Chapter 4: Change

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Normal POV~

You had some difficulties at first but with Springtrap's help you got the batter to be smooth like his instead of the thick gooey mess your was. You both laughed and joked at the mess you made and he couldn't help but tease you since you struggled so much. But you finally got pancakes on the table and you both greeted a shocked Deliah and sleepy Nick.

"Morning sleepy heads!"

"Pancakes are ready! Might not want to eat (Y/N) though!"


Springtrap POV~

I was occupied with grabbing the milk and my thoughts that I didn't hear (Y/N) enter the kitchen. For once I was actually scared when she suddenly spoke and almost dropped the milk but I recovered quickly. 'God her giggle is cute too!'. I saw her outfit which consisted of a semi tight turtleneck tank top and a pair of gray, white army joggers. It made the rest of her stand out and I couldn't help but stare. Their was still some drops of water in her (h/c) hair and it rolled slowly down and dripped onto her shoulder. She always seemed to entrance me but I woke up from my daydream and decided to compliment her style.

"Your outfit looks really cool by the way... Suits you."

I was smiling because she acted as if everything was normal. As if I was normal and I loved it. I, however, was not expecting the remark she made and catching me off guard and I couldn't help but join in but I quickly receded from the challenge the moment she purred. 'Even the way she wiggles her eyebrows are cute!'.

"Haha okay okay you win! Now let's start for real or you won't be eating pancakes until lunch time!" I chuckled, blushing trying to get us back on track. I never laughed so much so early in the morning since Deliah was always sleeping and wasn't really interested in making pancakes. But watching (Y/N) struggle was hilarious and I swear I would've died if I were human because when she pouted and grumbled in frustration when her batter turned out wrong was too damn adorable.

"Hahaha! How did it come out like that?" I laughed.

"Hmph! Just help me will pleeeassse!!!" (Y/N) pouted, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Hahaha, okay okay! Here like this," I offered help by pouring a little more milk into her thick batter and told her to stir more gently. Giving an example with my own batter. I knew her pancakes were going to be dense since she stirred too much and took all the air bubbles out but the taste shouldn't be bad. We finally managed to make a stack of pancakes placing our results in different stacks. We must've made a lot of noise since we watched Deliah and Nick stare at us a top the stairs. We laughed at their surprised and sleepy faces but greeted them good morning and just to top it off I threw another tease at (Y/N) creations. Earning a pouty yell and light smack on the arm. 'I really like her!'.

Deliah's POV~

I woke up to the smell of pancakes but mostly to the racket downstairs. Which was quite unusual since Springtrap always cooked quietly and wouldn't come wake me up until pancakes were done or until it 10am. I looked at the alarm clock on my night stand and read the time. '9:15am... too early' but I got up anyways and trudged out into the hallway. I met Dad at the top of the stairs and looked down into the kitchen to see Springtrap and (Y/N) laughing and flipping their last pancake in their respective piles.

I saw that Dad and I were both shocked to see the closeness of the two so suddenly. I mean it took me a whole year just to talk with Springtrap and Dad still dislikes him but here was (Y/N) laughing and smiling like it was just another normal day. 'Wow. She really is strong and resilient, just like Dad said!' I smiled, happy to see the two getting close to each other. They greeted us a good morning and I couldn't help but laugh at Springtrap's teasing and the fact that Sis had flour on her cheek.

Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now