Saudade and So Longs

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Those last few hours passed by in a rush of teasing and laughs. Then everyone was rushing to pack, and people were hurrying off to say goodbye to favourite teachers, and having one last meal in the Great Hall, sleeping in their dorms one last time.

And in the morning, people were rushing again, packing last minute things and hurrying down to Hogsmeade. Thia was among them, although she didn't need to drag her trunk down with her. Her aunt would take it with her to Hogsmeade before she picked up Thia from King's Cross.

She sat with Ash and her friends on the train, Teddy, Phoenix, and a girl named Lottie. For the most part, Ash read while the other four talked. Afterwards, Thia wouldn't have been able to tell you what they talked about. The conversations blurred together.

They arrived at King's Cross at half-past five that evening and disembarked. Thia was the last to leave, stepping up to the top of the stairs once the corridor was clear. She saw her friends hugging and saying goodbye. She saw the Marauders, each with their parents. She saw a girl sitting on a boy's shoulder.

Thia watched it all. She watched the children hug their parents. She heard the animals calling to each other from inside their cages. A peculiar feeling settled in her chest. It felt tight, and like it was crawling up her throat. It wasn't sadness, she knew what that felt like, but it wasn't not sadness either. Lonely wasn't right, but it was close. It felt empty.

The word she was looking for, in fact, was saudade. It means a longing for something or someone that was loved and lost, and knowing they would never return. If you have ever felt it, you know it's a very painful thing to feel. If you haven't, count yourself lucky.

"Thia!" she turned to face the voice. It was Remus, followed by his father. She jumped off the train, casting a glance around for her aunt. Remus opened his arms, and she stepped into them. As much as she hated that he had stood by, and as much as she hated what his friends had done, she couldn't leave without saying goodbye.

"Have you been avoiding me?" He asked softly, so his dad wouldn't hear. She hesitated.

"More so your friends." Thia stepped back, but Remus kept his hands on her shoulders.

He sighed, "I won't say I don't know why. James and Sirius have a lot of growing up to do." His father cleared his throat, "Oh, Dad, this is my friend Thia. Thia, this is my dad, Lyall."

Thia shook Lyall's hand, "It's very nice to meet you."  

"There you are, love," Aunt Poppy came up to them, running a hand through her goddaughter's hair. She looked up, laughing with delight, "Lyall Lupin!"

Remus's father grinned, giving her a hug, "Poppy! How's Hogwarts?"

"It's certainly interesting. How's Hope doing?" Remus looked between the adults.

"Fine, fine. Stressed, but you know how she gets." Lyall rested an arm on his son's shoulders, "Poppy and I used to work together before she transferred."

"Well, it was lovely seeing you again, Lyall, but we should be going," Poppy rested a hand on Thia's arm, "Do say hello to the others, won't you?" Lyall nodded, waving goodbye as they disapparated.


A/N - A shorter chapter just to wrap things up, and next week, Thia's a second year! Hope you all are doing well, make sure to eat right, drink water, destroy the patriarchy, and get plenty of sleep!

Later, loves!


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