Another Ruined Holiday

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Despite having taken her Dreamless Sleep Potion the night before, Thia awoke not an hour after she fell asleep that Halloween in Seventh Year. Something felt starkly wrong, although nothing in the room had changed. She pulled on her robe.

"Cosette, talon," Thia whispered, grabbing her crutch. The rest of the girls were fast asleep, and she didn't want to wake them. Silently, they padded down to the common room. She sank onto a couch before the fire, calling Cosette up beside her.

"What's happened, Co?" she asked quietly, "Something most certainly has, but what?"

Thia sat, staring into the flames, as Cosette snored beside her. Her fingers traced Cosette's curly fur, and though she fought down yawns, she didn't give herself over to sleep. Someone crept down the stairs, stalling when the Seventh Year turned to look.

It was one of the first-year boys, Thia didn't know his name, but his hair was a mess and frustration was etched into every part of his face. Thia smiled, waving him over.

"Can't sleep?" He shook his head, settling beside her. She saw how he looked at her arm, "It's alright. I got my arm and leg amputated when I was six."

He flushed, "I don't mean to stare."

"It's normal. You're not the first and you won't be the last. I'm Thia."

"Atlas," he picked at his dressing gown, "Why are you up?"

Thia hummed, pushing her hair back, "I woke up and something felt wrong. Still does, but I've no clue what it is. What about you?"

Atlas frowned, "Flitwick assigned me extra practice on the levitation charm. I've been practising for hours, and I still can't get it. My dormmates made me come down here so they could sleep."

"Show me. I can help," Thia drew her wand from behind her ear. Straightaway, she saw his problem, "You're not being precise enough. Swish and flick. Both parts should be equally crisp."

He copied her, laughing when he succeeded. Atlas continued to practice, only relenting when he could hardly see for yawning. Thia smiled as he waved goodbye, heading back up the stairs. But still, she couldn't shake the feeling of wrongness that surrounded her.


It was well past midnight when the portrait door creaked open, and Thia sat up. Professor McGonagall stepped inside, catching sight of the girl beside the fire. Sadness and frustration warred on her face.

"Ah, Seollean-Meala. Come with me," Thia stood, following the Professor with Cosette at her side. Silence fell between them, the only sounds made by her crutch and Cosette's nails. Thia was about to ask where they were going when someone came around the corner.

"Ho there! What are—" It was Mo, doing her Prefect rounds, "Oh, Professor... Thia? What's wrong?"

Professor McGonagall studied the Hufflepuff, "Why don't you come along, Miss Knight?"

Mo nodded, a worried look on her face as she fell into step beside Thia. The trio continued on their way, up the stairs. McGonagall led them to Dumbledore's office.

"Miss Simmons, and Miss Knight," Professor Dumbledore didn't look confused at Mo's presence, "Sit, please."

 They did, Mo helping Thia with her crutch. Her nearness made Thia blush. The two had become closer since that project last year, but Mo still made comments that made her blush.

"Miss Simmons," her eyes fell upon the Headmaster, "There was another attack earlier tonight. By tomorrow morning, it will be everywhere. James and Lily were killed by Voldemort."

Thia stared at Dumbledore. James and Lily... dead? How? They had been in hiding, with no one knowing where they were except... No. He wouldn't... would he? Could he?

Mo took her hand, jolting Thia back to the present, "What of Harry? Is he with Sirius?"

The professor gave her a pitying look, "No. Harry will be left with Lily's family. Sirius betrayed the Potters, and thus will go to Azkaban."

"What, no! Harry belongs with me, I'm his godmother!" Anger flared inside her, "By wizarding and muggle law, he belongs with me. And Sirius didn't betray anyone. Peter Pettigrew did."

"My dear, you're confused, hurt. Sirius was the Secret Keeper. He was the one who to tell Voldemort." He stood, resting a hand on the table, "I'm sorry, Miss Simmons, but you are in no condition to raise a child. It is in Harry's best interest to go to the Dursleys."

Thia caught sight of McGonagall. who was grimacing. It was clear she didn't agree with Dumbledore.

"Miss Knight, if you would make sure she gets back safely." It was clear they were being dismissed. Thia was tempted to stay, to argue that Harry was safer with her than Lily's sorry excuse for a sister. But Mo made her stand, guiding her away before she could say anything.

"Breathe, a stór," Mo murmured, catching McGonagall's gaze. The older woman smiled sadly. 

They were halfway to the Gryffindor common room before Mo made her stop, resting her hands on Thia's shoulders.

"Harry belongs with me. The Dursleys are abusive arseholes who spoil their own son but don't give a shit about anyone else," Thia was fighting tears, "He's safer with me."

"I know," Mo leaned her forehead against Thia's, "I know."

They stayed like that until Thia let the tears come, and Mo pulled her into a hug. She sobbed into her friend's shirt. Cosette bumped against her leg, nearly sending her toppling. Thia squeaked.

"I got you," Mo said, her arms tightening around her, "I've got you. I'm right here, love. I'm not going to let you fall."


Sophie, Callum, and Mo became her constants. No one really let her be alone, but she didn't mind that. What she minded was that Dumbledore refused to talk to her. Refused to listen. He brushed her off as a confused, traumatized child. Someone who had been given false information. 

Mo tried to keep her distracted (something she excelled at) from Harry when she could, but she also knew that she needed to grieve. At night, Thia joined her for her rounds, and they kept each other company as the evening hours passed.

It was two days after that Halloween when Thia got a letter, and what followed changed her life again.

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