CHAPTER 7: Oh Great!!

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*****The Next Day*****

I'm glad that Levi and Neil cancelled getting together for dinner yesterday.

For one thing, I was really tired, more than I thought I'd be from the jet-lag and then also having to arrive later than originally expected, I wasn't ready for all of that.

Levi texted me this morning though and told me we would have dinner tonight but since his and Neil's families arrived really late last night and I guess are all still sleeping in, he thought of having me meet Neil and him for breakfast. He also mentioned I dress in comfortable clothing so that we can do some fun activities afterwards.

So I took a shower then got dressed in leggings, a tank which turned out to be okay because the weather was real hot out and I had planned to wear something along the lines of what I'm wearing now. Next, I made my way downstairs into the restaurant they had in the hotel.

Which I have got to say that it was really nice being in my own room, or more like a hut is what they call it. It's really nice. Thank goodness for places like Sandals resorts for things like these.

When I got down there, I walked inside the restaurant and it wasn't more than just a few seconds when I heard a high pitched scream of excitement that I knew right away was Levi's. It echoed throughout the place and as people all looked at him, he started to run up to me very dramatic and embraced me in a tight hug as I do the same as well.

"Hey Levi!" I chuckled.

"Hey my sexy curvy best friend!" He greets me back with a big smile. "It's been too damn long!"

He's always been complimentary in my figure and making sure I never felt embarrassed or ashamed of what I looked like. Which for the most part, yes I feel that way, more around him, but there are also those times when I tend to become self conscious, though I try to hide it mostly.

"I know. We need to fix that." I agree.

"Hell yes we do." He says.

He next takes my hand and we begin walking back towards the table where I notice Neil sitting at and then notice him talking and laughing with some guy. I couldn't exactly tell who it was. The guy had slicked back hair, a black fitted short sleeved t-shirt and some board shorts and looked to be tatted from head to toe. Oh my god, Wade?! You have GOT to be kidding me right now!

Once we got to the table, Neil jumped right up out of his chair to greet me with a tight hug as well while I noticed Wade looking at me with a playful smirk it seemed. I swear, if he irritates me.

"Hello Beautiful." Neil smiles at me and places a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey good looking!" I greet him back with a smile.

"Come sit. We haven't ordered yet." Neil tells me. "Oh and this is my best friend, Wade Rothington." He introduces him.

"Yeah, we've met...." I start to reply and then start thinking about where I have heard thst name before. Then it hit me quick. "Wait, Rothington? As in..." I started but was stopped by Wade.

"That's right sweetie, you were flying on my family owned airline." He winks and smiles at me.

"Ugh." I rolled my eyes while taking a seat across from him and between Levi and Neil with Wade across from me.

"Woah! Hold up!" Levi says as he raises one of his hands up. "Is this the guy that you told me about who spilled his drink on you before the flight?!" He finishes asking me.

"Yep." I replied while popping the 'p'.

"Damn, you must be one of those that holds grudges and probably told on people as a kid." Wade teases with a smirk.

"Only when they're assholes who think they're too good to say 'sorry' to others." I replied.

Okay, maybe not the best comeback, but he's got all flustered that it's all I could think of at the moment. I noticed also that Levi and Neil both were looking at each other and then back at us while holding back some laughter.

"Any who..." Neil says.

"Now that we got that out of our systems...Levi and I figured since we won't be meeting up with the family until around dinner tonight, we thought the four of us could have some fun." Neil says.

"Like what?" I asked as I made a split decision right at that moment, I wasn't gonna let Mr-Rich-Asshole over here ruin Levi's and Neil's thing here. So I asked Levi and Neil have always been great at making sure we always had a good time.

"Well, we were wanting to go and check out a few locations that a lot of the locals say we have to try out." Levi begins.

"Okay. Where is it?" I asked.

"That's the thing, we have to drive to the entrance of the paths and then walk the rest of the way. It's just a short hike, I promise." He hesitates towards the end.

"Are you kidding?!" I look at him and Neil. "You guys are in shape, I'm not. Even if it's just a 'little' hike." I tell them.

"But you told me yesterday you'll join in all the activities and THIS happens to be one of them." He looks at me with Neil now following along and them both now giving me the 'pleading' eyes that they know I can't ever say no to.

"Fine. But if I pass out....." I started.

"Don't worry." They all laughed.

I looked over real quick at Wade and noticed he looked like he was disappointed or isn't too happy. Yeah, I'm not too happy about standing there with you either.

This should be interesting. Most likely embarrassing for me mainly seeing as to how I'll be the ONLY one in the group that's out of shape.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Sorry guys it's been a couple of days since I have posted but it has been real busy over here with work and everything but I will be posting another chapter for this story and then a chapter for the other story tonight. :);) Then I will post more tomorrow.

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