Chapter 12: "Forgiveness and Departures"

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Edward's POV~

I followed Cassy out the room and downstairs. We walked to the sliding door that led to a forest and headed aimlessly through the trees in search for our precious (Y/N). We walked for a few minutes still seeing no signs but we stopped momentarily at the sound of water trickling.

"You hear that?" I asked Cassy.

"Yeah sounds like a stream let's head over there. Maybe (Y/N) is over there," Cassy answered, nodding towards the sound. We walked and stopped at a large bush that didn't seem passable but the stream was just behind it so I made the judgement to call out (Y/N) name.

"(Y/N)!!!? Where are you?!" I called, looking around as I did so.

"Maybe we should just walk through it?" Cassidy stated unsurely.

"Let's try," I agreed, taking the lead.

Reader's POV~

'Omg! OMg! OMG! This is happening right here right now!' You thought as you laid on your back, shivering at Springtrap's whisper. Just as Springtrap reached for the bottom hem of my shirt, Ed's voice rang just behind the dense bush that was quite easy to push through. In a rush of embarrassment you quickly scooched out from under Springtrap and stood up, blushing fiercely. You then brushed and picked and patted yourself clean making sure there was no dirt or debris found on your clothes or in your hair. You swear you heard Springtrap suck his teeth and gave a small smile of sympathy. Stretching out your hand to him.

Springtrap took your hand and got up brushing himself off. You helped by removing any leaves from his back then giving a quick pat to his tush, giggling as you heard him squeak. He turned to you and in his eyes you saw annoyance and defeat as he frowned, crossing his arms. Just then the bush rustled and popped out Ed and Cassidy covered in leaves. You watched absentmindedly as they plucked off leaves from their bodies. Slowly they looked up and found you standing slightly behind Springtrap, who was glaring.

"Ahem! I am quite sorry for the way I behaved earlier and would like to start again," Cassidy spoke up first, much to our surprise. She elbowed Ed in the side who still frowned.

"O-oh right. Sorry just- wasn't expecting tha-" Ed started but earned another harsh elbow to his side. Whimpering at the impact.

"Listen (Y/N), we didn't mean to be rude it was just too surprising and I know you would never pick someone you didn't trust. So what we mean to say is we trust you and your decisions and that means Springtrap too. We just want you to be happy and... and to not lose someone you love," Cassidy said with sincerity and a hint of sorrow. You understood she was referring to the loss of your family and that made you tear up a bit but you shook it away when Springtrap gently squeezed your hand. You walked forward and hugged Cassidy.

"I know you guys want the best for me. AND I know that Ed chased all the boys that tried to get close to me when we were kids but I promise you I'm all grown and I can make decisions for myself now. I love you guys so much!" You stated earning a sob from Cassidy who hugged you rather tightly. Ed joined in and tried to hold back his tears but his sniffling gave him away. After a few minutes you broke up the group hug and smiled at them warmly, holding Cassidy's hands in yours. You walked them over to Springtrap who looked confused.

"Well then. Cassidy. Ed. This is Springtrap my boyfriend, lover and soulmate. Springtrap, this is Cassidy and Ed. Childhood friends, sister and brother," You introduced once more.

"Pleasure to meet the people who watched over (Y/N) for so long," Springtrap greeted politely, stretching out his hand. Cassidy quickly grabbed it and shook and Ed followed suit.

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