Chapter 5: The Chase

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Springtrap's POV~

I waited downstairs as (Y/N) scolded Deliah and took her to get changed and ready upstairs. I was bored but it was fine since it was kind of exciting to see what Deliah would look like after being handled by a girl. I was never one to care for appearance and neither was Nick I guess it was just a guy thing but we never really thought about Deliah needing to try. However, we were left silent and stunned by the results of taking a little time to take care of appearance when (Y/N) came out with Deliah besides her. She looked like another girl! I mean I could tell it was still my little Deliah because of her large brown doe eyes and some frizz in her long brown hair couldn't be tamed and those cute freckles.

I didn't know what to say but for once Nick said something for me and I agreed completely. It wasn't just Deliah who I was staring at. (Y/N) was so beautiful every time I saw her, so I voiced it which paid off as both girls blushed embarrassed but thankful for the compliment. They met me downstairs and I expected to be told to wait by myself in the woods until they both picked up Harry but I was pleasantly surprised when (Y/N) told Deliah that she should surprise Harry with her new look and stay with me.

I couldn't help but smile at the affection (Y/N) smothered Deliah in and couldn't help but want her to do the same to me. She caught me staring causing her to blush and I must say it was well worth it. Taking Deliah's hand we left through the backdoor. I glanced back to see (Y/N) watching us with a smile before she left to pick up Harry front next door. As we made into the woods Deliah released my hand and jogged in front me and turned around to face me, making me stop in my tracks. She smiled and giggled in a teasing manner.

"Springtrap has a crush on (Y/N)!~"

"I-I do not!"

"Don't lie! You're like an open book! You blush and stare at her whenever she's around ya!" Deliah said smiling gleefully.

"Nn! Okay so what if I do!... But that's all it will ever be. She would never like me like... that... and I don't want her to hate me more than she does. I'm fine with just observing," I said my mood turning sour.

"I don't think she hates you, Springtrap. If she did, I don't think she would've been laughing with such joy while making pancakes with you!"

"Y-you really think so?"

"I know so!"

My mood was lifted and we continued to walk a little further all the way to the stream (Y/N) and I found yesterday.

"You know what?" (Y/N) said emerging with a blindfolded Harry.

He was holding her hand and although I knew it was so he didn't trip or fall I couldn't help but inwardly glare at the contact. 'First he takes Deliah's attention from me and now (Y/N)'s! Not on my watch... wait it's not like I can do anything anyways'.

Normal POV~

"Know what?" you said curious about their conversation.

"Oh nothing! Are you going to keep Harry blind folded?" Springtrap asked.

"Oh right! Deliah you ready?" you asked, watching her stand in front of the stream and quickly flatten her hair with the palms of her hands.

"U-um yeah!" she said shyly letting her arms fall to her side as i pulled Harry's blindfold off. He blinked in the sunlight.

"What's the surpriiii-- Deliah!? You're beautiful!" Harry said blushing a bright red, it reached all the way to his ears. His compliment caused Deliah to blush a similar shade and she squirmed under his gaze. Couldn't blame the kid though, the sunlight reflecting off the water gave Deliah an angelic glow and her shy smile made it even more enchanting. 'She's so freaking CUTE! I wonder how Springtrap would see me?' So you walked over to Deliah and placed a hand on either of her shoulders and smirked at the blushing boy.

Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now