Chapter 9: "Baseless Jealousy"

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Hey everyone! Sorry it's been soooo long... Well maybe not THAT long but still my bad. My summer classes were finishing and I also was looking for a job and finally got one, sooo freaking nervous by the way. Anyways here's a much awaited chapter!!! ENJOY!!!~


Reader's POV~

You gave a small thanks as Springtrap gingerly placed your phone in your hands. You opened the phone and searched through your contacts until you came across Edward's name. You clicked his number and then the text box. You type a quick message and wait for a reply.

<Hey Ed~ I can't go to the gym with you or Cassidy today.>


<Why not?>

<Sprained my ankle :P>


<What?! How?>

<Fell out of a tree while playing hide and seek with Deliah and friends...>


<Sigh* After We finish at the gym Cassidy and I are coming over. She says she misses you and I do too. We don't see each other often out of work and school.>

<OKay! I have someone I want you two to meet!>





<What!? (Y/N)!!!>

<Bye ttyl <3!!!>

With a sigh and giggle you placed your phone on the table face down and looked up to see a curious Springtrap and Deliah with pancakes and eggs stuffed in her cheeks. You raise a questionable eyebrow before laughing aloud.

"Pfft! Nosy much? I was texting Edward. He and his girlfriend, Cassidy, are coming over after their workout session at the gym. They were worried about my sprained ankle even though it's nothing serious," You enlightened. They both formed an 'O' with their mouths and Deliah went back to eating while Springtrap lifted you up as you squeezed your hands like a child begging its mother to pick them up.

"Where am I taking you? Couch? Your room?" Springtrap asked absent-mindedly.

"Hmm... Hoooow about your room~" You purred.

"Ok- Wait what?" Springtrap began but stopped as he realized what you said.

"You heard me. Your room. You've been in mine so I want to hang out in your room."

"B-but there's nothing interesting in there?"

"Well there will be~"

"What do you mean?"

"Tee hee~ You and me~" You finished with a smile as your bunny lover blushed and gave a soft glare at Deliah who let out a small squeal before returning to her meal. You both made your way to the stairs and up but turned around just in time to catch Deliah running to the sink then phone. She saw you see her and blushed while whistling as she slowly backed away. You shook your head and chuckled along with Springtrap who saw the whole thing. He made it to his room and hesitantly opened the door. You both entered and Springtrap closed the door then made his way to the bed.He placed you gently on the bed and sat next to you. You smiled big and then suddenly.

Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now