Drama and Determination

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Frisk got a call on her phone. It had an unknown caller ID. "Hello?"
"Is this the ambassador of monsters?" The voice said. Frisk responded "Yes, this is Frisk Dreemurr."

The voice on the other end said "You can call me Mr. Flint. I work for the government and we have an urgent meeting tonight at 6 that you must attend." Frisk gulped. "Where will the meeting be held?" Frisk asked, trying to keep a steady voice. "It will be held at the DMS, the Department of Monster Studies."

Frisk frowned. "Alright, thank you for informing me." Mr. Flint said "Anytime. Please try not to be late, this is very urgent. Good day to you, Ms. Dreemurr." He hung up and Frisk took a pillow and screamed into it.

Frisk left a note for Papyrus to say that she was going to visit Mettaton. She needed something to wear to this urgent and very important meeting. She didn't want to leave a bad impression on monsters.

Frisk drove Papyrus' car, since Blake's was taken to the pound and Sans just teleported everywhere. Sans. Just thinking about him made her sad. She decided to set up an appointment to visit him tomorrow morning.

She finally reached the house that Mettaton shared with Napstablook. Mettaton opened the door. "Oh, Frisk, darling, I heard the bad news! How are you doing?" Mettaton asked, melodramatic as always.

Frisk smiled at the sight of her glamorous robot monster friend. "Hey Mettaton, can I come in? I need to talk to you." Mettaton flashed one of his confident smiles and said "Of course, darling! Come in and sit down!"

Mettaton pulled out a chair for Frisk to sit in, causing her to giggle a bit. She loved how silly he could be. As a friend, of course. Mettaton cleared his robotic throat. "So, gorgeous, what do you need?"

Frisk sighed. "I have a very important meeting at 6 tonight and I will be representing monsters, so I don't want to leave a bad impression. I don't have anything to wear." Mettaton's eyes gleamed. "Well, you've come to the right place, beautiful! Follow me!" Mettaton practically ran to a room down the hallway.

Frisk followed, and was shocked at the sight of a giant room full of outfits every color of the rainbow, every size and shape, anything you could ever imagine.

Mettaton put on hand on his chin and the other on his hip in thought. "Hmm... so many options, what to choose?" He said to himself. He pulled out a few outfits but put them all back, until he found one. He gasped and said "Darling! You must try this on!"

He shoved a formal dress at Frisk to put on along with some black heels and pushed her into a changing room.

He shoved a formal dress at Frisk to put on along with some black heels and pushed her into a changing room

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(Too lazy to describe :P)

Frisk put it on and walked out of the room. Mettaton clasped his hands together and grinned. "You look marvelous, darling!" He rolled the r in marvelous. Frisk laughed shyly. Mettaton then gave her a bag to put her clothes back in. Frisk was happy to change back into the ketchup scented jacket.

Mettaton then grabbed her wrist. "Come with me darling, I'm not done with you yet!" Frisk's eyes widen. "Wait, what? I just wanted a dress!" Mettaton put a finger on her lips. "Tut tut, no buts, darling! You must look fabulous!" Frisk sighed in defeat. You can't stop this glamour motivated robot, can you?

Frisk took off the jacket and put it neatly in a table. Mettaton sat Frisk down on a chair and started doing her hair. "When I'm done with you, gorgeous, you'll be so beautiful that they'll throw up looking at their own outfits!"

Frisk sat in thought while Mettaton washed, conditioned, cut, and did some other stuff to her hair. Frisk then asked "I never got to ask, how are things between you and Papyrus?"

Mettaton took a sharp inhale and his hands twitched. Good thing he wasn't cutting Frisk's hair, that would be bad. "Things could be better," Mettaton said sadly and angrily. Frisk pulled a confused expression. "Wanna talk about it?"

Mettaton frowned. "Not particularly, starshine." Frisk made puppy eyes. She was determined to make Mettaton talk. "You can trust me, Ton-Ton. I'm your friend, right? I won't judge you."

Mettaton sighed and weakly smiled. "You're always so determined, aren't you, darling?" Frisk teasingly stuck out her tongue. Mettaton laughed. "Fine gorgeous, I'll tell you."

Mettaton sighed. "Honestly, I still love Papyrus. His confident, energetic, lively, flamboyant personality and his dashing looks, I love him. But... I never thought I'd be the one saying this... he doesn't feel the same way."

Frisk smiled sympathetically. Mettaton smiled back. "He has feelings for someone else, darling. I never thought I'd love anyone like I love him, but I do, and he doesn't love me back. I don't know what to do with myself now." Mettaton sounded really upset.

Frisk said "It's going to be okay, Mettaton. There's plenty of fish in the sea. You'll find your true match someday. Plenty of people love you, and you'll find somebody out of those many people. Papyrus is still a fan of yours, even if you don't exactly get along. You've still got me and a bunch of other great friends."

Mettaton sighed. "That's just the thing, darling. I have everything I could ever ask for, and I shouldn't be upset over one person, but I am. Is that bad, starshine?" Frisk would shake her head, but Mettaton wasn't finished with her hair. "No, everyone feels heartbreak at some point of their lives, and everyone gets over it. You'll be fine, Ton-Ton."

Mettaton smiled. "Thanks, gorgeous. You're a marvelous friend." Frisk smiled, but then a question popped up in her mind. "Hey, Mettaton?"
"Yes, Starshine?" Frisk took a deep breath. "Who is it that Papyrus likes? Do they like him back?"

Mettaton laughed lightly. "It's Chara, darling. And yes, I'm pretty sure she does." Frisk cringed. "Sans isn't going to like the sound of that." Mettaton rolled his eyes. "Sans doesn't like anyone Papyrus goes out with."

Frisk giggled and said "He would rather have you go out with Paps than her." Mettaton's eyes widened. "You're joking, right darling? Sans HATES me, what could Chara do to top that? She seems like a nice girl to me!"

Frisk rubbed her neck awkwardly. "It's kinda hard to explain, and you wouldn't believe me anyways..." Mettaton frowned. "Of course I would believe you, Starshine," Mettaton said while blow drying Frisk's hair. "Just tell me, I told you about Papyrus."

Frisk laughed. "Don't call me crazy, and don't tell anyone, alright?" Mettaton nodded. Frisk inhaled deeply. "She killed him and committed a mass genocide against all monsters."

Mettaton looked at Frisk blankly. "But we're all alive..." Frisk smirked. "Don't ask for an explanation, it's complicated." Mettaton chuckled. "Alright sweetheart, I won't. Sit up, for me, won't you?"

Frisk sat up and Mettaton got some makeup and started applying it to Frisk's face. "Stay still, darling. This is important. You must look gorgeous for tonight!"

After Mettaton finished, surprisingly it was almost time to start heading to the DMS, so she put on her dress again. "Thanks, Mettaton!" Frisk said cheerily. "Anytime, darling! Good luck!"

Frisk got into the car and drove all the way down to the DMS. She had as many butterflies in her stomach as you could ever imagine. She didn't want to ruin things for monsters.

She parked her car in guest parking. She laughed at the "C00LD00D" license plate. "Remember Frisk, you're fighting for their freedom. Stay determined." She said to herself before entering the tall, intimidating building and going to the meeting that would determine the future of all monsters.

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