The Surprise

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For the next few months, Thia spent time in one of three places; her room, the physical therapy room, or in the recreation room with the other kids. Sometimes Remus was there, most times he wasn't. Libi was there for about a week every month, and Kai left a couple of weeks after Thia met him. She made more friends, but none as close as those three.

One day, Thia was in the rec room, helping another kid learn to write. They had managed to get all the way to 'X' when Oliver interrupted.

"Hey, Thia! Come here for a second!" Her nurse called from the door, where he stood with a large box.

"I'll be back later, Nixie," Thia told the little girl. The three-year-old nodded, clutching a crayon in her chubby hand.

"We've got a surprise for you," Oliver grinned. Thia's eyes lit up. She followed him down the hall back to her room, where her Aunt Poppy and a few other nurses waited. Oliver set the box on the bed, motioning for her to open it.

Inside, Thia found something that made her smile wide. Two things really. There were a beautifully carved prosthetic arm and leg. Spelled to resemble actual skin, they were a perfect fit when Oliver helped her get them on.

"They're enchanted to grow as you do and work as if they were your actual limbs," Poppy told her, happy to see a smile on the girl's face. The nurses around her urged her to stand, to try to walk. Oliver held her hand as she got to her feet, hesitantly taking a few steps. They made it to the hallway until Oliver let go. Thia looked up at him, fear creasing her brow.

"Come on, little warrior, you can do it," he smiled reassuringly, "I'll be right next to you." Thia turned to look in front of her, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. Although she stumbled, fell, and tripped, she smiled brightly as she reached the rec room again. A cheer went up from the healers and nurses. Thia turned and hugged Oliver, then her godmother, then all the people who came out to cheer her on. Slowly, the group began to disburse, until all that remained was Oliver, Thia, Poppy, and Ahlena, Thia's nighttime nurse.

"And, there's another surprise," Ahlena smiled. The little girl looked at her, waiting for her to continue. Instead, it was her Aunt Poppy.

"You're going to come live with me next week, love." Thia looked from her godmother to Oliver, who nodded, grinning, to Ahlena. Thia wasn't a stupid child, and she knew that she couldn't stay in the safe place that she had created at Silverwood Children's Hospital forever. But that didn't stop the tears that came, nor the wishing that happened in her head.

"Oh, love. Come here," Poppy scooped up her goddaughter, carrying her back to her room. Thia had never really been prone to crying, and it broke her guardian's heart that she was. But then, Poppy reasoned, when Thia had first arrived at the hospital, she was in shock and never cried. The child had never really been allowed to grieve. The pair sat down on the bed, Thia crying into her godmother's shoulder.

"What's wrong, Thia?" Poppy asked once she had calmed down a little, "Do you really not want to leave that much?" Thia shook her head.

"I know that Mama and Papa won't be there," the seven-year-old said quietly. Poppy smiled sadly, brushing the hair off Thia's forehead.

"That's true. Your mum and dad aren't coming home."


"Some bad people killed them, love, just like how they hurt you." Thia nodded as if that confirmed her thoughts. Her eyes started growing heavy.

"Let's take off these off, love, before you fall asleep." The two worked together, laying them back in the box. Thia curled into Poppy's side, slipping away into her dreams.

"Thia, come on, love. It's time to get up," Poppy shook the girl gently, giggling at her bedhead. She grabbed a brush and set to work. Once her hair was in order, Thia put on the prosthetics. Her godmother helped her slip on a yellow sundress.

"Why the dress, Aunty? Is it a special day today?" Thia frowned, looking up.

"Well, yes. You get released today, love," Poppy said gently. Thia's frown cleared, replaced with a sunny smile. She had come to terms with her reality, at least to the best of her abilities. That didn't mean she was over the death of her parents, far from it, but she did understand she wouldn't be seeing them again.

"Come along, Thia. There's a surprise for you in the rec room." Poppy took  Thia's hand and they walked together down the hall. Thia pushed open the door, walking in to see a big group of people. She saw Oliver and Ahlena, her friends from the hospital, Nixie and Libi, as well as the rest of patients on her floor. Oliver stepped to the side and Thia's eyes lit up.

"Libi! Kai! Remmy!" She ran, stumbling slightly, before throwing her arms around her friends, although her arms were too short to fit around Libi. Remmy and Kai laughed, hugging her back before she turned and hugged Libi.

"Hiya, squirt," Kai chuckled, messing up her hair, "How you liking the new arm and leg?"

Thia beamed, "They're awesome!"

"Ready to leave this place?" Remus asked, handing her a piece of cake from the cake Oliver was cutting. She nodded, munching happily on the lemon-flavoured dessert; her favourite. The four started talking about what had happened during the months apart, and, in the case of the older kids, their preparations for Hogwarts.

Finally, an hour or so later, the nurses took tired kids back to rooms, Kai, Libi, and Remus went home with the promise to write, and Thia said goodbye to Oliver and Ahlena.

"Be strong, little warrior," Oliver whispered as he hugged her. All she did was smile up at him, not quite trusting her voice. He smiled back bittersweetly. He would miss the tiny girl who had always greeted him with a smile.

"Be careful, munchkin," Ahlena told her, tweaking her nose. Thia let out a giggle, throwing her arms around the nurse.

"As long as your godmother allows it, you're welcome to come back and visit," Oliver said. Thia beamed at the two, waving as she left with Poppy.

"Bye, Thia!" They told her as she disappeared out the door. The last the nurses saw of her was her hand waving vigorously.

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