CHAPTER 15: A Few Days Later.....

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Things seemed to be going really good between Wade and I since our first date. I have to admit that I did misjudge him. He really isn't a stuck up spoiled little rich boy. Apparently, he has worked really hard and understands the value of money. And after a few more nights of going out, he's been staying in my hut with me and no we haven't had sex yet though I know we are both thinking it and is driving me crazy.

However, he hasn't tried to force me or rush anything. Which is great, don't get me wrong. But I can tell too he wants me and I think we should act upon it quick before we both go mad.

There is only just 1-1/2 weeks left until Neil and Levi finally tie the knot and we have been doing activities all together everyday and I must say, some of the things we had done were stuff I never thought I would ever do but am glad that I did them in the end.

It's also been better having Wade with me a lot because since Amber and Timothy went to almost every event, I have noticed that Timothy and her have cut back on their rude remarks to me or at least out loud and to my face.

Today, I was looking forward to because we were going on a huge luxurious boat from mid morning until night time.

While boarding the boat and walking up the wooden ramp to get on it, Wade had his hand in mine.

After we had all boarded onto this boat, I was surprised that these styles of boats really even existed and had thought even if they had, only the richest could afford it. Which has me wondering in how they could have afforded this unless they both saved up a lot because both Neil and Levi own a makeup and hair salon that they make GREAT money from and have a great reputation but unless they started saving years and years ago, I wonder how they got the money for all of this, really. Although, it's none of my business and they deserve this whole experience because they are one of the sweetest and best people you will ever know and more than deserve something as amazing as this for their special day.

After the yacht began to take off, he had one of the waiters hand all of us a drink and started to make a toast.

"We would like to first of all thank everyone of course for coming. As you all know this is a huge deal and we appreciate all of your support throughout the years and for accepting us and always being there for us." Levi began and then looked at me and Wade who he was standing behind me with his arm around my waist and his head next to mine. Which I saw put a big smile on Neil's and Levi's face.

"Especially to you both." He tells us.

I can't stop but get teary eyed and smile big back at them as we have been through a lot together.

"I want to thank you, Racine, my best friend and the reason I stuck it out. Which she knows what I'm talking about. I wouldn't be here standing next to soulmate if it wasn't for your love, support and the greatest friendship I have ever had. So thank you." He smiles and I notice he too is getting teary eyed while raising his glass at me as I do mine while wiping some tears away.

"And we especially want to give a special thanks to our good friend and my best friend, Wade. You've done the same for the both of us and have helped me through some real tough times. Then to make you even better than I thought possible, we wanted a wedding and our first idea was smaller cause it's all we could have afforded." Neil starts to announce. "But you have given us an amazing wedding present by making this happen for us. I don't know how we'll pay you back, but we are MORE than grateful for this gift. Thank you." He smiles at Wade and raises his glass.

They tell everyone to raise their glasses as well to toast to a great wedding and everything from here on out. Then Levi tries to lighten up the place by telling one of the employees on the yacht to turn on the music and then Levi yells for everyone to have some fun.

Throughout the rest of the day, we of course have a blast as we have a buffet of almost every type of food almost you can think of, along with champagne and beers, then we had anchored the yacht in the middle of the ocean where nobody was around and we all were hanging out and having fun and at one point, Wade and I had even jumped in the water with several others, including Levi and Neil and all were having a great time.

We later played some games and talked and I laughed harder than I have in a long ass time. Not to mention most of his family being drunk and being the hilarious foolish people whenever they get that way. Which is better than them starting drama or anything.

It was getting close to the sun going down and we were all still having a good time when I had to use the restroom.

When I came walking out, I was startled as I saw Timothy standing outside the door. We both stood there for a moment and I could tell he was drunk as he reeked of bourbon and by the way he looked at me.

"Excuse me." I say before walking around him towards out where everyone else is but he stops me as he grabs my hand.

"Where do you think you're going?" He smirks.

"Away from here." I try and struggle.

"Not so fast." He says.

I try to struggle from his grasp but to no avail.

"Let go of me Timothy." I tell him sternly.

"Or what? You'll scream?" He asks as he grabs the back of my hair and yanks ot a little. "I don't think so. Though I have missed those screams. I just wanted to remind you to never tell Levi or anyone what happened between us." He says as he leans in more towards me and I feel his warm breath on my mouth.

"I won't." I tell him.

"Good. Because I'd hate to see anything happen to your new boyfriend." He threatens.

I know exactly what he's capable of and there's no amount of money in the world that could save Wade's life. So I know I have to make sure I don't tell anyone.

The next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Hey ya'll! Hope you guys had a great and safe 4th of July!! Sorry I didn't post anything for the last couple of days but have been really busy. But, YAY, this weekend I have no work and that means more chapters to post, woowoo! Starring with this one. Lol. Another one will be posted later today (cause it's past midnight here) lol. Then a couple more will be posted for 'The Huntress and Her Alpha'. And hope you enjoy this chapter, purposely made it longer to make up for the past couple of days of not posting.
:( Love you all!! :):)

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