Panic Attacks and Patronuses

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"Expecto Patronum." Thia's small voice quivered, but it had worked. Light poured from her wand, swirling in the air as it formed... something. It took a moment for the shape to solidify, but once it did, she found a fox trotting around in mid-air. Thia reached for it, and it rubbed its head against her palm. 

She laughed softly, peace washing over her like a waterfall. A breathless smile stayed on her face as it faded away. Remus looked on, shock written into every inch of his face.

"You did it... You actually did, Thia! You conjured a Patronus!" A grin broke out, and he hugged her, "You really did it."

Thia laughed again, disbelief in her eyes, "Expecto Patronum." Again, the silver fox appeared, running a circle before fading away. "I need to show Professor McGonagall."


Remus followed his young friend to the Deputy Headmistress's office, still amazed by the third year. A third year! And yet she had managed to accomplish such an advanced charm. His respect for Thia grew more and more.

"Ah, hello, Miss Simmons, Mister Lupin. How may I help you?" McGonagall studied the girl's red eyes and bright smile, how her wand was firmly in her hand, "Merlin, what have you been doing, child?"

"I did it, I cast a Patronus." The professor's eyes widened.

"Really?" Her voice was hushed, "Can you do it again?"

Thia, still riding the high of the first casting, said again, "Expecto Patronum." The fox emerged from the tip of her wand, dashing around McGonagall and rolling over in the air. She laughed, astonished, as she watched the younger witch. This was serious magic, something that seventh years barely touched on, let alone perfected. And yet, this little mite of a girl was doing it after just two years of practice.

"Fantastic, Miss Simmons! Twenty points to Gryffindor for excellent spell casting and accomplishing an advanced spell. Now, you'd best hurry to lunch, Seollean-Meala"

Thia thanked her, letting Remus wrap an arm around her shoulder as she called Cosette to her side. The smile never faded from her face the whole way down.


"I've a warning for you, Thia," Remus said as they walked back to the common room later that evening. In all the excitement, he'd nearly forgotten. "The boys are planning a prank on the girls, day before break. Wanted to tell you in case it got out of hand, though I've no clue what it'll be."

She nodded, hiding a yawn behind her hand. Panic attacks drained her, and doing intense magic on top of that had left her entirely exhausted. It was hard for her to focus on Remus's words and walk straight at the same time, so she gripped Cosette's harness, keeping her upright.

"Alright," She remembered something as they reached the portrait hole, "Rem, don't let me forget, but I've a letter to write to Professor MacMillian."

"The DADA teacher from your first year? Why?" They stopped beside the girls' stairway. She swallowed a yawn.

"He was the first to teach me the Patronus charm. When he left, he wanted me to tell him if I ever cast it. Now, I need sleep if I'm going survive these three days before break."


The day before break dawned bright and snowy. Thia, awakened by the soft yip of Cosette, slipped from bed and dressed quickly, leading her pup through the common room. She hadn't expected to see anyone, not this early, but the Marauders sat with their heads together beside the fire.

She waved when Remus looked up, but didn't stop. Cosette made it clear that she was on a mission. Once out of the common room, Cosette took the lead, heading straight for a side door out of the castle. Thia let her out, but stayed inside herself, knowing she wouldn't run. A scratching at the door told her to open it again.

The golden doodle shook herself, sending snow flying. Thia smiled, calling her over as they made their way to the Great Hall, retrieving her harness from her bag. She settled at the end of Gryffindor table, a bowl of dog food appearing on the floor beside her; she reminded herself to go and visit the houseelves to thank them.

Soon, the Marauders appeared, filling in the spaces around her, and then filling their plates.

"Ready to go home, lads?" She asked, tucking into a waffle. Today was a good day then, one where she felt okay. Hopefully it would stay that way for a while at least. She never got many good days around Christmas.

"Mmhmm," James said around a mouthful of bacon, swallowing, "After we have a last hurrah. Right, boys?"

Remus, Sirius, and Peter nodded, and Thia rolled her eyes, "What have you even done?"

"You'll see," Sirius assured her, a cocky smile on his face, "It was my idea."

Another roll of the eyes, but Thia finished her food as the first of the Gryffindor girls began coming in. Thia's eyes widened as she realised each was being followed by a large raven. The other houses looked on in surprise as Lily marched up to the Marauders, who were hiding smiles and smirks behind hands.

"JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER," she had on her Head Girl voice, the one she used to guide first years without any of the kindness, "What sort of foolishness is this? You've scared half the poor girls to death! Never-"

"Nevermore!" The raven interrupted, making them all jump. It was eerily human.

"-have I seen such stupidity. Honestly, the-"

"-story is told through the eyes of a madman, who, like all of us, believed he was sane." Soon the hall was full of birds finishing the girls' sentences with quotes. Thia rolled her eyes, smacking them all on the back of their heads.

"This was your big hurrah, boys?" Thia and Lily shared a look, "I think we girls will have to show you how it's done."

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