The Safe Place

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The crew arrived at the safe place a few days after. "It's... like a sort of camp?" Frisk said questioningly. Gerson said "C'mon, let's get in line!" The gang got into a huge line of monsters.

A red fish monster came walking by. "Oh! Hello, I'm Finley! Nice to meet you all! Humans are to proceed in that line over there." Frisk and Chara glanced at each other before waving and heading towards the very short line of humans. In fact, you couldn't even consider it a line, with only one person ahead of them.

A human with blue hair, brown skin and red eyes came running to the human line. "Hey! I'm Charlotte, Charlie for short. Which of you three wants to go first?" Chara, Frisk and the other person glance at each other. Charlie smiles. "Go ahead and take your time," Charlie says kindly.

Frisk smiles. "I'm Frisk, this is Chara. What's your name?" The guy smiles. "I'm Casper. Nice to meetcha! I can go first, if you want." Chara smiles. "That's nice of you." Frisk nods. "Thanks, Casper!"

Casper walks forward and Charlie walks him through a metal detector. She then says "There will be another person in there to tell you what to do."

Charlie smiles. "Who's next?" Chara walks forward. The metal detector goes off. "Oops, Sorry." She takes out a pocket knife and tosses it to Charlie. "Miss, you can't have a pocket knife in the premises..." Chara glares. "I'm not going to kill anyone. It's for self defense."

Charlie smiles weakly, clearly intimidates by Chara. "W-well then, I'll keep this safe." Chara smiles, satisfied with Charlie's answer. "Thanks, Charlie!" Chara then walks on.

Frisk walks up to Charlie. "I'm very sorry about her, she has... a troubled past." Charlie smiles. "It's alright, you're Frisk, right?" Frisk nods. "It's so nice to meet you! Can I... can I have your autograph?" Frisk smiles. "Sure, but I hope you just look at me as a normal person. I'm not special."

Frisk sighed the paper and proceeded. Her eyes widened at the glassy, white room. A robot flew in front of her. "Please give me your luggage." Frisk handed over her backpack.

Another robot flew by. "Please step on the conveyor belt." Frisk did so, and the robot said "Please do not resist anything we do to you. We pride ourselves on being a clean industry for humans and monsters." Frisk wondered what that was supposed to mean.

She was taken on the belt to a room with no walls or windows. A machine started to take off her clothes. "Wait, what?" The robot repeated "Do not struggle, we will keep your clothes safe."

Frisk reluctantly let the machine remove her clothing. She felt exposed and awkward. A machine came with a scrubber and started scrubbing her rather hard and painfully. Another machine was washing her hair.

She was taken into another room to dry. Frisk felt the heat drying off her skin. When she looked at her arm, she gasped in shock. Her skin was clear of all blemishes and hair, somehow. "No wonder it hurt so badly..." she muttered.

As Frisk was conveyer belted to the next room, she felt her hair. "It's so soft!" She said out loud. A robot came and opened her mouth, using dental products to clean it. Another robot was rubbing lotion and other moisturizers on her body.

A machine came and put on Frisk undergarments, a blank white t-shirt, and black pants. It then put black ankle socks and white sneakers on her feet.

A robot came flying up to her and poked a syringe in her upper left arm. It left a red dot and soon, Frisk began to feel sleepy. The conveyor belt placed her onto a table, and soon, she passed out.

She woke up in confusion, wondering what had happened while she was out. She seemed to be in a sort of hospital bed, although she was rather certain that she wasn't at a hospital.

Frisk heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" She said. Charlie walked in the door, except she looked different. More... beautiful. Her hair looked silkier, her skin looked softer, and her eyes brighter.

"Hey, Frisk! You look great." Frisk asked "But why do I have to look great? What was the purpose of that?" Charlie responded "I'm pretty sure the dude in charge wanted to make sure everyone was clean and germ free, and since it would be so painful to do that anyway, he decided to throw in a bonus."

Frisk asked "Do you work here?" Charlie giggled. "Nobody works here, just robots. The guy in charge chose me to welcome in people since I was the first to get here. He thought it would make humans less reluctant to enter." Frisk smiled. "I guess it did help to see another human."

Frisk then pulled a serious expression. "What do I look like now, then?" Charlie pointed toward a mirror. Frisk got up and gasped at her reflection. She looked pretty, but it still looked like her. Her same complexion, hair, and eye color, but cleaner, silkier, brighter, and just better. Frisk wasn't ever much for looks, but she would be lying if she said that she didn't like this.

Frisk then looked at the top right of her white shirt. It said "Frisk Dreemurr. H6." Frisk tilted her head. "Hey Charlie?" Charlie walked over. "Yeah?" Frisk noticed her shirt said "Charlie Taylor. H1." Frisk asked Charlie "What does this mean?" She pointed to her shirt.

Charlie answered "That's your name, obviously, and that means human six. You're the sixth human to come here for refuge." Frisk nodded.

Charlie then pointed to her wrist, which had a white, rubbery bracelet with a metal plate on it. The plate had inscriptions. Frisk looked at her wrist, which had the same bracelet. She tried to pull it, but it didn't budge. Yet, it wasn't uncomfortable to wear.

Frisk read it. It had her full name, age, gender, date registered, birthday, blood type, and species. Charlie then grabbed her hand. "Wanna go meet the other humans?" Frisk nodded. It sounded like a good idea.

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