Chapter 8: "Curious"

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Springtrap POV~

We had a lot of fun as we sang and laughed trying to keep the noise down but that only made it funnier and harder. Eventually we settled down and regretfully (Y/N) demanded to watch the Lion King, forgetting that Mufasa dies, which led to a horrible crying fit and half an hour of me comforting her. 'Honestly I find this a win situation. Her hair is sooo soft!' I thought but shook the thought out of my head. 'How could you think that?!' I self reprimanded. I loved to hold (Y/N) but I didn't like seeing her cry. I much preferred her bright smile and sparkling eyes as she saw the world as a beautiful adventure.

It was well into the night by time (Y/N) fell asleep on my lap. I lifted my gaze from my sleeping kitten and looked around the room. I would need to clean up the bowl and glass but considering she ate every last crumb, it wouldn't take long. I sighed quietly returning my gaze to (Y/N) sleeping face and smiled, not wanting to give up having her close to me.


I whipped my head towards the voice and looked up to see the ghost of a young girl. A girl who once held the name Susie with blonde curly pigtails, blue eyes and a bright smile. She still had her smile but it was mischievous and less of a smile and more like a grin. "You!!!?" I whispered harshly.

"Boo hoo... Did you forget my name already old man?" Susie faked cried. Smirking and giggling as I glared at the young pestering spirit.

"No, Susie. How could I forget the name of the most annoying brat to haunt me!" I whispered, irritated that she still had the energy to bother me for so many years.

"Hee hee~ You should be thanking me Springtrap!"

"Oh please do tell me the reason why I should be Thankful to you?"

"Tee hee~ Because silly! I'M the reason she fell into your oh so loving arms! And I'M the reason you both are head over heels for each other!"

"That was you! She could've gotten hurt! And you brought some really bad memories back! She thought you were her little sister that passed away recently!"

"So? It was worth seeing her tears and scared face wasn't it? After all you just can't get enough of holding her in your arms. Your just as clingy and pathetic as you were with Deliah! Sooner or later she's going to leave you too for someone who's... Oh IDK... Human!"

"Susie I suggest you shut up and leave~" I snarled my eyes now glowing purple.

"H-Hmph! Y-you can't do anything anyways! Meany!" She shouted before sticking her tongue out at me and disappearing. I knew I couldn't hurt her or any of them again but I also knew the fear they still held in their hearts towards me and I knew if I got angry enough they would leave me alone for awhile. I sighed and decided to get up and take (Y/N) up to bed. Gently lifting her head and pillow off my lap I got up and gently placed her head down. I grabbed the bowl and glass and placed them in the sink. 'I'll just wash'em later. Not like I can sleep anyways' I thought as I walked back to the couch and lifted (Y/N) into my arms trying not to wake her.

I carried her upstairs and walked into her room, laying her down on her bed before I tucked her in. I felt like I was forgetting something and realized her little bunny was downstairs. I learned through her crying episode it was precious to her as it was the last thing Sky held before the crash and it managed to survive. She made it for her sister's second? Birthday party and she carried it everywhere around up until she died.

I ran back downstairs and found the little stuffy laying on the floor, staring at me. I picked it up, brushing it off a little and brought it back upstairs. I placed the doll under (Y/N)'s arm and walked out, quietly shutting the door behind me. I walked back downstairs and cleaned up the dishes before heading to my room where I idly laid in my bed with my arms behind my head as I stared up at the ceiling. 'Shit! Why did Susie have to scare (Y/N)!? But... she isn't wrong when she said all those things... It was her help that pushed (Y/N) to become my loving kitten'.

Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now