The RV

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Frisk stood outside of Undyne and Alphys' house with Sans, Papyrus, and the Dreemurrs. Somehow, Gerson had an RV and they were all going to go to the place together.

Gerson opened the door and smiled. "Nice to see ya'll! You can start heading into the RV now if ya want!" He said with a grin on his face. He then went back in the house. The Dreemurrs all entered the RV as Frisk, Papyrus and Sans stayed outside the door to wait for Undyne, Alphys, and Gerson.

Frisk heard fast footsteps and saw Undyne running with Gerson under one arm and Alphys under the other. "LET'S DO THIS!!! NGAHHHH!!!" She yelled as she ran into the RV. Frisk laughed at Undyne as she went into the RV with Sans and Papyrus.

"Wowww... it's a lot bigger inside than it seems," Frisk said quietly, causing Gerson to chuckle. "Wahaha! Yup, sure is!" The RV was more like a house from the inside, with different rooms and utilities. Gerson then said "Follow me kid, I'll show you where you and Sans are staying.

As Frisk followed Gerson to their room, she couldn't help but wonder how he managed to know who was dating who. He put Papyrus and Frisk in a room together, and she never recalled telling him about Sans. She also noticed that Asriel had a room to himself. Poor Goat Boi, so lonely.

The room looked like any ordinary generic room from the inside, but she noticed a piece of paper on the table in the room. Frisk walked over and picked it up, and blushed like a tomato when she read just the title. She blushed even more when she read the content. She immediately ripped it to shreds and noticed a glint in Gerson's eyes.

Sans walked over. "What was that?" He asked. Frisk blushed extremely hard and said "Absolutely nothing at all." Sans raised a bone brow. "Gerson walked in again and said "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. The room's soundproof! Wahahaha!" He laughed at how much redder Frisk's face turned at that.

Gerson then walked over to Frisk and hoarsely whispered "Alphys." He then walked out, still chuckling at Frisk's expression. Sans had an extremely perplexed look on his face. "What is seriously going on?" He asked confusedly. Frisk just said "Piece it together, scientist."

Sans had a blank expression on his face until he gained a look realization, then a look of embarrassment. His face was practically a blueberry at this point. "W-wait... since when did Alphys write lemons!?!" Frisk blushed harder and looked to the side.

After slightly recovering from the blush fest, Frisk sat up on the bed. She looked at Sans, who was sitting beside her, deep in thought. His expression changed for a second, then went back to normal. He laid down on the bed and dozed off. "Oh no you don't, you lazybones," Frisk said quietly. She then woke him up just like he woke her up the other day.

She pulled up his shirt and saw a blue soul in his rib cage. She was distracted for a second by it until she snapped back into reality and continued on with the plan. She lightly tickled it, causing Sans to turn bluer and twitch.

She then grabbed it carefully, causing him to wake up. He covered his mouth with one hand and used the other to grab his soul back. But Frisk didn't give it back. Instead, she lightly squeezed it, causing a muffled yelp to escape from his mouth.

Frisk smirked. "Soundproof, right?" She then pecked the soul before putting it back into place. Sans was a blushing mess and he looked up at Frisk with a new expression on his face. Frisk smirked. "You liked that?" She asked. Sans still wore the same expression. "You already know the answer to that, princess."

Frisk grinned before pinning him to the bed with a kiss. Sans smirked. "And to answer your question, yes, the room is soundproof, princess."

(You know what I'm hinting at ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

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