Chapter 10: "The Meeting"

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Author's notes: Sorry this is a little shorter than normal... I was trying to reach 2,000 words like usual but I didn't know how to extend the details... Also I really wanted to update! Sorry it took so long! Life is kicking me in the throat right now...

Springtrap's POV~

I sat in my room waiting for (Y/N) to return, which I knew wouldn't be for awhile. I laid on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. I listened as much as I could to the conversation and got impatient when my kitten suddenly went quiet. 'UGH! Why is it so quiet?! What is going on? Is that bastard trying to take her away from me?!? If he takes her away I'll kill- No. Can't do that... I just want her back in my arms'.

knock* knock* "Springtrap?" (Y/N) whispered. I jumped up from my bed and practically ran to the door when I heard my kitten's voice. I opened the door slightly.

"(Y/N). Are they gone?" I asked going to open the door a bit wider, but I was suddenly pushed into my room with my kitten following nervously. "What's wrong?"

"W-wellll. Ummm... They want to meet you?" (Y/N) said nervously, fidgeting with her hands and looking down.

"Okay," I answered calmly.

"I understand if you don't want t- Wait what?" She asked dumbfounded. 'My God she is so cute' I thought as her eyebrows furrowed slightly and her nose scrunched up softly.

"I said okay."

"A-are you sure?" My kitten stuttered.

"Of course. Do you not want them to meet me? Am I embarrassing?" I asked downhearted at her reluctance.

"Listen here bunny," (Y/N) growled slapping her hands unto my cheeks and forcing me to bend down and look at her directly in the eyes, "I don't give a rat's ass who sees you or what they think. I just want to make sure this is what you want, and you're not doing it for mysake."

I stared in awe and shock as she released me with a humph, not before giving me a small kiss on my nose. With a blush I pulled her into a hug and nuzzled my nose on her soft (h/c) hair.

"Thank you for caring for me so much, but I want to do this. I need to do this. I don't want to hide our relationship; especially from people you consider family. I promise this is for me," I answered seriously, releasing my kitten from the hug.

"I love you bunny~" (Y/N) purred, her eyes glowing with awe and love at my statement.

"Love you more kitten~" I purred back. With a deep breath I opened the door and took a step out into the hallway.

Ed and Cassie's POV~

"Why are they taking so long?" Ed asked aloud, frustrated and impatient.

"Calm down love. We just have to wait a bit longer, afterall, it is her first boyfriend I'm sure she is just nervous to show him to us," Cassie soothed.

"But why is she nervous? Does she not think we'll approve?!?"


"Well what?!"

"Well, you can be a little overprotective and overbearing. The reason (Y/N) didn't have a boyfriend all this time was your fault. You chased every single guy away, since ELEMENTARY!"

Reader's POV~

You were filled with confidence and joy as Springtrap told you his feelings and you knew that no matter what Ed and Cassie thought you were going to accept it and never leave your bunny alone. 'I wonder what they'll say' you thought nervously. Following Springtrap into the hallway you both made your way to your room. You both paused as you heard the voices of your two childhood friends talking on the other side. Cutting in front of him you stood in front of your door and with a small nod between him and you, you opened the door with Springtrap standing behind you. The two lovers quickly turned their heads in your direction.

Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now