Chapter 15

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--Back to you--

Watching as Phil drove away with the truck, I let out a small sigh. I looked back inside, the boxes that filled the entryway seemed to be threatening me.

You must put me away ~~ You must do more work ~~

I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts before going back inside. Dan was standing at the entrance of the kitchen, examining the boxes in front of him. He looked up at me as I let out a small yawn.

"I think I'm going to set up my bedroom before taking a nap. It's been a long day already," I said, looking through the piles of boxes in search for my own.

"What? No! Phil's out returning the truck and getting groceries, he'll be gone for a while. Why don't we play a game? Get some quality time between the two of us?" Dan protested, his puppy dog eyes flaring. I hesitated for a moment before giving in.

"Fine. But, we need to put all of these boxes in their proper place. It's going to bug the living hell out of me if we don't get it done," I said, grabbing a box labelled 'Phil' and began to make my way up the flight of stairs. I heard Dan let out a sigh before mumbling 'fine'. I let out a chuckle before continuing on.


About 25 minutes later, we had moved all of the boxes from the entryway into their respective rooms. It was now time to set up the TV in the lounge and play some Mario Party on the Nintendo Switch. Luckily, the furniture from the flat was moved into the house a few days beforehand, so we actually had a place to sit. Placing myself on the couch with my controller, Dan started up the game and sat down next to me. A cut scene started immediately, but Dan just clicked through it.

"There we go," He sighed, slouching into his sofa crease.

"What about the story? What--this is a story game!" I protested. Dan just rolled his eyes at me with a smirk on his face before continuing on with the game. Scrolling through the game modes, he picked normal, seeing as 'Wario was threatening us'.

"This IS your first time, right?" Dan read off the screen. "So it's gonna show us the ropes," Dan winked jokingly. I stifled an oncoming laugh, trying not to give into his dumb jokes.

"Fucking hell," I mumbled, covering my mouth from the laughter.

"It's got more experience than us!" He said, continuing on with the dialogue. Soon enough, terrible translation got the better of the game and our disgusting minds. "Whose giant hole is this? It's MINE," Dan read once more, earning more laughs from me. "It's only fair to warn you--when this counter reaches zero, something dreadful may occur. I suppose there's no need to be coy about it--there will be a massive explosion! Oh no..." He trailed off.

"That's what happens when you eat curry," I joked.

"No Nintendo, you've chosen your words poorly," Dan laughed along. We went on to play some of the map, laughing and competing as usual. We were stopped when there was a knock on the door downstairs. I gave a small, believing that Phil had already managed to lock himself out. Dan stood from his sofa crease and started to make his way to the door. I was having fun, but now someone, possibly Phil, is at the door.

Grabbing my phone from the coffee table, I scrolled through my feed on Instagram, liking a few photos here and there. Before I could really notice it, it was five minutes later, and Dan was still downstairs at the door. Standing from the sofa and putting my phone in my back pocket, I looked down the stairs and saw nothing. "The hell?" I mumbled, beginning to make my way downstairs. That's when I saw the door left open.

And Dan wasn't there.

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