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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Soooo um not gonna lie totally forgot about this story and now trying to play catch up... My bad. Hopefully more chapters heading your way!!! IDK Work and school is kicking me in the throat right now! ;(


Deliah's POV~

"(Y/N)!!! Hurry!" I shouted through the back seat car window. Today Dad and (Y/N) were taking me to the store to get a costume for my Halloween dance. Which was tomorrow!

"Haha we're coming, we're coming," (Y/N) laughed. Walking towards the car and sitting in the passenger seat, closing the door after her. Dad followed suit in the driver's seat and started the car and then we were off. "So what type of costume are you going for Deliah?"

"I don't know! I can't decide between a witch, cat, bunny, red riding hood or vampire!" I said breathlessly. I wanted to look cute but also really cool. I wanted to have the best costume on the block since... Sally always won and got everyone's praise. Her mom always made her costumes and she was a tailor, so her skills were legit. I was jealous and many of the other girls were since her costumes were so cute and cool at the same time.

"Well is there a particular mythical being that your heart fancies?" Dad asked.

"...Witch. I kinda want to be a witch since everyone wore it last year there will be less of a challenge," I said thinking about how I dressed up as a mummy and all the girls were witches. All of them ran around in the same dress since the party store only sold one kind. Except, of course, Sally who had a cute black and orange fluffy witch costume and a tailored hat to match.

"Challenge?" (Y/N) questioned.

"W-well yeah. You see mentally all the girls at school kind of low-key challenge each other to see who has the best costume each year but it must be cute and one of a kind. Sally... She wins every year because her mom always makes her costumes and she is a bonafide tailor,"I explained heatedly.

"I see," (Y/N) answered turning around in her seat to look at me. She looked up and down then gave a big smile. "Well we can't let her win again this year now can we."

"Do you have something in mind!" I exclaimed energetically.

"What's this years theme?" she asked.

"Ummm I think it was red riding hood but if I wear that than I'll look like everyone else," I said pathetically. I fiddled with my shirt as the car became quiet and quickly glanced up to see (Y/N) smiling broadly. "W-why are you smiling?"

"Heh~ because I know that you are definitely going to stand out from the rest of the girls, after all I can sew pretty good myself and you have a certain boyfriend that can pull off an amazing werewolf costume. The girls would turn green with jealousy!" (Y/N) laughed happily. I blushed at the thought of Harry dressed up as a hairy 'pfft' werewolf and standing by my side.

"Y-you think so?" I asked shyly, staring into my sisters (e/c) eyes. They shone brightly with love, excitement and a challenge.

"Oh I know so," she replied, grinning in a wicked way. "Uncle, head to the fabric store."

"Okay," Dad replied while turning the wheel left instead of entering the plaza to the right. We pulled up to the fabric store and I unbuckled my seatbelt swiftly and ran out of the car and towards the store's doors. Sissy followed suit and we entered together while Dad locked the car and followed slowly after.

"So Sissy how are you going to make it?" I asked excitedly.

"Haha well I'll have to see what kind of fabrics they have but I'm thinking something fluffy and pi-" (Y/N) thought aloud but was brought out of thought. "Deliah?"

Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now