Family Trees and Family Moments

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"Alright, you all have your homework for break," Thia finished scribbling something down as her professor talked, "I'll see you in the New Year!"

Thia collected her things, calling Cosette to her side. They made their way out of the building, headed toward the bus stop. Reaching it just as the bus pulled up, Thia swiped her card and took a seat in the front, Cosette sitting between her legs. Someone dropped into the seat beside her.

"I didn't know dogs were allowed on the bus." Thia glanced over at the speaker. She realised it was one of the boys from her lecture.

"Cosette is a service dog," Thia reached down, tapping Cosette's vest, "She has to be allowed anywhere I go."

The boy, Rickie something-or-other, looked up at her, "Hey wait, you're in my Pysch lecture, right? I thought I recognised her. Tia, right?"

"Thia, but yeah." The bus rolled away from the stop, heading toward its next stop. Two before Thia's. She probably could have apparated, but Cosette wasn't a huge fan of the feeling, and neither was she.

"So what do you think of Carrington's homework?" Rickie asked, picking at a thread on his backpack. Thia shrugged.

"Should be fairly easy, I think. It's just a family tree going back to our grandparents." She didn't add that she had been given some leeway for the assignment. Professor Carrington, a wizard teaching at the muggle college, had been on her team after the incident.

"With all defining traits!" Rickie groaned, throwing his head back as the bus slowed to a stop. One more. "I'll probably just ask my mum for help."

Thia chuckled, "Yeah, I suppose I'll have to visit my aunt this year after all."

Rickie glanced at her, "Are you not going home for Christmas?"

"My aunt works at a boarding school, so I can't stay with her. I'll be spending the holiday with my friends up in Middlesbrough or at my internship." The bus pulled up at the nearest stop to her apartment, "Excuse me, this is my stop."

He glanced around, "Mine too. Which way are you headed?"

Cosette and Thia stepped off the bus, glancing around, "That way. You?"

"Same." They fell into step beside each other, "Where are you interning?"

Thia glanced at him, "A small clinic, really. Serves a very select clientele. Professor Carrington set it up."

"Nice." Really, it was at St Mungo's and a full-fledged job, but Rickie was a muggle. He would be suspicious if she said she had a job as a doctor at a big hospital when she was only twenty-two. They reached her apartment building and she waved goodbye, stepping inside.

As she closed the door, she saw him turn around and walk back the way they had come. She sighed, shaking her head. He hadn't been the first boy to go out of his way for her, but she really wished they would stop. Pushing open her door, a five-year-old came running over to her. Thia scooped Ellie up, grinning at her niece.

"Aunt Tia!" Ellie stumbled over Thia's name, but the witch just laughed.

"Hiya, babydoll," Thia kicked the door closed behind her, settling Ellie on her hip. Mo waved from the kitchen, and Thia went to her side, pecking her on the cheek.

"Remus dropped her off a couple minutes ago, said he'd be back in a couple hours. How was class?" She handed  Thia a bowl of cut grapes. Thia settled at the table, helping Ellie into the chair beside her and setting the grapes in front of her.

"Fairly boring. Just going over our homework for break." Mo joined them, "How was your day?"

She sighed, rolling her eyes, "Mum is still insisting I go home for Christmas."

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