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Sans was waiting worriedly in Frisk's room, hoping that she would wake up soon. Chara had woken up and was waiting with him and everyone else in Frisk's room. Blake had woken up too and they were told that he was being taken to prison.

Soon it was night, so everyone went home. Everyone but Sans. He grabbed Frisk's hand. "Heh, kiddo, I know that you're probably not hearing anything I'm saying, but I'm going to say it anyway. So Blake's going to jail, which is good. Everyone's worried about you, especially me. I really miss you, kiddo. Please wake up soon."

Miraculously, Frisk squeezed Sans' hand lightly. Sans' eye sockets widened. "C'mon kiddo, stay determined." Frisk's eyelids fluttered. Soon, after Sans whispered a few more things to Frisk, she started to wake up.

"K-kiddo? You awake?" Frisk opened her eyes groggily and smiled weakly. "Y-Yeah, I am. What did I miss?" Sans told her about everything, including Blake's imprisonment and the Dreemurr's party being tomorrow.

"Do you think I'll be okay to go to the party?" Frisk asked. She wanted to go really badly. "Yeah kiddo, I'm pretty sure. I feel it in my bones." They both laughed and Frisk yawned. "You tired kiddo?" Frisk scooted over and patted the spot next to her on the bed. "Kid, you sure?" Frisk smiled. "I need protection," she said jokingly.

Sans crawled into the bed next to her and pulled the covers over the two of them. Frisk wrapped her arms around Sans, making him blush a bright blue. He relaxed and cuddled into her and soon, they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Sans woke up to see Chara walking in with the Dreemurrs. She had to use crutches, but she was okay. Sans just slumped back over and went back to cuddling Frisk. Chara laughed. "Did you ask her out yet?" She asked. Sans said "Nope," popping the p.

Chara then took a picture, but Sans was too lazy to stop her, so he woke up Frisk. "Mmm... good morning," she said drowsily. Sans chuckled. "You're so adorable right now." Frisk blushed and sat up, crossing her arms. "No I'm not!" Sans laughed. "Yes you are!"

Asriel coughed, and Frisk looked over. Frisk beckoned him over and gave him a hug. "Hey Azzy, what's up?" Asriel laughed. "You're in the hospital, that's what's up. Mom and Dad are here too." Frisk looked up and got out of bed, running over to Toriel and Asgore to hug them.

"I missed you guys," Frisk said. Toriel smiled warmly and said "We missed you too, my child. How does your arm feel? Does it hurt?" Frisk moved her arm around. "It just feels a bit sore, I think I'm fine." Asgore smiled. "That's good to hear. I brought you some golden flower tea." Toriel said "I also brought you some cinnamon-butterscotch pie!"

Frisk giggled. "How much pie have you been making for me?" Toriel smiled. "It's nothing, my child. You need it. Are you going to be able to come to our Christmas Party today?" Frisk pushed a button that would call a nurse into the room.

The nurse entered. "Hello there, Ms. Dreemurr. What do you need?" Frisk asked "Do you think I'll be able to go home today?" The nurse flipped through a clipboard before answering "We'll need to run a few tests and then we can determine whether or not you can." Frisk nodded and the nurse asked "Anything else?" Frisk shook her head and the nurse rushed out the room.

After the nurse had ran a few tests and sent them to the lab, a few more visitors came in. There was the Dreemurrs, Undyne and Alphys, Papyrus, Mettaton, and MK. Monster Kid looked a lot taller, but pretty much the same. Still no arms, he had complained when he walked in.

Mettaton and Papyrus were bickering in the corner. Frisk asked Sans "Aren't they dating?" Sans replied "Things haven't been going so smoothly lately. I'm pretty sure Paps is interested in someone else, and Mettaton is being really clingy. Wow, a lot happened when you were out, you need to ketchup with everyone."

Frisk face palmed and laughed. "This is what I get for asking for more puns, isn't it?" Sans laughed. "Yup, I also wanted to say I'm glad you're conscious again. I was pretty bonely without you." Frisk giggles again.

The nurse walked back into the room and everyone fell silent. "Ms. Dreemurr, you are..." She flipped through the clipboard and pushed up her glasses. "Free to go!" Everyone cheered and the nurse smiled. Toriel gave her a slice of pie. "Thank you got taking care of my child," she said.

Everyone went straight to the party, except for Frisk, who wanted to go home to freshen up, so Sans went with her. He laid on the couch as she took a shower and she was taking a bit, so Sans decided to get dressed. He put on a Santa hat and hooked up Christmas lights in his rib cage and eye sockets.

Frisk came down with her hair in a high ponytail with a red and green scrunchie. She had on a green sweater that had a cat on it and under the cat, it said "Meowy Christmas!" It was adorable! She had on red stretchy pants and green boots.

Sans turned around so he wasn't facing Frisk. "Hey Frisk, I think I found the spirit of Christmas." Frisk tilted her head. "What do you mean?" He turned around to reveal the red and green blinking lights. "It was inside me all along." Frisk bursted our laughing. "Oh my gosh, are you actually going to wear that?" Sans nodded and offered his hand to Frisk. "Let's go," He said.

He teleported them to the door of the huge mansion that was the Dreemurr's house. He held open the door. "After you, m'lady," He said jokingly. Frisk giggles and stepped inside. She was hit with a blast of warmth and the scent of golden flowers and butterscotch and cinnamon.

Sans stepped in behind her and Papyrus ran up to them. "COME PLAY WITH US! WE ARE ABOUT TO PLAY HIDE AND SEEK!" Frisk grabbed Sans' hand, both of them blushing a tiny bit. "C'mon lazybones, lets go!"

Alphys set a candy cane in the center of the circle they had formed. "W-who ever the c-candy cane ends up f-facing will b-be it!" She stuttered. She spun it and it landed on Napstablook. "Ohhh, I guess I'm it..." He turned to face the wall. "1...2...3..."

Frisk ran around the mansion, trying to find a place to hide. She settled on a hiding inside the tree. She sat inside the pot, which was huge. She saw Sans run and hide inside a present box in front of her. Mettaton climbed on top of the tree and threw off the star. He then sat where the star should've been.

Napstablook said "99...100. Ready or not, here I come, I guess..." He then looked up at Mettaton. "Oh...hi Mettaton...where's the star?" Mettaton grinned, showing off his bright, robotic teeth. "It's me, Blooky. I AM the star." Napstablook poked Mettaton. "You're our now..." He then placed the star back on top of the tree after Mettaton got off.

Napstablook then flew off into the other room, searching for people. "Oh...hi Chara... you're out now... sorry..." Chara screamed and stomped into the room where Mettaton was waiting and where Frisk and Sans were hiding.

After a while, everyone was found, except Sans and Frisk. Napstablook then looked at the tree. "I haven't checked in here yet..." Frisk shut here eyes and curled up tighter. She felt Blooky poke her. "I found you, Frisk... sorry..."

Toriel clapped her hands. "Let me check off who's here. Undyne?" Undyne screamed "HERE!" It basically continued like attendance until she came to Sans. Everyone looked around, and Frisk laughed along with Mettaton, knowing where he was hiding.

Sans stood up quickly and stuck his hands in the air. "PRESENT!" He yelled, causing Toriel, Frisk, Mettaton, and MK to start laughing and everyone else groaning and face palming except for Papyrus, who threw Sans out the window.

Sans walked back in and used his "Spirit Of Christmas" pun on them, causing him to be thrown out the window again. This Christmas party was really fun so far.

I Need You (SansxFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now