Thanks for the Memories

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"Come on, Thia!" Beau laughed, flying through the trees, "I'll race you up the oak tree!" Thia ran after him, her short legs struggling to keep up with the older boy. Beau reached the oak before her, beginning his ascent. 

"Wait up, Beau!" She finally got to the tree, but as she jumped for the branch, something happened. It felt as if the wind had picked her up, carrying her to the top branch of the just before Beau was there.

"Wha... How did you get here first?" The boy was dumbfounded. Thia shrugged, feeling an air current play with her braids.

"I think I flew." Beau bit the inside of his lip, a smile peeking out. His younger friend was always a little odd, but this time he thought he might know why.

"Amos! Thia! Lunchtime!" Thia's mother called from the edge of the trees, and the two began their descent. But halfway down, Beau lost his grip, hitting the ground with a sickening crunch. Thia jumped down, reaching her friend at the same time as her mother.

"Beau?" Thia kneeled by his head, poking his cheek gently. A flash of silver darted through the trees. He groaned.

"That's right, Thia, make sure he doesn't fall asleep." Mrs Simmons encouraged her, focusing on the boy's arm, "Hmm. Yes, that should work. Brackium Emendo!"

Beau gave a sharp scream as the bones moved back into place. Thia continued to poke his face as her mother splinted the limb, until the nine-year-old slapped her hand away.

"I'm awake, Thia, I'm awake! You can stop now." Mrs Simmons helped Beau up, wrapping an arm around him. Thia followed behind, a frown creasing her forehead as her thoughts returned to what happened in the tree.


Thia sat up with a gasp, her body trembling. Cosette laid herself across her legs, letting Thia bury her fingers in her fur. She had forgotten about her old friends, the ones from before the incident. Did they know what happened to her? Did they wonder? Or had they already forgotten the girl down the lane, who had vanished that Christmas Day?

Had they forgotten her as she had forgotten them?


"Come on, Thia!" Callum laughed, dashing through the snow, "I'll race you to Hogsmeade!" Thia shook her head, smiling, as she picked up her pace, Cosette at her side. Slowly, they gained on Callum, and then outpaced him. 

"Gotta be faster than that, Call!" She swung around a lamppost, grinning at him as snow fluttered around them. The air nipped at her cheeks, turning them bright red. Callum laughed, leading the way to the Three Broomsticks. The packed building was alive with sound, and crammed so full it felt like stepping into a sauna. They found a table tucked away near the bar, which Callum grabbed as Thia went for drinks.

"Was wondering if I'd see ya today, babydoll," Rosemerta said, setting two butterbeers in front of her, "How's life at the castle?"

Thia shrugged, handing the woman some money, "Same old. I managed a half-corporeal Patronus, but not enough to tell what it was."

"That's fantastic, love!" Someone hailed her from down the bar and she rolled her eyes, "I gotta run now, but I'll see you and Poppy for tea next week, yeah?"

Scooping up the drinks, Thia wound her way back through the crowd, making Cosette lie down beneath the table. Callum took his gladly, wrapping his hands around the warm drink. Thia did the same once she cast a heating charm on Cosette.

"Ready to be home?" Thia asked her friend, letting the butterbeer's warmth seep into her bones.

Callum nodded, "Much as I hate to say it, I miss my siblings. And Ma said that Rowan has been showin' signs of magic."

"I wish I had siblings," Thia said quietly, scanning the room. The Marauders were by the door, easily the most raucous group there. Cassiopeia Hamilton, the Ravenclaw who had turned the Marauders into snake-men, was curled against Sirius's brother, cradling her hand to her chest.

"You've got Remus and Lily," Callum pointed out, "They're practically your siblings."

Thia smiled, her eyes alighting on Lily, who was tucked under James Potter's arm. Callum followed her gaze, nearly dropping his drink in surprise.

"When did that happen?"

"They do have to spend a lot of time together," Thia pointed out, "Besides, this has been coming for a long time. Didn't you notice last year, how Lils kept watching him when she thought no one was looking?"

"I always thought she was looking at Peter!" Thia laughed at her friend's naivety. Nothing against Peter, but he was hardly Lily's type. Besides... Thia couldn't help thinking of what Ash had said about him, back last year. And as she looked over at the fourth Marauder, with his shifting eyes and fake smile, she couldn't help agreeing.

That boy was ambitious to the point of disloyalty.


"Fine, but you leave Thia out of it, all right? She doesn't need to deal with this." The other three Marauders nodded, grinning like children on Christmas Day. Remus shook his head, sighing, "Go start plotting then. I'm going to warn her."

Remus stepped into the common room, scanning for his friend and her dog. Not there. He wandered toward the library, but she wasn't there either. It occurred to him that he should have taken the Marauder's Map, or at least checked it before he left, but that was a moot point now.

As he passed an empty classroom, he heard a small yip. Peering through the open doorway, he found Thia, Cosette at her side, in the middle of a panic attack. His footsteps made her jump, shrinking into Cosette's side.

"Thia, it's just me. It's Remus, remember?" He stopped, sitting on the floor and keeping his hands in front of him, "Just me."

She softened a little at the familiar voice, but her hands kept twisting through her hair.

"Good thoughts, Thia, remember?" Remus moved a little closer, handing her wand over, "Try the Patronus charm."

Thia shook her head, but her hand wrapped around the wand. The other buried itself in Cosette's fur. 

"Happy thoughts," he encouraged, "You can do it."

"Expecto Patronum."

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