Service Pets and Sunflowers

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A/N - I know this is a repeat update, but I added more at the end! Next true update will be up next week!

Later that day Mickey arrived back in the Hospital Wing, Kit at his side. He found Madam Pomfrey tending to a girl, and she directed him into the office. Thia sat at her godmother's desk, a crutch by her side and her prosthetic in front of her. Mickey approached cautiously, and Thia smiled when she saw Kit.

"Hello, Helianthia. Is it alright if I come closer?" The little girl nodded, and Mickey moved to sit across from her. He took her fake leg, examining the knee joint. 

"Lumos," he whispered, attempting to point his wand at the joint. Small hands took hold of it, freeing his left hand. Mickey grinned at Thia before focusing on his task. Gently he turned the limb over. 

"Ah, there's the problem," Mickey said, rotating the prosthesis so that Thia could see it, "The rubber piece that bends your knee came unhooked. We just have to stretch it back up into place." He grunted as he pulled the band tight, looping it around the hook. Then he took the wand from Thia, muttering a spell. 

"Why don't you try it? That way I can make sure that was the only problem." Thia nodded. She pushed herself up onto the desk, taking the prostheses from him and attempting to put it on.

"I'll grab your aunt so she can help you. Kit, come." Mickey stepped out of the office, catching the attention of Madam Pomfrey. She was sitting beside the girl, who was sleeping.

"All finished?"

"Almost. I want Helianthia to put it on, make sure that it's all fixed." The matron looked from Mickey to the girl beside her.

"Would you mind watching Miss Lexea for a second, then? Thia will need help." Mickey nodded, taking a seat as the witch left for the office. He studied the sleeping girl, seeing the dark circles that were under her eyes and the paleness in her skin. As he watched her, her eyes fluttered open. She went to sit up before she was seized by hacking coughs. Mickey handed her a bowl before helping her.

Slowly, the coughs subsided. The girl went to speak, but instead, only a rasping sound came out. Mickey handed her a glass of water, holding it to her lips as she drank.

"Where's Madam Pomfrey?" She asked. Mickey set down the cup.

"Helping her goddaughter with something. She asked me to watch you." Mickey stood as Miss Lexea dissolved into coughs again, "I'm going to go get her." He left the girl before venturing into the office.

"Madam Pomfrey? She's awake." The matron looked up from beside a crying Thia. She looked torn between her duty to her goddaughter and to her job. Mickey looked down at Kit, motioning to the little girl. Kit went and lay down next to her, and Thia wrapped her arms around the dog.

"Alright. Thia, Mickey's going to stay with you for a little bit alright? I'll be right back, sweetie." with a last look at her goddaughter, she left the room. Mickey sat down beside the door, a few feet away from Thia.

"Helianthia, is it alright if I come closer?" A small nod, and he moved until he was with arm's reach of her. He kept his hands in front of him, where she could see them. 

"Helianthia, can you look at me for a moment?" The girl shook her head, "Okay, that's fine. Just follow my breathing. In-2-3-4, out-2-3-4. In-2-3-4, out-2-3-4." He continued to chant the words, watching as the girl slowly calmed down. She let go of Kit, rubbing sore eyes. Gently, Mickey pulled her hands away.

"It's not good for you to rub your eyes like that," He told her. She nodded, yawning. Slowly, she moved so that she was leaning against him, and fell asleep. He wrapped an arm around her and fell asleep as well.

When Mickey woke, Thia was still curled into his side. Madam Pomfrey smiled at him. She stood from the desk, urging him to pick her up. As he did, she snuggled against his chest. The matron led him through a hidden doorway and down a short hall to the room at the end. Inside, Mickey glanced around as he set her on the bed.

The room was painted white, with the wall the bed was against a pale blue. The bed itself was a daybed, cream-coloured with pale pink sheets. A window seat was set into the adjacent wall, and a bookshelf stretched beneath it.

Mickey followed Madam Pomfrey back out of the Hospital Wing, calling for Kit to come as they passed through the office.

"Thank you so much, Mister Burns. For everything. It must be so hard for her, and it isn't getting better."

"You might think about getting her a service dog. Kit's been a great help, not just with my Epilepsy but with my anxiety too. I can see if my mum will send me the information about where we got Kit if you'd like," Mickey offered, stroking the dog's ears.

"I'd appreciate that, Mister Burns. I'll let you know if we are in need of any more help," Mickey waved goodbye as he disappeared down the hall, "Now, Miss Lexea, how are you feeling?"

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