Chapter 2: Secret Aquired

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"Want to take a walk through the woods in the back?" You asked.

"Yeah," Springtrap replied.

You both got up and proceeded to the back door, Springtrap opened it and with a nod and small thank you, you stepped outside into the green grass. You hear Springtrap close the door behind you and walk up next to you.

"So which way first?" Springtrap asks while looking side glancing you.

"Hmmm how about THIS WAY!" you exclaim energetically as you peel off into the woods smiling as you remember your childhood. Caught up in the moment you hop on each foot as you began stripping off your socks and shoes, you've always preferred feeling the cool grass directly. You turn quickly to see Springtrap chasing after you side-stepping to avoid the clothes you tossed on a whim. You laugh loudly at his confused expression and wave your arm rapidly.

"HAHAHA CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!~" You remark at him. He smiles and begins to get serious as he brows furrow and his speed increases.

Springtrap POV~

I glared at Nick. I didn't want him to be around when I came clean to (Y/N), she was beautiful, and if she rejected me I didn't think I would be able to handle that. I almost punched Nick in the face when he sneered at me and exposed me before I could even have a say but I saw (Y/N) watching curiously and her eyes shone with worry and protectiveness. The only thing I could do was sigh and take (Y/N) offer to take a walk in the woods. 'Strange? Wouldn't she be scared if she knew I had a secret and look at me! I'm not exactly normal... A lot better looking than before though'.

I opened the door and smiled as (Y/N) gave me a nod and small thank you. And closed the door behind us and stood next to her. I don't go out often so I didn't even know where to start therefore I gave her the choice.

"Hmmm how about THIS WAY!"

I jumped at her sudden outburst but smiled as she ran off into the woods. I was surprised by her speed and mesmerized by her free spirit and a feeling grew inside of me that I have never felt before. A feeling that wasn't similar to how I felt towards Deliah but it was as equally warm and... I liked it. I was brought back from my thoughts when I heard a soft thud in front of me and saw (Y/N) taking off her socks and shoes, throwing them in the air behind her glancing to see where they would land. I dodged them as they came coming in my direction and I didn't want to ruin her clothes.

I looked at her as she smiled and laughed beautifully gleeful and if I had a heart I'm sure it would have stopped. The sun filtering through the trees above casted a spotted golden spotlight unto the bright supple (s/c) face of (Y/N) and her (h/c) hair glowed forming a sunkissed halo around her head. Her smile was enchanting and her (e/c) eyes were shining with mischief, love, happiness and a little nostalgia. I couldn't help but stare as I ran after her deeper into the unknown. I was pulled back once more when she shouted a welcoming taunt.


I smiled at the words and decided to get a little serious. I was going to catch this... little tiger. After all no one manages to escape my grasp. Brows furrowed and eyes aglow with joy and hunt I picked up the pace and she did too.

Normal POV~

You turned as Springtrap got serious and ran faster than you ever had before. You were quite well balanced and athletic since you always loved running, climbing and swimming. You didn't look back because that would just slow you down so eyes cast forward you picked up the speed going faster and faster until you heard something. Straining your ears you heard what sounded like water so with new energy you peeled off towards it still hearing the light footsteps of Springtrap close on your heels.

Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now