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Frisk woke up and rubbed her eyes. Papyrus was snoring and Sans was just waking up. "G'morning, kiddo." Frisk shivered. "Why is it so c-cold in here?" Sans handed over his jacket. Frisk pushes him away, but Sans said "I'm a skeleton, the wind goes right through me!" Sans and Frisk both laughed at that as Frisk put on the jacket.

They ate some of Papyrus' leftover spaghetti, which actually wasn't horrible, surprisingly. They then heard a knock at the door, so Frisk went to open it.

"You must be Frisk Dreemurr. Is this the residence of Sans Gaster?" Frisk nodded. Why were the police here? The police officer cleared his throat. "I need the two of you to come with me."

Frisk went inside to get Sans. "Leave a note for Papyrus," she reminded Sans. Sans quickly wrote a note and they got in the officer's car. Frisk returned Sans' jacket, seeing as she didn't need it anymore.

They arrived at the station and the police took the two of them into separate rooms. "Please wait for a moment. We will have someone with you shortly."

Someone wearing a black suit cake in and sat across from Frisk. "Hello, Ms. Dreemurr. I am Detective Williams." He stuck out his hand and shook Frisk's firmly. "Evidence of you and Mr. Gaster was found at the crime scene."

Frisk tilted her head. "Crime scene?" She asked. The detective nodded. "The murder of Blake Smith. Were you there when he was murdered?" Frisk nodded. "Care to explain your side of the story?"

Frisk inhaled. "I know this is going to sound crazy. Blake had been my abusive boyfriend for about a year. After I had accepted Sans as my new boyfriend, he kidnapped me and revealed that he was a fire mage. So..." Frisk took a deep breath. "He killed me with his magic. Everything went black. The next thing I knew, my soul was fused with Sans. We went to get our souls separated and here we are now."

Detective Williams jotted down everything she had said. "That does sound rather... mythical, Ms. Dreemurr. I will go interrogate Mr. Gaster next, please remain in this room until one of my coworkers comes to retrieve you." Frisk shook his hand again.

Detective Williams walked into the room Sans was in. "Hello Mr. Gaster, I am Detective Williams. I am here to interrogate you about the murder of Blake Smith." Sans gritted his teeth at the mention of Blake's name. "Nice to meet you, sir." He said, keeping his cool.

Detective Williams pulled out the notepad that he had written down Frisk's reply on. He flipped to a new page. "Care to explain your side of the story, Mr. Gaster?"

"Blake, Frisk's former boyfriend, kidnapped her from a Christmas Party at her adoptive parents house. I followed the car she was kidnapped in and it led me to a building. I tried to get in, since the guy had just kidnapped my girlfriend, but it was locked, so after a few tries, I picked the lock and opened the door.

"I then continued down a long corridor and had to open many rooms to find her, but when I found them, she was in the floor, dead. Out of rage, I killed him and instinctively I reached out for her soul and we fused. We got our souls separated and here we are now."

Detective Williams jotted down a few notes and tapped his chin with the pen. "According to evidence from the crime scene, you used magic to murder Mr. Smith, correct?" Sans nodded. "And he used magic to kill Frisk. He was a mage."

The Detective wrote down a few more notes before saying "Come with me." The Detective took him to the room Frisk was in. "You will stay here momentarily while we discuss the situation."

Detective Williams left the room and Frisk gave Sans a hug. "It's going to be okay," she said, although knew in her heart that everything was far from okay. Sans kissed her forehead. "I'm not so sure about that, but I want you to remember that I love you a ton. A skele-ton!" Frisk laughed softly.

After a few minutes, Detective Williams came back in with a man. The man shook both of their hands and said "Ms. Dreemurr, I am here to inform you that you may return home. Mr. Gaster, I regret to inform you that we must keep you confined until you are tried."

Sans' eye sockets widen. "But-"
"Thank you for informing us." Frisk cut him off. She gave Sans a kiss on the teeth. "Stay safe, okay?" Sans smiled weakly. "I'll try not to get too rattled, heh." Sans then handed his jacket over. "Keep this safe too, okay kiddo?" Sans was then handcuffed and taken out of the room, leaving Frisk to be escorted out of the department.

Frisk walked home in tears. When she got back to their house, she flipped on the couch and started sobbing. Papyrus ran up to her and hugged her. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT, FRISK?" Frisk just sobbed into his shoulder and stayed there for a few minutes.

After she recuperated herself, she said through tears "S-Sans got a-arrested b-because he killed B-Blake and t-the humans w-will p-probably blame it o-on the fact t-that he's a m-monster and t-they'll f-force you a-all underground again and it'll b-be my fault..."

Papyrus hugged her and rubbed her back kindly. "IT'S GOING TO BE OKAY, FRISK. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. WE ALL STILL LOVE YOU." Frisk found Papyrus' words comforting and continued to use him as a shoulder to cry on until night fell and she dragged herself to bed.

Frisk woke up the next morning, remembering that Sans was arrested and he wasn't there. Frisk wanted to cry, but she was determined to stay strong and make the best of everything.

She put on his jacket, comforted by it's ketchup scent, since it reminded her of Sans. Frisk then went down to find Papyrus making spaghetti. "GOOD MORNING, FRISK. WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP ME MAKE SOME SPAGHETTI?" Frisk smiled. She detected the slight sadness Papyrus let show in his voice and she answered "That sounds nice."

After making and eating edible spaghetti, Frisk and Papyrus called their friends and told them what had happened. A few of them said they would come over to hear the story in a bit more detail, so Frisk and Paps were tidying up a bit for that.

Undyne, Alphys, Toriel, Asgore, Asriel, and Chara all came over. Chara gave Frisk a comforting hug, noticing how upset Frisk was over the whole situation. Everyone sat down in silence until Asgore asked "Can you explain what happened?"

"We were taken to the police station since Sans killed Blake." Frisk started. "There they asked for our sides of the story. I told mine, and he told his. He killed Blake because Blake had killed me." Frisk took a deep breath and sighed sadly.

"They arrested him for murder and trespassing on private property. I'm really nervous that there'll be another war or monsters will be forced underground again and it'll all be my fault." Frisk started to sob at the end, causing her to be smothered in hugs and comforting words from all of her friends.

Frisk smiled sadly. At least she had friends who cared about her and loved her. She just needed to find a way to make everything better again between humans and monsters.

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