CHAPTER 20: I Have To Talk To Her

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There was a huge part of me that felt terrible for what I said to her earlier and how I greeted her this morning but I was still pissed off and mostly hurt by what she did.

So I decided to not go do anything today and promised I would meet up with them tonight since there are only several more days left until the wedding.

I had gone hiking for most of the day through the places we hiked that one day when Racine and I called it truce pretty much.

Later on, I got ready to meet up with everyone at the bar and ended up being there before them and after ordering a drink, I started to think about how I was gonna deal with this whole thing now between Racine and I and that's when I hear a familiar female's voice say something next to me.

I turn and am surprised to see that it's Lila.

"Hey hottie." She coos.

"Go away Lila." I tell her as I roll my eyes and turn back around and continue drinking my drink.

"Aww come on. All I want is to dance. Just a dance, that's all." She says.

I ignore her for another moment and then shoot back the rest of my drink before getting up, taking her hand and us heading out onto the dance floor and we began dancing.

I couldn't get Racine out of my head and felt like in a way I was doing something wrong and cheating but, we aren't together anymore, I quickly had to remind myself.

I go back to dancing with Lila and try to forget about Racine as we dance to a few more songs, then out the corner of my eye, I notice Racine standing close to the bar and has a look of pain on her face then starts to leave.

Fuck! Why am I allowing Racine to have this effect on me?! I should be pissed off and move on but damnit, I just can't.

"Sorry Lila, but I have to go." I tell her as I try to push her away.

"So soon?" She asks as she turns me back around and starts holding my face to force me to look at her. "You going after that girl? I thought your father told you not to be with her?!" She says.

I look at her for a moment feeling confused as to how she would know that and then quickly it hits me, SHE'S the bitch that told my dad about Racine.

"What the hell did you just say?!" I asked.

"You heard me." She smirked.

I grabbed her hand and started pulling her out of the bar hard until we were outside and I took her to the parking lot.

"What the hell have you done?!" I ask her.

"What are you talking about?" She asks.

"You know damn well what I'm asking you. How did you know my father said that? Are you working for him or something? Cause I'm starting to think that you being here at the same time as me is not a coincidence." I tell her. "So tell me now what the hell is going on or I swear to god I'll make you sorry."

"Fine." She rolls her eyes and yanks her hand from my grip. "Although I don't know what the big deal is." She begins. "The last time we hooked up, not here but, back at the office that one night. Then a few months ago, your father approached me with a proposition. He asked if I would try and convince you to be with me so that it would help with your status and reputation. Not to mention it's perfect in a way because we both come from money and besides, people like you and I belong together." She says as she bites her lower lip and moves in closer towards me while placing her hand on my chest.

I stop her though and push her off of me.

"Lila stop! I don't want you! That hook up before was a mistake. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna head back to my room for the night. But before I go, understand something, if you don't stay the hell out of my life I swear that I will make you regret it for the rest of yours." I warn her.

Her face immediately turns white as she looks at me scared while I begin walking away.

Once I got back to the resort, I contemplated the whole ride back if rather or not I should try and hear Racine out about last night. I mean, maybe nothing happened and he came out of some skanks bedroom and maybe even she was laying there naked for me.

Shit! I feel like an asshole all of a sudden. So I start making my way towards her room and I take in a breath and let it out before I start knocking.

I wait for a couple moments before trying to knock again and she still isn't answering me. I guess she's still hurt or upset. Especially after tonight with me dancing with Lila.

It also could be that she's sleeping. So I'll go and wait until tomorrow to start talking to her.

There's only a certain amount of days left before the wedding and I don't want things to be awkward especially since I'm Neil's Best Man and she's Levi's Maid-Of-Honor.

The Next Morning

After waking up the next morning, I headed down to where we all always meet up every morning to have breakfast together and go over the activities we'll be doing when I noticed that for the first time since we've been here, Racine wasn't here and I was the one running a few minutes late not her this time and usually she'd be here by now.

After saying 'good morning' to everyone, although Levi it seemed to be he had a bit of a hangover. He had decided that no activities were gonna be going on today cause of the way he was feeling and to be honest, that was okay with me. I had something I wanted to do today anyways.

In fact, I had excused myself after eating only half my breakfast and drank the rest of my coffee then headed towards Racine's room.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
Alright, I gave you all four. Hehehehehe

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