Chapter 6: Captured

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Springtrap's POV~

I ran around for some time not really worried about finding (Y/N) after all I was the best at hide and seek. Although this time I was covering more ground I only began to walk when one of the ghost children giggled and brought back the word that my kitten had somehow sensed I was near and hid in a tree. I was amazed how she managed to hear and sense me since I was on full out hunter mode but then again I saw how agile and clever she was. With a few more steps I made it a couple of trees away from where (Y/N) hid and grinned.

I looked around just to give her a sense of relief but I couldn't help but shiver in anticipation when I looked in her direction. I doubt I would have seen her if it wasn't for the youngest of the children to point to where she hid exactly and finally have found her I called out to her. I couldn't contain the excitement in my voice and I laughed when I heard her gasp. I was standing under her tree branch and I grinned and grinned and grinned wider than possible because when I saw her face I could feel the electricity radiating off of her. She was just like me. The thrill in her eyes proved my point.

I expected her to come down in defeat but I was perplexed when she pulled out a pair of black gloves and slid them on her hands. I grew in alarm when she stood on the thin swaying branch like it was nothing and I couldn't even move when she ran! She ran off the tree branch and using her weight and the flexibility of the branch jumped into the air. I stared in awe as she slowly twirled, her back arch and facing the ground then twist into a ball so her stomach was now alined with the ground and then she stretched. She stretched out to all her glorious form and I saw her smile as she flew.

She landed on a branch of another tree and with a quick glance down at me she continued leaping and flying through the trees. I stood in awe once again. 'My kitten never fails to surprise me'. I watched her disappear and with a hearty laugh I pursued my fleeing tiger.

Normal POV~


You heard Springtrap laugh in the distance and with another thrilling shudder you continued your race. 'Only a little while longer and then I'll win!' you thought as you saw the sun set further beneath the horizon, casting a deep red and orange glow on the trees, you stared in awe. Shaking your head, 'FOCUS!' you checked your watch. '7pm! Just one more hour. Come on (Y/N) you got this!' and looking up from your watched you screamed loudly.

"KYAAAAAA!!!!" you suddenly lost your footing and plummeted to the hard earth several feet below. You screamed on the way, getting scratched up by the branches that feebly attempted to break your fall. You stopped falling suddenly and instead landed roughly in the arms of someone. You looked up surprised and scared into the eyes of a smirking Springtrap.

"Caught you kitten~" Springtrap purred.

Sniff* You didn't mind being in his arms right now. You were shaking and tears filled your eyes. You wrapped your arms around Springtrap's neck and cried into his neck. He pet your hair a little worried but content to have you in his embrace.

"What's wrong kitten? What's got you so spooked?" Springtrap cooed still petting your hair and walking back home, towards the stream. Sniff* You shook your head not wanting to tell what you saw, afraid it would come to flesh and so you hugged Springtrap tighter still shaking.

Springtrap POV~

I finally caught up with (Y/N) and I saw her staring at the sunset it was lovely and I couldn't help but stare as well. During my distraction I heard a blood chilling scream from (Y/N) and turned in time to see her staring wide eyed into the eyes of one of the ghost children. 'She shouldn't be able to see them! Unless- Shit!!!' I was pulled from my thoughts as I saw her foot slip as she tried to back up and my mind went blank when I saw her fall from way up there. Without a second thought I raced at an inhuman speed until I stood under her and just in time too, as she fell in my arms just as I got there.

Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now