The Other Humans

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Charlie dragged Frisk to a room with five other humans. Chara ran up and gave her a hug. "Are you alright?" Chara asked. Frisk nodded. "You look really pretty! You were already pretty to begin with, but now..."

Chara blushed. "I can't get used to seeing humans look so... so perfect! It's weird..." she admitted. Frisk patted her back comfortingly. "We're all getting used to it."

Charlie then walked up to Chara. "I got your knife, just don't let anyone see it." Chara inspected it. "At least they got rid of the permanent blood and dust stains," she whispered to Frisk as to not alarm the others. Frisk smiled in response.

Charlie then said "You've already met Casper. That other guy is Noah, which you've probably seen before, and that guy is Logan." Noah had pale skin, black hair and pretty, silver eyes. Logan had tan skin and beach blonde hair with blue eyes. Casper was a natural redhead with brown eyes.

Frisk looked at their shirts. Charlie was H1, Noah was H2, Logan H3, Casper H4, Chara H5, and Frisk H6.

Finally, Frisk smiled at them. "Nice to meet you all." Logan and Casper smiled back, but Noah didn't look up. He seemed to be one of those antisocial people who don't like interacting with others unless they have to.

Logan said "I heard that they'd let us reunite with any monsters we came with soon after they were sure that all the humans that wanted to be here were." Frisk sighed and sat down on a comfy looking cushion. She really wanted to see her boyfriend.

Chara sat down besides her and wrapped her arm around Frisk's shoulders comfortingly. "We'll see the skelebros soon, don't worry." Frisk laughed airily and said "I'm supposed to be the positive one, right?" Chara chuckled. "Everyone needs some support every now and then."

Logan scooched over to where Frisk and Chara were sitting. "My girlfriend is a monster. I really miss her..." Frisk laughs. "Nice to know that other people get how this feels..." 

A robot came flying into the room. "It is now bedtime. Follow me as I escort you." They all followed the robot as it led all 6 of them to a room with two triple bunk beds.

The guys and gals separated between the two beds. Charlie took the top, Chara took the middle, and Frisk the bottom. Frisk soon fell asleep, dreaming about being reunited with Sans once more.

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