Chapter 1: Moving Out

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"Dad?! Is (Y/N) okay? Why were you crying? Is everything alright?" Deliah asked.

"N-no. Not really..." Nick said.

"W-what happened?" Deliah asked a little worried.

"Hmm what did happen, Nick?" came a robotic males voice.

"sigh* Listen carefully you two. My sister... Deliah your aunt her husband a-and S-sky... they p-passed away in the plane crash that was on the news today," Nick said sobbing once more.

"Daddy!" Deliah said surprised before crying into his chest. Springtrap watched as his favorite little girl cried over a family he never even met, only heard about when they came back from their Christmas Eve party at their family's place. He stood silently watching the two cry to their hearts content before Nick calmed down and spoke.



"Remember (Y/N)?"


"She stayed home and lost her family..."


"She's really depressed but she is very strong. Did you know she's called little Tiger by everyone in her town?"

"N-no... Why was she called that?"

"Because she was feisty and got into trouble a lot. A little tomboy she was. She used to explore the woods and canyons and get lost until a search team was always called up to find her. When they did find her she was sleeping in a cave or up a tree like nothing mattered. Heh heh... She became a little more docile when S-sky was born... Anyways we are going to pick her up at the end of the week and she'll be living with us, okay?"

"Yay! I'll have a big sister... But will she be okay?"

"Ha ha yes you will... She's strong Deliah and Springtrap?"


"Can you hide until Deliah gently breaks the news to her about you?... No offense but you're not exactly a common sight here in Utah... or anywhere actually."

"Sure. Just hope she's okay... I'm sorry for your loss Nick. I really am."

"Thanks. Now off to sleep with you Deliah. It's late."

"Okay Dad. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

"Springtrap let's go," Deliah said as she grabbed his hand. They left a sad, crying Nick downstairs and Springtrap comforted his little cookie monster until she fell asleep crying in his arms. He tucked her in and left the room walking into the second guest room that was the second largest room in the house. He looked inside and walked around 'Might as well get this room ready for (Y/N)... I wonder what she's like. I've only seen her in photos and she really was a tomboy'.

Time Skip (1 week later)~

You were saying goodbye to everyone in town and Officer Rob hugged you after he finished loading the last of your belongings into your Uncle's car. You smiled and thanked everyone for everything and Officer Rob promised the house finds a new loving family that will take care of everything. You were sad that the house was gone and so was everything inside but smiled as you donated most of the things to the people in tow who would take care of it. It was hard to part with the boxes of Sky's belongings but you gave them to Mr. and Mrs. Smith who were going to have a little girl soon. They cried and thanked you.

Deliah sat in the front seat about to get out but you stopped her.

"It's okay Deliah I'll follow you on my bike," you said smiling at her surprised face.

Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now