Chapter One: Immortal •NEW•

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August, Year 473
Isle of Whithook
District Ten

Human life, regardless of wealth or circumstance, had a beginning and an end. What humanity had long strove to accomplish was to eliminate the latter and after centuries of research they had gotten close.

But unknown to the seven hundred and fifty two scientists working on extending the lifespans of the elite, the secret to immortality was now in the hands of three friends on a personal quest to save the world.

"This braeks!"

The two men in the trio of self-proclaimed future world-savers tore their gazes away from the swelling waves that smashed against the rocky base of the cliff they stood on, hands fitted into their pockets. They turned simultaneously to the girl lagging behind them by several metres.

She didn't seem to be aware that her outburst had gotten their attention but she couldn't really be blamed for her absentmindedness.

Dawn Draekon was a pretty, perfectly proportioned, lilliputian thing—completely human, with no obvious Enhancement, auditory or otherwise. But both her friends could accurately hear a pin drop miles away while she could not.

It was a difference all three of them had forgotten despite its obviousness. Yet, this glaring fact was highlighted by the white jumpsuit she had insisted on wearing to secretly accompany her two best friends to Whithook's notorious cliff—the location with the best view of the nation's vast oceans.

The material clung to her like a second skin and occasionally glowed a murky green, showing that her mood was particularly volatile at the moment—she did not have the inherent control Enhanced humans had over their emotional state. And the last thing anyone hunting for her would expect was the President's daughter being geared up in an extremely inconvenient 111 mood suit.

Dawn's short, dark hair ran wild in all directions regardless of whether wind was blowing from the east or not, and her teeth were sunk deep into her pale lower lip, causing rivulets of blood to dribble down the corner of her mouth.

A hint of bright red diffused into the murkiness of the jumpsuit's glimmer  but she herself didn't seem to notice the pain though. She only kept her glare on the pad she held, furiously using her thumb to jab at its screen with enough ferocity to stab the digit through the sturdy holo-interface.

"Stupid prototype, can't you move any faster?" the girl growled beneath her breath, only pausing once in her incessant typing and scrolling to wipe off the blood that had dripped onto the surface of the SCREENE in her hands.

By now the two men had spent a whole minute carefully observing her. They shared a knowing glance before a look of genuine worry finally settled on the features of the younger man.

The blue in his eyes darkened to a murky obsidian as he stared at Dawn, and his jet black hair, once fluttering relentlessly in the harsh winds, stilled the moment he frowned.

Like the girl in front of him, Corey Roya was also human, but not entirely powerless like his childhood friend. At the same time he didn't consider himself part of the everyday masses who had good-for-nothing Enhancements that amounted to nothing but daily frivolities in the end.

More importantly though, he had spent almost half his life with Dawn and knew by now that she was the only being on the planet that could make someone as important as him feel like a nonentity.

For that reason alone, Corey had no intentions of waddling into the turbid waters of Dawn's broiling rage, especially today of all days.

He gestured silently to her with a throw of his hand, the message in his actions obvious as he proceeded to shove both hands deeper into the pockets in his stripped sweater and directed his distressed gaze elsewhere: I'm not handling it this time.

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