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Sans woke up to hear a slapping noise coming from his bedroom. He got up stealthily as to not be heard and to not wake Chara, and he headed to the outside of the door.


It took all of Sans' strength to not break down the door right then and there. Instead, he walked down the stairs and teleported to the store to buy a first aid kit, seeing as skeletons wouldn't need one but Frisk would, if things continued like this.

When he got back, Chara was just waking up and Frisk was in the kitchen. Sans walked over to Frisk. "Where's your boyfriend?" Frisk pointed up the stairs. Sans tilted his head. "He did this to you, didn't he?" Sans lightly brushed Frisk's cheek. She shook her head, but Sans said "Don't lie to me, kid. I heard what he said. He's a megalomaniac."

Frisk sighed. "Anyone can be a better person if they just try. Like how most monsters attacked me on sight, but we're all friends now. He can be better." Sans sighed and used the supplies in the first aid kit on Frisk's huge welt. "You have too much faith, kid. Even more than Paps."
"Not faith. Determination."

Papyrus entered through the front door. "Hey bro, how was your... SLEEPOVER?" Sans asked suspiciously. Papyrus blushed a bit. "IT WAS FUN! I WILL MAKE SPAGHETTI FOR THE HUMANS!" He then ran into the kitchen. Sans face palmed. "That calculator..."

Frisk giggles at Sans but stopped when she saw Blake descending the stairs, looking grumpy. He sat right next to Frisk and tightly wrapped an arm around her. Chara then walked into the kitchen. "Hey guys," She said. Sans said "Hey Kiddo," and Frisk smiled, seeing as she couldn't move in her current position. Papyrus said "GOOD MORNING HUMAN CHARA! WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP ME MAKE SPAGHETTI?"

Chara politely declined and sat next to Sans. "How'd you sleep, kiddo?" Chara rubbed her eyes. "Sleepily," she responded while yawning. Sans chuckled. Frisk said "Hey Sans, you stopped calling her kid, did she earn back the 'do'?" Sans laughed. "I guess," He said.

Sans then asked. "Oh, by the way, how's you get that huge welt on your face? You never told me." Blake's grip on Frisk tightened. "She ran into a door," He said venomously. Fries nodded quickly. "You sure a DOOR did that to you?" Frisk looked out of the corner of her eye to see Blake glaring daggers at her. "Yup, just a door."

Papyrus came back with the spaghetti. "ENJOY, HUMANS! AND SANS!" Sans chuckled. "Hey, what does a clock do when it's hungry?" Papyrus face palmed. "SANS NO."
"It goes back four seconds!!!" Chara stifled a laugh and Papyrus screeched again. Blake didn't allow Frisk to laugh. He was such a controlling megalomaniac, thinking he had control over Frisk.

Sans and Papyrus both heard tiny bings from their phones at the same time. Frisk asked "What does it say?" Sans looked up. "We're invited to a Christmas Party next week and the Dreemurr's place. You three are invited also." Chara's face lit up. "Mom and Dad's House?" Sans nodded.

Blake stood up. "I should probably go, come on, Frisky." Sans scoffed at the nickname. Frisk surprisingly said "Actually, I think I'd rather hang out with Sans and Papyrus and Chara."

Blake looked mad, but knew he couldn't do anything with witnesses. "Fine," He said darkly. He walked up to Frisk and whispered something. Frisk gulped and looked terrified. He then stormed out.

Sans put a hand on Frisk's shoulder. "What'd he say, kiddo?" Frisk looked like she was about to cry. "H-he said that t-tonight..." She then broke into tears and sobbed into Sans' jacket.

Sans put both hands on her shoulders and made eye contact with her. "Listen here kid, I'll protect you. Why don't we have some fun today and forget about him for now." Frisk sobbed "That s-sounds n-nice..." Papyrus then gave her a bear hug, causing her to giggle. "WE'LL ALL PROTECT YOU, HUMAN FRISK!"

Sans smiled. "Why don't we all go to Grillby's? I need to ketchup with him anyway." Papyrus screamed. "WHY CAN'T WE GO A SINGLE DAY WITHOUT ONE OF YOUR PUNS?

The four of them spent the remainder of the day visiting their friends and going to the park to hang out and eat some nice cream. Frisk felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders during that period of time. It was fun, hanging out with the gang after so many years. She wished it would never end.

But everything ends eventually.

"I'm gonna go get another nice cream, guys. I'll be back in a jiffy!" Frisk said cheerily. She walked over to the nice cream cart, but before she got there, she felt something hit the back of her head before everything went black.

Frisk woke up to find herself in a dark alleyway, tied to a chair. She saw her phone on the ground with lots of missed calls and texts from everyone, but majority from Sans. Frisk tried to call for help, but it was muffled by the gag in her mouth.

Frisk looked up to see a dark figure standing in front of her. It was Blake, she noticed after observing the figure for a few seconds. "Hey, Frisky. I told you not to tell anyone." Frisk tried to say something, but it was muffled. Blake ripped the gag out. "What was that, sweetheart?"

Frisk took a deep breath before asking "What are you going to do?" She tried to sound brave, but her voice was shaking. Blake grinned and pulled out a pocket knife. Frisk screamed, but was soon cut off by Blake putting his hand around Frisk's mouth. "Not this time, Baby."

Blake stuffed the gag back into her mouth and tilted her head up, exposing her neck. He carved a heart into the left side, hard enough to make it bleed, but light enough to only damage it that much. He carved another one on the right side and then he pulled up her sleeve, carving "BLAKE" in her right arm.

Frisk tried to struggle, she tried to scream, she tried everything she could. But she couldn't escape. She was trapped in this alleyway with her psychopathic boyfriend.

"You're mine, Frisky. That skeleton can't save you. You're mine, and mine alone," he whispered sickly and sweetly into her ear.

Frisk coughed out the gag. "Y-you're won't g-get away w-with this..." Frisk said in a voice shaky from pain and fear before blacking out.

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