pisses him off he could kill me too. that moment i was  out of words. "damn.." i said my eyes were wide, not really wide but wide..he still looked at his shoes but walked up to me, then he dug his face into my neck, he was crying his eyes out witch made me sad because if i see someone crying then i cry. so we were both crying and we probably looked like crackheads.

"it's o-ookayy." i patted diegos back and he nodded. my makeup was all over, some people came up to us and asked if we were okay, we would say yes and they would leave, cloud sat there through all of it. "i'm s-sorry." diego said whiping his eyes and breathing heavily. while i did the same. "damn, do you wanna come to my house? it's not very far." i offered he nodded and i nodded to, cloud was still watching us. "come on" i called cloud, i put her on a leash and walked with her.

"we can watch movies and eat popcorn to make us feel better if you're up to that?" i said he nodded. "yeah..that sounds nice."

this will be fun.

bad boy☆diego martirWhere stories live. Discover now