Chapter 11: "A Heated Session"

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Author's note:  Hiya! Soooo as the title suggests... magic is about to happen and it is not for the weak hearted! Anyways there won't be to much explicit details cause IDK I don't mind writing a---uh "hot" scene but that's up to you guys since I don't want to surprise anyone or offend anyone...Also if things seem to be jumping around sorry! I was kinda having a rough time deciding the flow and layout of events... Uuummm yeah. Enjoy?

Edit: ONe MOre ThING! Springtrap is more like an advance robot? In simpler words he feels and (bodily) functions like a human... IDK if ya'll already pictured him that way...Also sorry for the short chapter...


"NOW look what you did you chased (Y/N) away! And made her cry!" Cassie shouted at me. Once sitting on the edge of the bed, now walking towards me quickly. I backed up a bit as her face met mine. Blue eyes glaring into silver. "There was no need to be so mean! You didn't even get to know him before you said all of that!"

"WHAT?!? I wasn't the one trembling at the sight of him!" I shouted back.

"Ugh! I was just surprised!"

"Yeah OKAY! And I was just being an asshole right?!"



"We need to find (Y/N)," Cassie said turning away from me and walking past me, through the door. I followed closely after her, quiet and guilty for yelling. 'What is wrong with me?! I never yell at Cassie or (Y/N)... I just don't want my little sister to get hurt and lose someone precious to her... again'.

Reader's POV~

You were still wrapped in Springtrap's arm but you shook it off ignoring his look of confusion and crawled into his lap. Your back comfortably against his chest. You felt him sigh in relief, releasing an unknown tension that made you frown slightly but instead kept quiet and enjoyed the trickling of the stream and the rustle of the trees. You leaned your head back, staring up at him and feeling your stare, Springtrap bent down so his face was millimeters from yours. You both stared at each other taking in further details. You loved Springtraps golden fur and the cool scars over his eyes; you loved the way his violet eyes would glow bright and dim, changing with his emotions; you loved his soft nose that was always so tempting to kiss and his soft lips that always held a smirk.

Springtrap's POV~

I was tensed since the meeting with her childhood friends and even more so when we left. I couldn't help but think what if she is disappointed in me? What if she hates me? I know she said all those sincere words but she saw the look on my face, how hard it was to stay calm and how easy it was for me to get... aggressive. I held her close to my side but kept my arm hung loosely around her in fear that if I gripped too tightly she would be able to read my mind.

Suddenly she shook my arm off causing a look of confusion to appear on my face but inside I was filled with dread, 'This is it. She's going to end it and I'm going' As quickly as she moved away from me she settled in between my legs, leaning back so her back was against my chest. I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding and without a word we took in our surroundings.

After sometime I felt (Y/N)'s head move and a sensation of being stared at alerted me. I looked down to come eye to eye with the loveliest girl I've ever met. I just loved her supple (s/c) skin that is rosy and full of life; I loved her (h/t) (h/l) (h/c) hair that mingled with the fur on my body; I loved her (e/c) eyes which sparkled with so many emotions and I loved her plump pink lips which were so tempting...

Reader's POV~

You gulped slightly and raised a hand to reach behind Springtrap's head and slowly pulled him closer, your eyes never trailing from his and his, yours. Your lips melted together and a sigh escaped both of you, eyes closing to take in the satisfaction of each others warmth. The kiss was soft and gentle, your lips doing all the work but something clicked in both of you and a tongue licked your bottom lip asking for permission. Hesitant you made eye contact with a lustful Springtrap and slowly gave way for the curious muscle.

You gasped as Springtrap's tongue made a swift entry and begin explore every crevice ravenously. An involuntary moan escaping, "Nn." He began to slow down and seemed to just savor the taste and feeling, breaking the kiss after what felt like an eternity. You sat there panting feeling a knot grow in your stomach and a stronger desire fill you. You slowly turned around and placed your legs on either side of Springtrap, now sitting on top of his groin and wrapped your arms around his neck. Still panting the both of you looked into each other's soul and only love could be found.

Springtrap's strong arms lowered themselves to your waist and gripped tightly. You were slightly lifted up at the action. With a new passion you both mashed your lips together no longer holding back. You would never know how a man you just met could make you feel so alive after feeling as if you lost the world. But you knew that this was all you needed to keep going and that the love you held for him was deep. Your tongue glided through his mouth as his guided the way, his tongue reached deeper and suddenly your were laying on your back. The kiss broken and a very sexy Springtrap hovering over you.

"Ngh! S-springtrap m-more," You begged blushing all the way to your ears, turning your head away from him embarrassed at your request. Springtrap grabbed your chin and turned your face so you were facing him. His blush was lighter but his eyes glowed with confidence.

"Hah~ My lovely kitten don't turn away from. Don't be embarrassed," Springtrap cooed.

"S-springtrap I-" I began.

"(Y/N)!!!? Where are you?!?"

Springtrap's POV~

As I was fantasizing about her lips I saw her arm reach up and her hand gently pressed against my head, leading me straight to those sweet lips. Our lips met and it was like electricity, a sigh escaped from us both and a fire started within me. The kiss was soft and gentle, our lips doing all the work but something clicked in me and my tongue licked her bottom lip asking for permission. Making eye contact with a hesitant (Y/N), she slowly gave way for my curious muscle.

She gasped as my tongue made a swift entry and begin explore every crevice ravenously, not wanting to miss such an opportunity. An involuntary moan escaping her, "Nn." I began to slow down and wanted to just savor the taste and feeling, breaking the kiss after what felt like an eternity. I sat there panting, feeling a knot growing in my stomach and a stronger desire fill me. She slowly turned around and placed her slender legs on either side of me, now sitting on top of my groin. She wrapped her arms around my neck. Still panting the both of us looked into each other's soul and only love could be found. 'Fuck...'

I lowered my arms to her waist and gripped tightly. Slightly lifting her up at the action. With a new passion we both mashed our lips together no longer holding back. I would never know how a woman I just met could make you feel so alive after feeling so dead. But I knew that this was all I needed to keep going and that the love I held for her was deep. Her tongue glided through my mouth as I guided the way, my tongue reached deeper and instinctively I laid her on her back. I stared in awe at the beautiful girl beneath me. Her hair formed a halo under her and a blush settled deep on her face as she turned from me embarrassed at her words. 'No. Don't turn from me. Let me see those gorgeous (e/c) orbs of yours<3'.

"Hah~ My lovely kitten don't turn away from. Don't be embarrassed," I cooed.

"S-springtrap I-" (Y/N) began.

"(Y/N)!!!? Where are you?!?"


Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now