The Second Meeting

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Frisk was driving with Alphys, who was currently having a panic attack, to the meeting. "I-I'm going t-to do h-horrific, I j-just k-know it!" Alphys kept saying out loud, annoying Frisk. Frisk finally said "Alphys, you're going to do GREAT, just stop doubting yourself!"

Soon, they arrived and Frisk's heart was practically beating out of her chest. They arrived on the front floor and the head of the table looked pleased. "Oh, Ms. Dreemurr, nice to see you again. I see you've brought your monster friend." Alphys smiled weakly.

It took all of Frisk's determination to keep herself from rolling her eyes when the crazy screaming lady got there, and Frisk has a lot of determination.

Soon, the meeting started. The head of the table said a few words concerning the debate and the future of monsters. Soon, the crazy lady stood up and said "So, Frisk," she scoffed, using Frisk's first name instead of Ms. Dreemurr, "How exactly do we know you're human?"

Alphys whispered "S-seriously? This is why I'm here?" Frisk laughed soft enough so that only Alphys could hear it. She stood up, as did Alphys. "As you can VERY obviously see, I am a human, and she is a monster."

Frisk smiled at Alphys. "This is my friend, Dr. Alphys. She can show you her soul to settle the matter on whether or not I am human."

Frisk signaled, and Alphys summoned her soul. It was an upside down white soul, just as Frisk had promised. The crazy lady sneered "Show is YOUR soul."

Frisk made a pulling motion at her chest, and a bright, glowing, vibrant red heart floated out. "This here is my soul, having the trait of Determination. It's obviously not a monster soul, and monsters can't have determination, thus proving that I am human."

Frisk motioned for Alphys to sit down. "Now, continuing on the original topic at hand. If you look at a few statistics that I have gathered, you can see that schools have been getting better averages in grades ever since monsters came to the surface." Frisk was extremely nervous, knowing that she probably didn't have enough evidence to change their minds, no matter how much it was.

Frisk continued "As you also can see, although the averages in crime rose, majority of the crimes were committed by humans against monsters, and majority of monsters didn't fight back, thus proving that monsters are better morally than humans, THUS proving that we should allow them to stay on the surface."

Frisk continued with the great amount of evidence she had gathered. "There has been a steady decrease in homelessness ever since monsters showed up, due to greater donations to the foundations focused on helping others. There has also been a decrease in costs at hospitals due to monsters having the ability to use healing magic."

Frisk said a few more things about the pros of monsters living on the surface. A few of the people at the table seemed slightly swayed, but most people stood firm in their decision. Frisk sighed. She hadn't done enough. But will there be war, or will it just be monsters forced to the underground?

The head of the table stood up and said "There will be one last meeting, where we will make the final decision as to what to do about the problem." Frisk scoffed quietly as he said problem. "You all will be emailed the date. Have a good evening, folks."

Frisk lead Alphys out of the building and into the car. "H-how did I d-do?" Alphys asked nervously. Frisk smiled warmly. "You did amazing, Alphys. Great job!" Alphys smiled bashfully. "Y-you really t-think so?" Frisk nodded. "Absolutely!"

Frisk dropped Alphys off back at her house and picked up Papyrus. They then drove home listening to some of Napstablook's soundtracks he had released to the public.

Soon, they got home. Papyrus sat lazily on the couch and turned on the TV. "Hmm, weird. Lazily," Frisk said quietly to herself. She sat beside Papyrus.

"Hey, Papyrus." Papyrus looked at Frisk and smiled...lazily? "Hey, what's up?" Frisk flinched backwards. "Papyrus, you're freaking me out. What's going on? You're being...lazy? And you're talking at a normal volume? AND you said... hey?"

Papyrus chuckled, freaking out Frisk even more. "Relax, I'm fine." Frisk jumped off the couch and picked up her phone. "H-hey Alphys? Sorry to bother, but I really think you need to check up on Papyrus, he's really scaring soon as you's best if you could see for yourself...yeah bring Undyne too... thanks, buh bye."

Papyrus chuckled again. "I'm fine, Frisk. Don't worry about me." Papyrus then... TELEPORTED? Over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of honey? He then started drinking the honey?!? Frisk wished Sans was here to see this.

She then heard a knock at the door. Frisk ran over and opened it. "WHAT'S WRONG, PUNK?" Undyne asked. Frisk opened the door. "It's better for you to see for yourself," she said. Alphys and Undyne walked in.

"P-Papyrus?" Alphys got his attention. He looked over. "Oh, hey. What's up?" Undyne summoned a spear. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO PAPYRUS?!?" Papyrus chuckled, causing Alphys to squeak and Undyne to point the spear at him.

"I'm perfectly fine, don't be so worried about me." Alphys put her claws on her chin in thought. "P-Papyrus, come w-with me t-to the lab... Frisk, y-you can come t-too..."

Papyrus winked. "Go on, I'll meet you guys there." Undyne's eyes widened. "WHY ARE YOU ACTING SO MUCH LIKE YOUR BROTHER?" Papyrus waved his hand and said "I'll meet you there, alright?" He then disappeared.

They saw Papyrus sitting in the lab, playing with a... Gaster Blaster? "I thought only Sans could use those," Frisk said in thought. Alphys then said "P-Papyrus, I'm g-going to ask you t-to do a few tasks, alright?" Papyrus nodded and the Gaster Blaster disappeared.

Papyrus then followed Alphys into a room. Frisk looked up at Undyne. "Do you think he'll be alright?" Undyne looked down. "I SURE HOPE SO."

A/N :
Yay, people are actually kinda looking at this garbage of a book! Thanks! Also, MY PARENTS BOUGHT ME UNDERTALE BUT IM ONLY ALLOWED TO PLAY IT ON FRIDAY SINCE THATS MY BIRTHDAY SO IM HAPPY AND SAD AND You probably don't care so... see ya in the next chapter!

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