CHAPTER 24: Never Again!

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After a few minutes since Racine left the table, I decided that I wanted to do make sure she'd be okay, just in case Amber or Timothy wanted to try and fuck with her.

So I headed over towards where the bathroom was and saw Timothy holding Racine up against the wall harshly and I lost it.

I went up to them, yanked him off of her and started throwing punches left to right. We rolled on the floor punching one another before I felt somebody yank me off of him after what seemed like forever.

Neil along with his dad, Levi's and Timothy's, I noticed were the one's who stopped me from putting Timothy almost in a coma.

"What is going on?!" Timothy's dad asks as he stands between us at arms length.

"Your worthless asshole of a son has done nothing but make my girlfriend's life a living hell! He was JUST about to hurt her some more when I luckily stepped in before he got the chance to!" I yelled out before spitting some blood out from my mouth by the one of two lucky shots Timothy had gotten.

Everyone is surprised and shocked. Both of Levi's and Neil's cousins look at Timothy but then turn around and look at Amber. Amber looks scared and quickly turns around to leave while the cousins remove their heels, remove their earrings and start running after her.

I then notice everyone else glare at Timothy but look at Racine with much sympathy and apologetic looks. Levi looks more devastated than everyone else as he looks at Racine with tears forming.

Then something happened I had not expected and Levi became quickly angered and glared at Timothy who looked at him scared.

"You son-of-a-bitch!" He yells at him and starts to lunge at Timothy, immediately begins punching him and I have got to say that I knew Levi had muscles and looked like he could beat him up but I have never seen him fight before and I am really impressed. Wow!

I walk over towards Racine to hold her as she watches Levi hurting Timothy while snuggling closer into my chest.

Neil eventually pulls him off of Timothy and between the damage I had done and what Levi had just done, I'd say that Timothy looked as though he got ganged up on in a fight.

Though as we start to see him struggle to get up off the ground, he holds his stomach and then spits out blood close to Levi's feet.

"You're gonna seriously defend that whore over me? Your cousin? Your family? Your fucking blood?!" He says with his right eye swollen shut and blood all over his face.

"Hell yes I will! In fact, I NEVER liked you. I only invited you because I was doing a favor for your parents and because I actually like them!" Levi tells him.

"Pff. Whatever." He says before looking at his dad. "Dad..." Timothy begins talking to him.

"Don't you say another word." His father begins to say with his hand up to stop him. "You are NOT my son. I don't know what happened to you or when you started to change but you are an embarrassment to this family and I'm not only going to NOT give you the inheritance, but it's going to Levi and Neil. When we return home, you will get a job somewhere and get the hell out of my house along with your whore." He finishes through clenched teeth. "And if I ever hear you or Amber coming near her again, you'll have to deal with me." He says.

Right then and there, it was as if Timothy looked more terrified than a kid that was looking into the eyes of a monster. He became pale and I could see him begin to shake.

"Dad, I....." He starts.

"Don't you say another word. I'm gonna have one of my guards take you and Amber both back home so the rest of us can celebrate Levi and Neil." His dad interrupted him.

Sure enough, we see one of his dad's guards, out of the several he brought with him, come and grab Timothy by the shirt collar and started pulling him away to get ready to leave.

Levi and Neil walk up towards me and Levi looks like he's about to cry.

"I am so sorry." He says while hugging Racine.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." She begins.

"Why didn't you ever tell me though?" He asks her while taking a step back.

"Because he was your cousin. I mean, I wanted to tell you days ago, I just, I didn't want to ruin anything and was gonna try and wait until you returned from your guys' honeymoon." She begins to cry.

"Girl...You better remember that I always got you. And anybody, doesn't matter who the hell they are, anyone that treats anyone, rather it's a woman or somebody in general that I love, if they get hurt, I will take care of it." He tries to reassure her.

"I'll remember that for the next time." She nods in agreement with a smile.

"There better not be a next time." Neil says as they all now look at me with a cocked eyebrow. "Right?"

"I promise I will treat her the way she deserves." I tell them while looking into Racine's eyes.

"We're truly sorry as well." We hear Timothy's dad start to apologize to Racine.

"It's okay. Really, I'll be okay. I still love you guys as my family." I smile at them.

"Aww sweetie, we have always loved you as one of ours." His wife says while coming up and hugging her. Then Levi's and Neil's parents all come up hugging her and apologizing while shaking my hand and actually thanking me for doing what I did.

In fact, some people even laughed saying they were waiting a long time for someone to do that to Timothy.

We finished the rest of the lunch and then decided that since there was just a few more days until the wedding, that we would all just get together for lunch and dinners and then just meet up the night before and then for the ceremony. Which was great since that meant me and Racine would be able to spend time together.

I loved her so much and from this day on, I was NEVER going to let anyone hurt her again.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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