The End.

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Time Skip~

Reader's POV~

You woke up as soon as the sun's warm rays peeked through the purple curtains of Springtrap's window. As you realized where you were, you quickly sat up looking around the room in search of Springtrap. It took a second for you to realize that Springtrap was still underneath you. You smiled at him and rubbed your face back into his chest.

"(Y/N)?" Springtrap asked.

"Hee hee~ Yes love?"

"What are you doing?"

"Enjoying your soft fur," You said in an obvious tone. You placed your arms on him and rested your head on them, looking into his glowing violet eyes. You smiled sweetly at him before kissing his lips. He smiled and kissed you back, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"(Y/N)! Springtrap! I'm heading to work! I'm dropping Deliah and Harry off to the library to finish up their summer homework! Love you!" Uncle Nick shouted from the bottom of the stairs. You could hear him and Deliah close the door behind them and you grinned excitedly.

"W-what's with that look?" Springtrap asked nervously.

"Well Springy~ Remember when we were so rudely interrupted under the willow? Let's continue~" I purred, lifting myself up and sitting on his stomach looking down at him.

"I-I... Are you sure?"

"Springy don't make me say it again," you frowned.

"Alright," Springtrap smirked. He reached up and grabbed your waist and flipped you over onto your back. He kissed your lips and you smiled into the kiss, squeezing his waist with your knees. Springtrap bit your bottom lip asking for permission which you happily allowed him access to. You moaned slightly as his tongue rolled ravenously, exploring and tasting every nook.

"Nn~" you were so turned on considering you've never felt this way about someone and to do this in his room which was filled with his scent, you couldn't help but want more. You grabbed the back of his head and deepened the kiss, rubbing his fur. When you broke apart you looked up at him with lust in your eyes and you could clearly see the lust reflected in his.

"(y-y/n)," Springtrap moaned.

"Hah- hah- Springtrap... Fuck me~" You whispered in his ear. You could feel his dick between your legs and you moaned when he sat back up, causing it to push against your shorts and panties. You lifted your arms over your head and watched Springtrap eagerly lift your shirt and sports bra over your head. You blushed embarrassed at the exposure of your boobs but moaned when he bent down to kiss along your neck and finally suckled your perky pink nipples. As he sucked and nibbled his hands reached down to grasp the hems of your shorts and panties. With a sharp tug he pulled them both off and tossed them to the floor. You gasped as the cold air blew against your wet pussy.

"Mmnnn! Springtrap~" You moaned as he moved from your nipples and slowly made his way further down your stomach until he stopped at your clit. He looked up your blushing face and smirked, watching you as his tongue darted out from his grin and onto your sensitive bud. You arched your back and curled your toes as he sucked, nibbled and licked your clit, eventually sticking one of his fingers into you. Your toes curled and you moaned and whimpered as he continued to finger you slowly at first and then vigorously, adding fingers until he made it to three.

"Ahhhnn! Springtrap! I'm cumming!" You moaned loudly, arching your back and releasing your juices into his open mouth. He licked his lips and rose to his knees showing off his muscular body and large dick. You looked at him panting before getting up on your knees and then crawling over to him. You grabbed his dick in your hand and pumped it slowly, earning a moan. You looked at Springtrap who was looking down at you with his mouth hanging open, his violet eyes watering slightly. You smirked and brought your mouth to the tip and began licking in between the skin and sucking softly. He began whimpering and rocking his hip so you stopped teasing and moved faster, sucking harder.

"AAhh! (Y/N)! It f-feels s-so gooodnnn!" Springtrap moaned, his mouth drooling as he looked down at me. You smiled and bobbed your head faster and faster, feeling his climax about to come. "I-I'm CUMMING!" Springtrap moaned as he released his sweet sperm into your mouth. You sat up after swallowing as much as you could and let the rest coat your body, some dripping from your chin. You licked your lips and smiled at him, silently laying down on your back and opening your legs for him to see you dripping wet. He looked at you wide eyed but you just laughed and tilted your head.

"Well don't make me wait bunny~" You purred. In an instance Springtrap crawled over to you before sitting back on his legs. You both moaned and watched his twitching member slide into you. You moaned at the thickness and he moaned at how tight you were. He leaned over you and kissed your forehead then your nose and finally your lips, waiting until you adjusted to his size. You moaned as he slowly pushed in and when he stopped you kissed him happily, wrapping your hands around his arms.


He obliged to your demands and slowly rocked his hips, gently thrusting in and out of you, but soon the first time pain went away and you were left moaning in pleasure. He sped up his thrusts as he heard you moan louder, his own moans joining in and creating a symphony of lust.

"Nnn! Ahh! Faster Springy!" You cried.

"Hah- Ahhnn! (Y/N)! I Love You!" Springtrap groaned as he could feel himself coming to a climax. His thrusts became sloppier by the minute and you both were soon nothing but a drooling and moaning mess. He tried to pull out and cum but you wrapped your legs around the small of his back and used whatever strength you had pushed him all the way back in.

"AAAHH!" Springtrap cried.

"I Love You Springtrap!" You cried in unison. He came in you and you squirted, panting. You pulled him into a deep kiss and separated to catch your breath, he was panting above you. You unwrapped your legs and watched with heart eyes as he pulled out and your juices mingled out onto the sheets. He flopped next to you and wrapped his arms around you burying his face in your damp (h/c)(h/t) hair. You curled into him and smiled tiredly.


"Yes my love?"

"Let's get married."

"Yes! I love you bunny~"

"I love you too, kitten~"


Thanks for joining me on this lovely journey of a Springtrap x Reader story. It has been a pleasure and I must say it was fun. Thank you! 

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