Chapter 3: Next Morning

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Deliah's POV~

After big sis let us go and play upstairs several hours passed. It was already late and had to say goodbye to Harry who said he had to go home now. We got up and left my room and walked downstairs to find no one. Curious I called for my dad and asked him where is Springtrap and (Y/N).


"COMING DELIAH!" Dad shouted back as he opened his bedroom door and walked downstairs to meet me and Harry. "What is it kiddo?"

"Where's Springtrap and (Y/N)?"

"They went for a walk..."


"So Springtrap could come clean with her."

"Oh. Oh no! Dad she just lost S-sky she's not going to be okay!" I said panicking as I pictured (Y/N) crying and trying to hurt Springtrap or herself. "What if she got lost in the woods from running away!!!"

"Oh shoot! Come on let's go find them! Harry you too!"

"Yes sir!"

We ran out the back door, dad grabbing a couple flashlights in one of the kitchen drawer and began calling out to them as we entered the woods. We searched for a while but then we stopped when we heard rustling, Dad and Harry stood in front of me protectively, but we sighed in relief when we saw the familiar glow of Springtrap's eyes. Relief quickly turned to panic when we saw Springtrap was carrying (Y/N) in his arms.

"gasp* Springtrap!? What happened to (Y/N)?! Is she okay?!" I asked worriedly.

"She is fine... Just tired and... sad," Springtrap said sadly. Without looking at me he walked past us and straight to the house. 'Wait. Springtrap didn't look at me?! He use to be clingy and always wanted my attention!... Well whatever, what matters is (Y/N)'s health'.

Springtrap POV~

I carried (Y/N) towards the voices calling us and saw that Nick, Harry and Deliah were searching for us. I saw them make a defensive position when they heard me but releaxed when they saw my eyes but they were alarmed when they saw the sleeping figure of (Y/N) in my arms. 'They don't trust me? That... hurts'. I stopped before them and was bombarded with questions by Deliah, I answered without looking at her and continued walking to the house staring at the cute sleeping face of (Y/N). I was sad when I saw a few tears fall from her face still but couldn't do much since my hands were full with her and I stopped along the way to pick up her shoes and socks.

As the house came into view I sped up a little and heard the others jog to catch up from behind. Not caring to check or stop I entered the house and walked up the stairs and entered (Y/N) room. The other three caught up and stood at the door way as I gently laid (Y/N) down on her bed, tucking her in. I stuffed her socks into her shoes and placed them next to her bed. I straightened out and bent over (Y/N) sleeping face. Nick shifted a little but I ignored him and using a thumb I wiped a tear off her cheek before turning around and walked out the door. I stopped momentarily to look at the three gathered and with a sigh walked past them and locked myself in my room.

Deliah's POV~

We walked behind Springtrap quietly but began to jog to keep up with him since he sped up when the house came into view. Dad was really worried and left Harry and I to close and lock the back door when we got inside. We raced upstairs to see what Springtrap was doing and to our surprise he was gently tucking her in but the expression on his face was different from the one he had when he tucked me in.

Usually he's happy and his smile was warming when he tucked me in, giving a few sarcastic remarks and jokes before he left. But now his face was filled with many emotions. He was happy I could see that. 'I think he... Likes her!'. But his smile was softer and he looked like he was in another world but he was also very sad and looked on the verge of tears. I felt bad for him since I knew he was ashamed of what he did but you can't change the past only build the future. My heart clenched when he walked past us, me looking at us with such a sorrowful look but he just went to his room and locked it.

Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now