First Year and Falling

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Slowly, Thia began to get better at managing her nightmares and panic attacks. And on the nights when the terrors kept her up, her godmother was right there with her, cooing and cuddling, soothing her. And the days when the panic crept in, Teddy, Remus, and Mickey were by her side, telling jokes and taking her away from the triggers.

Then it was summer again, and Thia and Poppy moved to the village. Thia spent her days running rampant in the streets, the warm sun bouncing off her golden hair and flashing in her honey brown eyes. She made friends with the barmaid at the Three Broomsticks, Madam Rosmerta, and the old man who ran Honeyduke's. She helped her neighbour in her flower shop, organizing bouquets and learning their meanings.

And then it was her birthday and a new school year. There was no more Mickey and Kit, no more Professor Gaysa. He'd been offered a better job at Beauxbatons, and so he took it. Remus and Teddy were still there though.

Thia's time at Hogwarts for the next two years passed in a haze of loud noises and helping her godmother. The Marauders had been starting prank after prank, and half of them ended with someone in the Hospital Wing. Soon enough, it was the summer before she turned eleven.


"Thia, love, we need to decide something," Poppy told her goddaughter over breakfast on the day they were set to move back to the castle. The blonde looked up from her toast.

"It's about the train ride, isn't it?" She asked quietly, receiving a nod in response.

"In part, yes. I think it would be a good thing if you went on the train. You'd get to meet some kids your age, and it's not like you'd be without people you know, Teddy and Remus both ride the train," She saw the scared look that flashed through the eleven-year-old's eyes, "Sweetheart, you'll be fine. You can't expect me to be around as often as you're used to. You need to get accustomed to being around strangers. 

"Which is why I think it'd be best if, after you're sorted,  you stay in your house's dorms and not in your room next to mine. At least during the term. During breaks, you're welcome to stay with me, but I want you to have the most normal experience you can at school."

Thia nodded, taking another bite of her toast. She knew that Poppy was right, that she should branch out and make some friends her age so that she wouldn't be alone again when Teddy and Remus left. 

But it was honestly terrifying, the thought of being without her godmother, the one constant figure left in her life since the Incident. And yeah, she'd have Teddy and Remus, Lily and Kai. She'd have people she knew, like the few constants from the Hospital Wing, James and Sirius. But they didn't know what happened in that cold, dark basement. None of them knew she still woke screaming some nights, that she had her own stash of Dreamless Sleep potion stored beneath her bed. Half of them didn't even know she had prosthetic limbs.

Poppy saw her goddaughter's pensive look and patted her arm, "Love, I promise it will be fine. And if isn't, I'll buy you whatever you want from Honeyduke's." That did the trick, and the ten-year-old smiled.



Thia clutched Poppy's hand as they apparated onto Platform 9 3/4 at the King's Cross Station. Her eyes were closed, and so the first thing she knew about the train was that it was loud. And they had gotten there an hour ahead of when it was scheduled to leave, so there weren't many people there yet.

"It's alright love, just breathe." Slowly, Thia's eyes flickered open, her hand tightening around Poppy's as she took in the sight of the scarlet steam engine. Her hands became clammy against her silk gloves, and suddenly her button-down shirt was a little too tight. 

"Thia!" Someone called from beside the train. It was Lily Evans, making her way over with her parents and older sister.

"Hello, Madam Pomfrey, how are you today?" The redhead asked politely. The matron smiled at the girl.

"I'm doing well, Miss Evans. Are you prepared for your OWLs this year?" The younger witch nodded. Her father cleared his throat.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Madam Pomfrey, Thia, these are my parents, Laurence and Dahlia Evans, and my sister, Petunia. Guys, this is Madam Pomfrey, the matron at Hogwarts, and her goddaughter, Thia."

Poppy shook hands with the adults, giving Petunia a friendly smile that was returned with a scowl.

"If you'd like, Thia, you can sit with me on the train." Lily smiled down at the younger girl, who gave her a shy nod. 

"Alright, love, I'll see you at school. Have a fun time!" Poppy kissed Thia's forehead before she disapparated, scaring the Evans parents. Petunia shrieked.

"I'll see you at Christmas," Lily told her parents, giving them each a kiss on the cheek. She sent a sad smile towards her sister, but the blonde resolutely turned away. Thia frowned at her, but Lily nodded towards the train.

"Ready for this?" Lily asked, helping the girl up the stairs. Thia nodded, looking up from her feet as stepped onto the train. This was a mistake, as her foot caught on her skirt and she stumbled and knocked into Lily, who in turn fell. She would have hit the floor if she hadn't bumped into a boy coming down the aisle.

"Finally falling for me, huh, Evans?" James asked, looking down at the girl he caught. The redhead released a puff of air, standing up.

"You wish, Potter. Are you alright, Thia?" Lily turned to look down at the younger witch.

"Yes. I'm sorry for bumping you," Thia whispered, her eyes focusing on the ground. Lily smiled.

"Oh, it's fine. It was just an accident. Come on, let's go find somewhere to sit." Lily took Thia's hand and brushed past the raven-haired boy. He raised a hand like he was going to stop her, but then dropped it, shaking his head.

A/N - Hello, loves! I'm back (finally)! So a few updates on my life at the moment:

1. My school is out for three weeks, and I aim to publish 2 chapters a week during that time.

2. I have 7 drafted stories that may or may not publish yet, so keep an eye out for those! (And yes, most of them are Harry Potter fanfics)

That's all! 

Later, loves!


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