CHAPTER 4: A Tough One To Crack

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One of the many great perks in owning your own airline is you never have to be the last one to board and always can ride first class. Although for this flight on this plane in particular, it's a standard plane and has no first class, so, after checking this morning to see if rather or not there was an availability, there was several and so I decided to cut in line up to the front.

I was stopped though by Molly. She's a bitch and a slut and we had hooked up a couple times a year ago but I honestly can't stand her and besides, she only tries to get with me because of my status.

She started hitting on me and I thought that it would kill some time before we started to board to talk, then I heard one of the girls by the desk calling out the first few rows they will be boarding and I wanted to leave to start heading towards one of the available seats, but instead, for some reason, I entertained the fact she wanted to hit on me and try to get me to possibly doing a quick hook up or something. Though as soon as she started doing her annoying and fake giggle, that I can't stand when a girl does when thankfully, someone stopped us.

When I turned to see who it was and saw it was the girl I had bumped into earlier and had spilled coffee onto, I have to admit, I found her more attractive than anyone else, including Molly right now. Damn! She looks hot and cute when she's irritated.

After the little rant she did, I was both impressed, surprised as well as intrigued at the same time. Did she REALLY not know who I was or did she just not care? Although she had to have known who I was. Everybody does.

I start to board the plane and tell Molly to make sure everybody gets on.

After a few minutes of talking to the pilot and co-pilot, they told me that in a few minutes they were gonna take off. So I started making my way to one of the seats that I remembered being told was available and the moment I saw who I'd be sharing the row with for the entire flight, I was glad.

I know she is pissed off at me and I guess has every right to be but at the same time, she should get over it. If not, then I guess this trip will be more fun and entertaining than I expected.

So after a couple of hours went by of us sharing moments of awkward silence, I finally decided to make the most out of this situation by trying to get to know a little bit about her. Just to kill some time.

I looked over and noticed that she was reading a story on her tablet and as much as I know that it's rude to eavesdrop, I couldn't help at the same time but be curious in what she likes to read.

Though as soon as I leaned over a little closer than I thought I was or expected to, she jumps a little as she notices me.

"What the hell?!" She asks as she closes the tablet.

"Sorry." I sit back real quick.

"You really are something you know that?" She snaps at me in annoyance and places the tablet in her bag.

"Thank you." I playfully smiled.

"That wasn't a compliment." She says as she rolls her eyes.

"Geez, lighten up will ya?!" I start to tease her.

"Geez, grow the hell up why don't ya?" She replies in a mocking tone.

"What the hell is your problem!" I snap in irritation as she was starting to piss me off. "I'm trying to be nice to you but if you're gonna be a bitch." I tell her.

"Excuse me? The only bitch here is you. First you spill coffee on me and make it sound like it's my fault. Then you just HAPPEN to be sitting in the same row as me, not to mention, thanks to you, the plane left later than they were supposed to." She points out.

Once again, I'm put instantly in a good mood again by her. She has that way about her it seems.

"Do you think you're gonna be able to move on from that and the incident earlier? Or are you one of those that doesn't let things go?!" I tease her a bit.

However, she doesn't seem to find me charming or seems to be amused at all. Wow, she's gonna be a tough one to crack it looks like.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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