Losing Hope

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Frisk was checking through her email when she noticed an email from the DMS. It said that he meeting was tomorrow at 4, and it had a reminder to bring the monster. Frisk sighed. She didn't want to make anything worse, but she had to take risks. After all, you can't spell Frisk without risk!

Frisk decided to call Alphys. "H-hello?" A nervous dinosaur said from the other end. Frisk smiled and said "Hey Alphys, it's Frisk. I was wondering if me and Paps could hang out and your place today and have a sleepover." Alphys stayed silent for a second before responding "S-sure! Come anytime!" Frisk grinned. "Thanks, Bye Alphys."

Frisk hung up and she woke up Papyrus. He had stopped waking up early, and it was a bit concerning to her. "Wake up, Papyrus," she said, gently shaking his shoulder. "NYEH? *YAWN* GOOD MORNING, FRISK."

Frisk giggled. "Good morning, Papyrus. I'm going to Undyne and Alphys' place and I'm going to have a sleepover there. Wanna come?" He rubbed his eye sockets. "SURE, THAT'LL BE FUN." He got up and went to go get ready.

Frisk sighed. The tiny hint of hopelessness in his voice had returned. It was tiny, but it was still there, and it bothered Frisk. She wanted Papyrus to be happy, but she knew that he wouldn't be happy until Sans was back, and neither would she.

Soon, Papyrus was ready and they walked over to Alphys', since it was a short walk and Papyrus wanted to be a bit active. They arrived and Alphys came to the door. "O-oh! Come in!" She said awkwardly, opening the door.

Alphys twiddled with her fingers. "S-So, what d-do you wanna do?" Frisk thought for a second. "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you over the phone, the meeting's tomorrow, do you have an outfit for it?" Alphys said "I h-have a p-polka dot dress, if that's formal e-enough."

Frisk nodded. "That should be good." Undyne came down the stairs. "OH, HEY PUNKS! WHAT'S UP?" Undyne said in her booming voice, running over to noogie Papyrus. "PLEASE DON'T NOOGIE THE SKELETON." He said. Undyne grinned widely. "WHY DON'T WE WATCH SOME ANIME?"

No one else had any better suggestions, so they went to go binge watch Mew Mew Kissy Cutie.

After watching for a long time, they finished all of the available seasons, so they all decided to take a walk around the neighborhood to stretch their legs.

Undyne and Papyrus were sprinting ahead, running circles around Frisk and Alphys. After walking in silence for a bit, Alphys said "F-Frisk?"

Frisk looked down at Alphys. "Yeah? What's up?" Alphys' face flushed. "W-what if I d-don't do good at t-the meeting? W-what if I r-ruin everything for e-everyone? WHY d-did you even choose me?"

Frisk smiled comfortingly. "You'll do great, Alphys, I know you will. Even if we don't get a desirable result, just know that we did our best and nothing we did could change that. I chose you because..." Frisk looked over nervously at Undyne and Papyrus, who were playing tag now.

"They're not the most professional monsters I know, and I think you would do a great job. You're very cool and collected." Alphys blushed. "D-Do you r-really think so?" She ask uncertainty. Frisk smiled warmly. "I know so. You'll do great, no matter what."

Frisk noticed Nice Creams had his cart with him, so she said "Why don't we all go get some Nice Cream?" Undyne ran over and grinned. "NICE CREAM? SOUNDS GREAT!" Papyrus ran over as well. "YEAH, SOUNDS GREAT." Frisk was still bother by his unenthusiastic manner, but there was nothing she could do about it.

They walked over to Nice Creams. His ears perked up. "Hello there! Would you like to buy some Nice Cream for 20G? It's the frozen treat that warms your heart!" Frisk smiled and handed over 80G. Nice Creams gave them their Nice Creams. "Have a nice day!"

After eating their Nice Creams and sitting in the park for a bit, they decided to head to bed. Papyrus took their spare room, Alphys and Undyne slept together, and Frisk urged them to let her sleep on the couch.

Frisk had a dream that night. The sun was shining, children, monster and human alike, were playing together, and Sans was back. Frisk turned her head to the other side and everything turned dark. The sky was dark and there was blood everywhere, monsters using their magic and lost children screaming for their parents.

Frisk shuddered and closed her eyes, but when she opened them, everyone was back in the underground. She was in Snowdin and sitting by the Christmas Tree. She then heard a voice, quiet as a whisper saying "This can go three ways. You determine their future."

Frisk shot up out of bed, her head covered in sweat. "Phew, it's just a dream, just a dream..." She told herself quietly. She looked at her watch. It said 4 am. "Nope, going back to sleep." She flopped over back onto the couch and cuddled into her blanket.

Frisk had another dream. This time, it was just of being in Snowdin. Children were singing and playing, monsters were having fun, it was good. Everyone was happy. "There are two happy endings, and one sad one. But life isn't always fair, is it?" The mysterious whisper said again. Everything started to go black as Frisk woke up.

She groaned as she woke up and checked her watch. It was 11! Frisk rubbed her eyes and looked around to see Alphys and Undyne watching some anime. "Where's Papyrus?" Frisk asked. Undyne looked over at her worriedly. "HE'S STILL SLEEPING, IS HE ALRIGHT? HE NEVER SLEEPS IN."

Frisk stretched. "I'll go check on him after I wake up..." Undyne chuckled and Alphys handed her a glass of coffee. "Thanks, Alphys." Alphys smiled. "N-no problem," Alphys said before returning to the anime.

After getting cleaned up from her sleep, Frisk went in the spare room to check on Papyrus. He was awake, but orange luminescent tears were falling down his skull. "Papyrus? Are you alright?" Papyrus looked up in surprise. "YES, I'M FINE." He said blandly.

Frisk sat next to him. "It's alright, Papyrus. It'll all be okay. We'll get him back soon," Frisk said comfortingly while hugging him. Papyrus said "YOU KEEP SAYING THAT, BUT WILL IT? WILL IT REALLY BE OKAY?" Frisk was scared for Papyrus. He was losing hope.

Frisk checked his HP. "340? That's half your normal HP!" Frisk said in an alarmed tone. Papyrus grinned sadly. "IT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE..." Frisk hugged him. "W-what would Sans think..."

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