CHAPTER 23: A Memorable Day

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After waking up the next morning to my phone alerting me that I got a text message.  I looked down at my phone and saw it was from Levi saying that he wanted us all to meet up in a few hours for lunch.

I wasn't as worried in running into Timothy during any activities we do anymore because Wade was here. So I messaged him back that we'll meet up with them and tried to quietly get up to take a shower without waking up Wade who was still sleeping.

I set the phone back down on the night stand and slowly got up and then quietly closed the door.

Right after stepping into the shower, I let the water fall down onto my body and the next thing I feel are two arms snake around my waist and lips kissing the side of my neck.

"Mmm..." I moan.

"Good morning beautiful." Wade says as he continues to kiss me while sliding one of his hands lower between my legs and begins rumbling my sensitive sweet bud.

"Morning sexy. Mmmm...." I moan a little more.

"Does that feel good baby?" He asks between kisses.

"Mmhmm..." I moan in reply while biting my lower lip a little.

I next feel his cock hit my back and I reach behind me to start stroking him making him start to moan.

"Mmm...Baby that feels so good." He moans in my ear.

Next he turns my head to see him and we start making out while beginning to rub my clit faster causing my legs to start shaking a little before he then turns me around to face him and lifts me up by my thighs, pressing me up against the wall and right away thrusts in side of me hard and starts right away going fast and hard as he continues making out with me while I have my legs wrapped around his waist and then places his hand on one side of the wall while the other one is holding my ass and buries his face in the crook of my neck as he continues thrusting harder and faster in me until we both hit our high and we come together at the same time.

"I love you." He says while looking into my eyes, breathless.

"I have fallen in love with you too Wade." I smile in reply.

We give each other a kiss and I begin thinking maybe he had planned the shower sex already because I noticed him toss the condom into the waste basket before we finished cleaning ourselves in the shower.

Once we were finished, we had gotten dressed and started making our way towards the restaurant. Before walking inside, both Wade and I looked at each other.

"Remember, I'm right here." He smiles before kissing me.

"Thanks baby." I replied.

We then walk in with our hands entwined and everybody seemed to have been seated. Then we notice Levi and Neil who wave us over.

We give each other a hug and they ask me how I was feeling.

"Wade told us you weren't feeling too good." Neil tells me.

"Yeah. I'm fine now. I think it was just something I ate." I tell him.

I still did hurt a little bit, not as bad as I had thought I'd still be feeling but it was better. Which meant thankfully I didn't have any broken ribs. Also, I know this means that I need to tell Levi and Neil but again, I need to find the right time. Their wedding is literally in just a few more days and I feel like I'm in the predicament. Although luckily, I have Wade with me so I know that'll help when the time comes.

Throughout all of lunch, we all were laughing and having a really good time and to be honest, I hadn't even noticed Amber and Timothy here although I know they are. After a while, I excused myself to use the restroom fir a minute.

Well, I guess so far I can add this day as being another fun and great memorable one since being here.

I take one quick look in the mirror and fix my hair a little bit then start heading back.

The moment I step out of the bathroom, I am immediately slammed hard into the wall and end up hitting my head real hard.

"I warned you not to fucking say shit to anyone and I KNOW you fucking told your bitch-ass boyfriend." Timothy tells me while covering my mouth with his hand.

I prepare myself for a blow to my stomach or my face even but it never comes as I soon feel myself being let go of and when I open my eyes, I see Wade and Timothy are fist fighting with each other.

"I swear to god I'm gonna fucking kill you!" Wade yells at Timothy as he's on top of him on the ground throwing more punches at him.

I probably should stop this but decide not to. Then not a moment later I notice Levi, Neil, a couple of their cousins, Amber and Timothy's parents along with Levi's and Neil's parents all come walking out.

"What the hell?!" Neil says as everyone see's Wade and Timothy rolling on the floor continuing to hit each other.

Neil along with his dad, Levi's and Timothy's quickly go over and pull Wade off of him.

"What is going on?!" Timothy's dad asks as he stands between them two at arms length.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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