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(Y/N) (L/N) and 19 year old girl lost her parents and younger sister in a terrible accident, in which on their plane ride home from Universal, FL crashed in Colorado one state away from its true destination Hurricane, Utah. You wanted to join on the summer trip to Universal but you were stuck with your job and college back home, so you stayed.

One day as you were heading home from work you were stopped by the police and they politely offered you a ride home. Since you didn't live far from the craft store you usually left you motorcycle at home. You kindly took the offer and on the way to the station you asked if you did something wrong.

"Officer Rob? Have I done something wrong?"

"No. You did nothing wrong. I'll tell you when we get you home," Officer Rob answered his voice laden with sorrow. At this point you were confused and worried something bad happen but you didn't know what. It was a small town and if one person knew everyone knew. Funny thing is this wasn't your first time riding in the back of a police car, you were quite problematic when you were younger and Officer Rob was always there to catch you.

He grew fond of your antics and love for exploring the woods and canyons around the place even if a whole search squad was rallied every three months to find you from your backyard adventures. You were well known for fighting the other kids and didn't take any nonsense for bullies which they did bully you because you acted more like a boy than a girl. In a place which most people forget even exist the state of Utah also seem to forget that times have changed. You became more docile when your little sister was born, you were just twelve at the time. You adored your blue eyed, light brown curly haired sister, promising to show her the world you found during your adventures and to protect her from anything that might harm her head. You loved her more than anything, even more than your parents.

But here you sat heart broken, wide eyed and soul crushed as Officer Rob sat next to you crying as he explained you lost your entire family and your six year old sister to a plane crash. You were at first confused when you opened your door and walked to the living room with Rob sobbing behind you. Your heart tightened at his sobbing form, after all this was the tough old man who came chasing and scolding you when you got in trouble he was like a second father figure to you.

"L-listen, (Y/N)... Y-your f-family passed. T-the plane c-crashed in Colorado," Rob sobbed as he leaned on his knees. You stared still shocked at the news, you didn't know what to feel or how to feel anymore. Yes you were sad but you couldn't express it. Couldn't release it because you knew if you did you wouldn't recover. So. You sat in silence, staring into space remembering the faces of your family when you saw Sky's sapphire blue eyes and bright smile in your head.

"N-no y-you're l-ying Rob. I just got her you can't take her away..." You said looking at Rob in his red tear filled eyes. He stared sadly into your blank (e/c) eyes and shook his head. He raised his arms and pulled you into a tight embrace.

"There gone (Y/N). I-I'm so sorry," Officer Rob said quietly.

"N-no! God why!!!" You shouted completely breaking. You sobbed loud and hard. Tears, snot and sweat came pouring out just from how hard and long you were crying. You were now whispering Sky's name over and over as her small cheeky grin burned in your mind. Officer Rob continued hugging you, he didn't care if his left shoulder and neck were wet with tears and snot, until you were done. Not done but too tired to continue.

After you quieted down Officer Rob slowly released you and sighed sadly as he saw your red puffy eyes stare blankly down at the floor. Your (h/c) was a mess and covered your face as you sat slump against the couch. He squeezed your shoulders and got up from his spot stopping at the door.

Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now