Seollean-Meala and Sweet Memories

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"Professor McGonagall?" Thia asked after the Transfiguration Exam. The older witch looked up and smiled; she always had a soft spot for the matron's girl. 

"What can I do for you, Miss Simmons?"

"Has anyone ever spread a secret of yours that you didn't want anyone knowing?" Minerva nodded, "How did you respond?"

She stood, beckoning for Thia to walk with her, "I was angry, embarrassed, and hurt. It was one of my closest friends, and it felt like the deepest betrayal. If you are asking if I got revenge, I did not."

"Why not? Didn't you want to get back at them?" 

"Seollean-Meala, you do not need to show up to every argument you're invited to. Sometimes it's best to move on and live your life." They were outside Professor MacMillian's door. Thia looked up at her Head of House, a thoughtful look on her face.

"Thank you, Professor."


"Ah, hello, Miss Simmons." Professor MacMillian said, looking up from his desk. She looked around, seeing packed boxes and trunks.

"Are you leaving, Professor?" He nodded.

"I've received a better offer, at Ilvermorny in the States. But, Professor McGonagall has agreed to oversee your Patronus studies. Speaking of, let's get started." Thia nodded, searching her memory again.

Her eyes caught on a candy wrapper that was on Professor MacMillian's desk, and something came to mind.

She was five years old again, walking hand in hand with her grand-mère and grand-père. She'd been staying with them for a week while her parents worked, but they were to pick her up the next day. So, her grand-mère and grand-père had suggested that they go to the sweets shop.

Walking into that little store, with its walls of taffies and chocolates, was like walking into one of her dreams. It was also one of the last times she saw her grandparents.

Thia focused on that memory, on the taste of chocolate and the feel of her grand-mère's lips on her forehead, and whispered, "Expecto Patronum."

Magic sparked from the tip of her wand, a silver mist that split and divided, forming... something. Several somethings, in fact. They swirled around her once before disappearing. Her breath caught in her throat, and a whoop startled her. Professor MacMillian was grinning broadly.

"Very good, Miss Simmons! That's the best you've managed since we began! Let's try again, shall we?"

Thia tried several more times, searching for that same feeling, but nothing came as close as that first memory.

"Alright, I think that's enough. I wish you good luck for the future, Thia," Professor MacMillian smiled at her. She nodded.

"Thank you for everything, Professor. Good luck at Ilvermorny." 

Before she passed through the door, he said to her, "When you cast a corporeal Patronus, I'd quite like to know what it is."

Thia smiled and waved goodbye.


"Vera! Do you have a moment?" Thia called out as the girl passed where she sat with her friends. The others looked at Thia with concern in their eyes.

"Ummm... Yeah. What do you need?" Thia stood, waving off her friends.

"Let's go for a walk. We need to talk." She led Vera around the Black Lake, to a spot shaded by harmless willows and framed by rocks. No one would hear what they talked about. Vera looked around with fear in her eyes.

"Why are we here?" Thia settled on the ground, patting the area beside her. Vera refused, choosing instead to lean against a boulder.

"As I said, we need to talk. It was you, wasn't it?"

"I've no clue what you're talking about." She swallowed harshly. A frown creased Thia's face.

"Are you really still sticking to that?" She held Vera's eyes until the other girl looked away, "Look, you don't have to admit it. I just wanted to say thank you."


"Thank you. It meant I didn't need to worry about hiding it," Thia caught her eyes again, "That doesn't mean what you did was okay. If I hear you do that to anyone else, we are going to have problems."

Vera turned on her, "What could you do? You're just a teacher's pet, a cripple. You need the Marauders to do your dirty work for you."

Thia stood, getting closer until she was a foot away from her, "I don't know why you're like this. I don't pretend to know your story. And I'm not going to try and fight with you on this. If that's what you believe, fine. Believe it. I don't care. Just don't do it again."

She turned to go, a shaken Vera still standing by the rocks, when she looked back over her shoulder, "Vera... if you ever want to talk, I'm here for you. No matter what happens to us, I'm here for you."

"Why?" Vera asked, her voice choked with tears, "I've been nothing but horrid and two-faced with you, why would you be nice to me?"

"That's what friends are for, isn't it?"

Vera didn't answer, and Thia left. She rejoined her friends, refusing to answer their questions.

"That's between me and her," she said, "It will always be between me and her."


A/N - So, a bit of a shorter chapter, but we get to see Thia take some steps forward! She's growing more confident! Just one more chapter until 2nd year, *wipes away tears*, they grow up so fast!

Also, in case you were wondering, Professor McGonagall called Thia 'honeybee' in Scots Gaelic. (Seollean-Meala). Thank you to @elliedenice for the proper translation!

Later, loves!


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