Rumours and Realisations

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For exactly two months, one week, three days, and six hours after Thia had that first nightmare, things were fine. She had started making friends with Rachael, Brandy, and Vera, and even got along with Sophie. In fact, Sophie was the one to remind her to take her potion at night. She spent time with Teddy and Lily. Remus was always there to help with homework. Things were fine.

Until they weren't. It was a rainy day in November, one that Thia spent with Rachael, helping her with her Herbology essay. She didn't realise anything was wrong until dinner, when, as soon as the littlest Gryffindor entered the Great Hall with Rachael, the other students erupted into whispers. Sophie and Brandy hurried up to them, concerned looks on their faces.

"Someone told everyone about your prosthetics," Sophie whispered as they walked with her to the Gryffindor table. Thia stumbled slightly in surprise, glancing around at the students who stared at her. Whenever she made eye contact with one of them, their eyes would dart away, only to return when they thought she wasn't watching.

Callum sat across from her, worry creasing his brow, "Are you alright, Thia?"

She bit her lip, frowning, "That depends on what they're saying." The others shared a look before Vera told her.

"All I've heard are people saying you're a freak for having fake limbs. Granted, the older kids used language that was a bit more colourful." Brandy nodded.

"That's not all. They found out about your nightmares, too," Callum said, keeping an eye on her as he gathered food. He set the plate in front of her, "Eat."

"How'd they find out about any of it?" Brandy asked. Thia shook her head helplessly.

"The only people I've told are you four, Remus, Teddy, and Lily." 

"Maybe one of the second-years heard us talking?" Rachael suggested, "Their dorm is right above ours." 



"Look, there she goes."

"I wonder what happened."


"She's probably lying."

Thia hurried through the halls, trying to get away from the whispers that seemed to follow her. It had been a week since the school had found out, but they still seemed to be talking about her. She entered Professor MacMillan's classroom, sitting in the front of the class by his desk. 

The DADA professor smiled at her, noticing how she shrunk into herself when he did. He told her he'd be right back, and she gave him a small nod. Most of the professors had figured out by now what was going on, but there wasn't much they could do about rumours and talk. 

"Hey, you're the girl with the fake limbs, right?" Thia glanced up at the Ravenclaw boy. She nodded.

"Can we see them?" The girl next to him asked, an impatient look on her face.

Thia rolled up her sleeve, showing them her left arm.

"That's not a prosthetic." She turned to the boy, "I told you it wasn't true. She probably spread the rumour herself."

The boy gave Thia an apologetic look, steering the girl away. Thia focused on the table in front of her, counting silently down from 10.

... wasn't true... lying... spread the rumour... freak... what happened...


... worthless... kill her... liar... let us go... no use... nibble... punishment...


... lying... a bad dream... attention hog... Greyback... 

"Focus on the good." 

... pain... Christmas... footsteps... friends...

Her mind fought the quicksand of bad thoughts, trying to focus on the good.

... loud noises... faking it... wants sympathy... Aunt Poppy... Mickey... Kit...

There. Her mind caught on a memory. Silver cats batting at her hand, butting their heads against her chin.

Slowly, Thia's vision came into focus, blinking as she looked from Sophie to Professor MacMillan. The other students stared at her, a mix of concern and ridicule in their eyes. The professor stood, looking at the class.

"Turn to page 200. We'll be learning about dementors today."


"Miss Simmons, stay for a moment, please." Professor MacMillan beckoned the girl as the rest of the class flooded out the door. She did, remaining perched on her chair.

"I'm curious, Miss Simmons, as to what your memory would be," he said, sitting back, "If you were to cast a Patronus."

She thought, trying to remember a happy time. The ones from before the incident seemed painted blue, a wash of sadness from the loss of her parents. The ones from after felt forced, fake, as if it were wrong for her to be happy without them.

"I don't know, sir." He looked at her with sad green eyes.

"An idea, then, Miss Simmons. Is there an idea that makes you incredibly happy?" She shook her head, "What did you think about when I told you to think of the good earlier? Do you remember?"

"When I first came to Hogwarts, four years ago, there was a professor. He was the DADA professor like you. I was scared of him, and he cast a Patronus. It was a cat. Professor Gaysa told me they were good for chasing away bad thoughts. Why are you asking?"

"Do you get panic attacks often?" A nod answered him, "I think, teaching you how to cast a Patronus, would help you. Even if you never cast a full Patronus, it would teach you to focus on the good memories instead of the bad ones."

Thia bobbed her head absently, a frown creasing her forehead as she turned it over in her head.

"Talk it over with Poppy, with your friends, with Miss Evans and Mister Lupin. It is incredibly advanced magic, some that Miss Evans and Mister Lupin are only now learning themselves," Professor MacMillan warned, "Goodbye, Miss Simmons."

She gathered her things, murmuring goodbye as she left. So distracted was she that she ran into someone down the hall.

"Woah, hey, there," the boy said, steadying her when she almost fell over. She stepped back, staring at the ground.


"It's fine," Thia glanced at him, seeing the Ravenclaw from earlier, "Really, I should be apologizing to you. I didn't know my sister would do that."

"It's fine," Thia said, shrugging her shoulders.

"It's not. I'm Blake," he grinned, falling into step beside her, "And I really am sorry for earlier. I just wanted to tell you that I think prosthetics are cool."

Her eyes flicked up to him, seeing a friendly smile, "Thanks. I'm Thia."

"I also wanted to tell you I know who spread the rumour."


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