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Frisk woke up the next day from a deep sleep. She stretched and then remembered she had an appointment with Sans. She checked her watch and sighed in relief. It was three hours before the appointment.

Frisk took a shower and decided to leave her hair down for a change. She put on a long sleeved blue and magenta striped shirt along with some black skinny jeans. She picked up her phone and then called Chara.

"Hey, Chara, are you busy today?" Chara responded "No, why?" Frisk said "Papyrus has been feeling a bit down and I was wondering if you could hang out with him today." Chara audibly blushed and Frisk laughed at her. "Someone's blushing~" Frisk said teasingly.

Chara screamed into her phone "BLUSHING IS NOT AUDIBLE!" Frisk snickered. "But you just did, Chara." Chara sighed. "Fine, you win. I'll be there in a few, alright?" Frisk nodded audibly. Chara's jaw dropped. "Wha- how? Never mind, I'm not going to question it. See you."

Frisk quickly gathered up all of her notes from Papyrus' brain and put it in her red backpack. She then went to the kitchen and decided to make some waffles from scratch for Papyrus, who was still sleeping.

Chara rang the doorbell. Frisk ran to greet her. "I made some extra waffles in case you want any," Frisk said. Chara inspected them. "Do you have any chocolate syrup?" She asked. Frisk nodded. "Just make sure to save some for Papyrus." Chara tilted her head. "He's not awake yet?" Frisk smiled sadly. "I think he's depressed."

Chara frowned. "But Papyrus CAN'T be depressed! That's not like him!" She protested. Frisk smiled comfortingly. "I would help him if I could, but my progress is pretty slow." Frisk looked around and whispered to Chara "Don't fell Paps, but I'm going to visit Sans."

Chara's eyes widened. "Without Papyrus? Why?" Frisk shushed her and replied "He's been acting strange... almost like Sans. He's being lazy and speaking at a normal volume so I took him to Alphys last night and I got some information. I need to talk to Sans about it and he won't give me all the information I want if Paps is there. You know how he won't say the bad side of things when Papyrus is there."

Chara slowly nodded understandingly. "Alright," She said. Frisk clapped her hands together. "You should take him outside, do some stuff with him, like taking a stroll around the park or something. Try to get him back to his normal self." Chara nodded. "I'll try."

Frisk checked her watch a while later after chatting with Chara for a bit. "Shoot, I'm gonna be late! See you later!" Frisk bolted out the front door and slammed the gas pedal in a hurry.
Luckily, she arrived just before the appointment.

Sans walked up to her and pressed a hand to the glass separating them. "Where's Paps?" He asked. Frisk said "He's hanging out with Chara for today, I need to talk to you about him and I know you wouldn't give me the details if he was here."

Sans tilted his head to the side. "Is he okay? What's wrong?" Frisk sighed and pulled out the notepad and her phone to show Sans all her notes. Sans read it and said confusedly "I still don't get it."

Frisk smiled sorrily. "Papyrus isn't acting like himself. Without you around, he's been acting... lazy." Sans' eyes widened. "Did he get his hands on a cigarette?" Frisk answered "What? No, I don't think so." Sans put his hands flat on the table. "Make sure he doesn't get his hands on a cigarette."

Frisk texted Chara to keep Papyrus away from cigarettes. She then showed Sans the text in Wingdings. "Is there any way you can translate this?" She asked urgently. Sans read it to himself and his eye started glowing.

"What? What is it?" Frisk asked Sans, full of concern. Sans rubbed the back of his neck. "It's nothing," he said. Frisk huffed angrily. "You know you can tell me anything, don't you trust me?"

Sans looked at the floor in embarrassment. "Well, it's kinda personal... but I guess if you really wanna know..." Sans sighed and Frisk made a patient expression. "I'll wait," she said.

Sans sighed and chuckled sadly. "It was... our home before Snowdin. You know how everyone said we just showed up one day and never left? We had a home before that, yanno. It was our... "fathers" lab." Sans spat out the word Father as if it was poison.

"A lab? What kind of lab?" Sans waved his hand dismissively. "Oh, nothing much, just a lab with us as lab rats making us deal with a skele-ton of annoying tests. Technically, we're not monsters." Frisk's eyes widened. "What? Don't give me that look, kiddo."

Frisk smiled to comfort Sans. "Well, at least you're... alive, right? I would say alright, but..." she motioned around the room. Sans chuckled. "Thanks, kiddo. Have you, by any chance, heard of an AU?"

Frisk nodded. "It was in Papyrus' brain somewhere. What is it?" Sans chuckled. "Really complex, but I'll try to simplify it. AU stands for alternate universe. Ours is the original. Are you sure I haven't explained this to you before?" Frisk shook her head. "Huh," Sans said.

"The main AUs are Underswap and Underfell. Underswap is basically the swapped version of our universe. For example, I would act like Papyrus, and he would act like me, like he's doing now. The reason I was asking about the cigarettes was because US!Paps smokes."

Frisk inhaled deeply, absorbing all of the information Sans had just presented to her. "What about Underfell?" Frisk asked. Sans chuckled darkly.

"It's not pretty there. Imagine our universe, except everyone's more aggressive. Some might say that that world truly is "Kill or be Killed." Flowey's the only nice on in that universe. And I guess their Frisk chooses whether or not if they're nice. Even their Papyrus is a ruthless Royal Guard commander."

Frisk was shocked. "Wow, that Papyrus is tough enough to be in the Royal Guard. I mean, our Paps could, but he's too sweet and innocent, you know?" Sans nodded. "Undyne told me that's why he couldn't be in the guard."

Frisk then asked "Are there any other AUs?" Sans nodded. "A ton, it's crazy." Frisk said "Give me some examples." Sans sighed. "I'll try, princess." Frisk blushed.

"Alright... there's Swapfell, Fellswap, Underlust, Mafiatale, Echotale, Dreamtale, Dancetale, Reapertale, Horrortale, Outertale, Aftertale, Underfresh, Errortale, Flowerfell, Inktale, Undersail, Littletale, Dusttale, Overtale, Fantasytale, Underkeep, Magiciantale, Understeam, Storyshift, Storyswap, Gastertale, Altertale, Gendertale, Omegatale..."

Sans continued on for a while until Frisk said "Alright, Alright! I get it! Pretty much an infinite amount, am I right?" Sans nodded. "And there's new ones being created every day."

Frisk sat in thought for a bit. She then pulled an unreadable expression. "What's that face for, princess?" Frisk pulled The Neutral Face Of Displeasure. "You could've teleported our this whole time. This is a normal jail," she said under her breath.

Sans sat there for a few seconds and tears started to rim his eye sockets. "I am seriously such an idiot," he said quietly, staring ahead blankly. He stayed like that for about a minute. Frisk waved a hand in front of his face. "Hello, Earth to Sans?"

Sans looked up at her. He then grinned weakly. "I'll be out tonight. I have to make a fake me first so no one suspects I'm missing." Frisk grinned and playfully punched he glass in between them. "You're such an idiot, see you!" Sans winked and teleported away.

I Need You (SansxFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now