Chapter 7: "Cuddles and Tears"

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Upon arriving you sunk deeper into Springtrap's embrace trying to keep from blushing in embarrassment but you felt relief when Deliah and Uncle Nick began to brush off the fact you were being held. They were worried since you were covered in scratches and your clothes and hair was a mess and your eyes were puffy and red from crying.

"(Y/N)!? Are you okay?!!" Uncle Nick cried brushing hair from your scratched face.

"Haha yeah. Just fell and sprained my ankle. Couple scratches but I'll be fine," You answered calmly. You felt bad for making your Uncle worry he was nice to a fault but that's why you loved him and Deliah looked worried to some extent but she was smirking and her eyes sparkled with glee watching Springtrap hold me close.

"Hee hee (Y/N) will be juuusst fine Dad. Look she seems to feel better already~" Deliah cooed still smirking. You really want to bury yourself in hole somewhere now but mostly you wanted to wipe the smirk of her face. Still carrying you Springtrap followed Nick inside and Deliah closed the door behind her.

"Why don't you get fixed up first and then come down for dinner?" Uncle Nick suggested.

"S-sure. Springtrap mind helping me?" You replied, asking Springtrap shyly after.

"Not at all," He smiled holding you tighter and leaving the two staring after you both as Springtrap made his way upstairs to the bathroom you still in his arms. He sat you down on the toilet and opened the cabinet under the sink and pulled out a first aid kit which he placed on the sink counter next to you before closing the cabinet and returning his full attention to you. Using his right hand he grabbed your face gently with his thumb and forefinger and lifted your face up to get a better look.

"Had quite the fall didn't you?" He mummered as he inspected the few scratches on your face. He pulled some leaves and twigs out of your hair and threw them out.

"Hee hee~ Thanks for catching me," you giggled, smiling happily and a little nervously.

"Mhmm... Anytime~" Springtrap said softly. You blushed and so did he but he coughed embarrassed making you smile and took out all the items to clean and patch you up.

Time Skip~

"There! All done," Springtrap exclaimed as he finished wrapping my left ankle and stood up to examine his handy work. You had a bandaid on the bridge of your nose, left cheek, upper right arm, lower left arm and one on you lower back. The best part was that all the bandaids were different colors and neon!

"Wow! Thanks!" You said examining your "battle scars". 'I would have won if I didn't fall!' you thought but you brushed off the thought when your stomach grumbled causing you both to laugh. You stood on your undamaged leg and slowly put pressure on your bad ankle but almost fell. Luckily Springtrap caught you with an arm.

"Woah there! How about I carry you?" He offered.

"I think you just want to hold me?" You smirked.

"I've been caught!" He laughed smirking.

"Then I guess I'll depend on you my prince!" You laughed with him, accepting his offer. You raised your arms and wrapped them around his neck. You looked him the eyes and gave a quick peck on the lips and with a sweet smile he lifted you back into a princess hold. He made his way downstairs with you and gently placed you at the table, taking the seat next to you. You waited as Uncle Nick placed a plate of spaghetti and garlic bread in front of you.

"Ooh! Spaghetti~" You clapped digging in along with Deliah and Uncle Nick. You glanced at Springtrap as you ate and blushed. He was watching you eat and smiling. As much as you loved Spaghetti you couldn't eat it without making a mess all over you face even if your life depended on it. You finished and sighed, closing your eyes, content with the meal. Springtrap chuckled and wiped your mouth with a napkin. You opened your eyes to his touch and blushed.

Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now